MCP2036 Inductive Sensor Analog Front End Device Features: Description: * Complete Inductance Measurement System: - Low-Impedance Current Driver - Sensor/Reference Coil Multiplexer - High-Frequency Detector * Operating Voltage: 2.7 to 5.5V * Low-Power Standby Mode * Gain and Frequency set by external passive components The MCP2036 Inductive Sensor Analog Front End (AFE) combines all the necessary analog functions for a complete inductance measurement system. Typical Applications: * * * * Harsh environment inductive keyboards Inductive rotational sensor interface Inductive displacement sensor interface Inductive force sensor interface The device includes: * High-frequency, current-mode coil driver for exciting the sensor coil. * Synchronous detector for converting AC sense voltages into DC levels. * Output amplifier/filter to improve resolution and limit noise. * Virtual ground reference generator for single supply operation. The device is available in 14-pin PDIP, SOIC and 16-pin QFN packages: Package Types MCP2036 14-pin PDIP, SOIC 13 VDET+ 16 VREF MCP2036 16-pin QFN LREF 2 13 VDET- LBTN 3 12 VDETOUT LREF 1 11 VSS 12 VDET- LBTN 2 11 VDETOUT 10 VSS DRVOUT 4 9 Reserved 8 REFSEL DRVIN 5 CLK 7 9 CS (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. CS 8 DRVIN 6 VDD 3 REFSEL 7 DRVOUT 5 10 Reserved CLK 6 VDD 4 14 NC 14 VDET+ 15 NC VREF 1 DS22186B-page 1 MCP2036 1.0 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The MCP2036 measures a sensor coil's impedance by exciting the coil with a pulsed DC current and measuring the amplitude of the resulting AC voltage waveform. The drive current is generated by the on-chip current amplifier/driver which takes the high-frequency triangular waveform present on the DRVIN input, and amplifies it into the pulsed DC current for exciting the series combination of the sensor coils. LREF LBTN The AC voltages generated across the coils, are then capacitively coupled into the LBTN and LREF inputs. An input resistance of 2K between the inputs and the virtual ground offsets the AC input voltages up to the signal ground generated by the reference voltage generator, as shown in Figure 1-1. CLK Input MUX REFSEL 1 Op. Amp. Block 0 VDET+ 10K + 10K VSS VDETOUT - Mixer VDETVDD Key Inductor Driver Voltage Reference CS FIGURE 1-1: DS22186B-page 2 DRVIN VREF DRVOUT MCP2036 Block Diagram (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP2036 CD4052 0 1 2 3 MCP2036 10 DRVOUT VDETVDETOUT 0 1 2 3 VDET+ 10nF VREF CS LREF LREF CFILTER RGAIN LBTN 10nF Key Coils RGAIN REFSEL CFILTER DRVIN CLK CRGND RIN CIN I/O I/O I/O I/O PIC(R) FIGURE 1-2: PWM RADC ADC CADC Microcontroller MCP2036 Typical Application The coil voltages are then multiplexed into the Synchronous Detector section by the LBTN/LREF multiplexer. This allows the microcontroller to select which signal is sampled by the detector. The detector converts the coil voltages into a DC level using a frequency mixer, amplifier, and filter. The mixer is composed of two switches driven by the clock present on the CLK signal input. The switches toggle the amplifier/filter between an inverting and non-inverting topology, at a rate equal to the clock input frequency. This inverts and amplifies the negative side of the signal, while amplifying the positive side. The result is a pulsed DC signal with a peak voltage, proportional to the amplitude of the AC coil voltage. (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. The gain of the detector is set by two pairs of resistors; one pair are the internal fixed series resistors between the frequency mixer and the amplifier. The second resistor pair are the two external gain set resistors (RGAIN). The two capacitors (CFILTER) in parallel with the external gain setting resistors form a low pass filter which converts the pulsed DC output signal into a smooth DC voltage which is proportional to the AC sensor voltage input. The output of the system is present on the VDETOUT pin, which drives the microcontroller's ADC input for conversion into a digital value. The virtual ground reference for the detector/amplifier is generated by a second internal op amp which produces a virtual ground equal to 1/2 the supply voltage. The virtual ground is available externally at the VREF output and used internally throughout the detector circuit, allowing single supply operation. A small external capacitance is required to stabilize this output and limit noise. DS22186B-page 3 MCP2036 1.1 Coil Driver The coil driver produces the excitation current for the sensor coils. The coil driver input is derived from the digital clock supplied to the CLK input. The digital signal is first filtered through a low-pass filter, composed of RIN and CIN, and passed to the DRVIN input. The driver will create a triangular current in phase and proportional with the input voltage. Because the digital drive into the RIN-CIN filter has a 50% duty cycle, the voltage on the DRVIN input will be centered at VDD/2. The relationship between voltage, current, inductance and frequency is shown in Equation 1-1. EQUATION 1-1: V OUT = ( I DRV * L COIL * 2 * FDRV ) 1.2 The Synchronous Detector has two inputs, LREF and LBTN, selectable by REFSEL. This routes either signal into the frequency mixer of the detector. The frequency mixer then converts the AC waveform into a pulsed DC signal which is amplified and filtered. The gain of the amplifier is user-settable, using an external resistor, RGAIN (see Equation 1-2). EQUATION 1-2: Gain R GAIN 10kOhm An ADC plus firmware algorithm then digitizes the detector output voltage and uses the resulting data to detect a key press event. Note: VOUT = Pulsed Output Voltage I DRV = AC Drive Current Amplitude FDRV = AC Drive Current Frequency L COIL = Inductance of the Sensor Coil Note: These equations assume a 50% duty cycle. Synchronous Detector and Output Amplifier 1.3 The output amplifier/filter uses a differential connection, so its output is centered to VREF (VDD/2). The amplitude of the detected signal should be calculated as the difference between voltages at the output of the detector and the reference voltage. Virtual Ground Voltage Reference Circuit To create both an inverting and non-inverting amplifier topology, a pseudo split supply design is required. To generate the dual supplies required, a rail splitter is included, which generates the virtual ground by creating a voltage output at VDD/2. The output is used by the external passive network of the Detector/Amplifier section as a reference on the non-inverting input. A bypass capacitor of 0.1uF is required to ensure the stability of the output. For reference accuracy, no more than 3mA should be supplied to, or drawn from the reference output pin. DS22186B-page 4 (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP2036 2.0 PIN DESCRIPTION Descriptions of the pins are listed in Table 2-1. TABLE 2-1: Pad Name PIN FUNCTION TABLE Pin Number I/O Type Description 14 Pins 16 Pins VREF 1 16 OUT AN Voltage Reference LREF 2 1 IN AN Reference Inductor Input LBTN 3 2 IN AN Active Inductor Input VDD 4 3 PWR AN Power Supply DRVOUT 5 4 OUT AN Current Driver Output for Inductors DRVIN 6 5 IN AN Current Driver Input CLK 7 6 IN CMOS Clock Signal REFSEL 8 7 IN CMOS Detector Select Input CS 9 8 IN CMOS Reserved 10 9 -- -- Must be tied to GND for proper operation. VSS 11 10 PWR AN Power Supply Return VDETOUT 12 11 OUT AN Detector Output Voltage VDET- 13 12 IN AN Negative Input for Output Detector VDET+ 14 2.1 13 IN AN Positive Input for Output Detector NC 14 -- -- No connect NC 15 -- -- No connect Chip Select (CS) The circuit is fully enabled when a logic-low is applied to the CS input. The circuit enters in Low-Power mode when a logic-high is applied to this input. During Low-Power mode, the detector output voltage falls to VREF and the supply current is reduced to 0.5 A (typ.). This pin has an internal pull-up resistor to ensure proper selection of the circuit. 2.2 Voltage Reference (VREF) VREF is a mid-scale reference output. It can source and sink small currents and has low output impedance. A load capacitor between 100nF and 1F needs to be located close to this pin. 2.3 Chip Select, Active low Power Supply (VDD, VSS) The VDD pin is the power supply pin for the analog and digital circuitry within the MCP2036. This pin requires an appropriate bypass capacitor of 100nF. The voltage on this pin should be maintained in the 2.7V-5.5V range for specified operation. The VSS pin is the ground pin and the current return path for both analog and digital circuitry of the MCP2036. If an analog ground plane is available, it is recommended that this device be tied to the analog ground plane of the PCB. (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. 2.4 Inductor Inputs (LREF, LBTN) These pins are inputs for the external coils (reference and sensor). The inputs should be AC coupled to the coils by a 10nF ceramic capacitor. 2.5 Input Selection (REFSEL) Digital input that is used to select between coil inputs (reference and sensor). 2.6 Clock (CLK) The external clock input is used for synchronous detection of the AC waveforms on the coils. The clock signal is also used to generate a triangular waveform applied to coil driver input. 2.7 Inductor Driver Input (DRVIN) The analog input to the coil driver. The triangular waveform applied to this input should be in phase with the clock signal for best performance. 2.8 Inductor Driver Output (DRVOUT) Driver output used to excite the sensor coils. It is a current-mode output designed to drive small inductive loads. DS22186B-page 5 MCP2036 2.9 Detector Output Voltage (VDETOUT) The amplifier/filter output from the detector. This is a low-impedance analog output pin (VOUT) for driving the microcontroller ADC. The detector output is rail-to-rail. DS22186B-page 6 2.10 Inputs for Output Detector (VDET+, VDET-) The non-inverting and inverting inputs for the amplifier/filter op amp. The two inputs are connected to the output of the mixer circuit through two internal 10K resistors. (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP2036 3.0 APPLICATIONS The MCP2036 is an Analog Front End device that uses the electromagnetic interaction between a conductive target and a sensing coil to detect the pressure applied by the user on the surface of a touch panel. The device incorporates all analog blocks for a simple inductor impedance measurement circuit. For an inductive touch system, two methods are used for switching the driver and measurement circuitry between the different sensor coils: analog multiplexers and GPIO grounding (see Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2). The MCP2036 is designed to work with both configurations: CD4052 0 1 2 3 MCP2036 10 DRVOUT 0 1 2 3 10nF LBTN LREF Key Coils 10nF LREF REFSEL I/O I/O I/O PIC(R) Microcontroller FIGURE 3-1: Using Analog-Multiplexer for Key Selection (Example) MCP2036 10 DRVOUT 10nF LBTN LREF Key Coils LREF 10nF REFSEL 4K7 4K7 4K7 4K7 I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O PIC(R) Microcontroller (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. DS22186B-page 7 MCP2036 FIGURE 3-2: 3.1 Using GPIO for Key Selection (Example) Application example Figure 3-3 shows an example for a 4-key Inductive Touch keyboard with key controlled by the IO pins of the PIC(R) MCU. CD4052 0 1 2 3 MCP2036 10 DRVOUT VDETVDETOUT 0 1 2 3 VDET+ 10nF CS LREF LREF CFILTER RGAIN LBTN 10nF Key Coils RGAIN REFSEL VREF CFILTER DRVIN CLK CRGND RIN CIN I/O I/O I/O I/O PWM RADC ADC CADC PIC(R) Microcontroller FIGURE 3-3: MCP2036 Typical Application PIC(R) The microcontroller is used to generate a square wave signal and to do all the necessary operations for proper detection of the key press event. Then, RIN-CIN filter converts the square wave output of the PWM into a quasi-triangular waveform. EQUATION 3-2: V start = VDD 2 -V Vstop = V DD 2 +V To calculate the amplitude of the triangular signal, the standard charging time equation for an RC network will be used, as shown in Equation 3-1: EQUATION 3-1: V ( t ) = V step * [ 1 - exp ( - t RC ) ] For the first half of the square wave, the capacitor CIN is charged through RIN, for the second half, it is discharged through RIN, and assuming that clock signal has a 50% duty cycle factor, we can consider: DS22186B-page 8 (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP2036 When the PWM signal switches from low-to-high or from high-to-low, the step voltage applied to the capacitor CIN will be: EQUATION 3-3: V step = ( VDD 2 + V ) Substituting in the equation for an RC network: EQUATION 3-4: 2V = ( V DD 2 + V ) * [ 1 - exp ( - t RC ) ] -t 1 - exp ------------------ R IN C IN VDD V = ----------- * ------------------------------------------2 -t 1 + exp ------------------ RIN C IN (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. DS22186B-page 9 MCP2036 The peak-to-peak amplitude of the resulting triangular waveform, at the coil driver input, is shown in Equation 3-5: EQUATION 3-5: The total voltage across both the reference and sensor coils would be double (two series inductors). For a specific power supply voltage, half of this power supply, relative to the voltage reference, is available for output amplifier/detector. Assuming a 30% margin, the desired gain for the detector should be about: VPKPK = 2V -t 1 - exp ------------------ RIN C IN VPKPK = VDD * -------------------------------------------t 1 + exp ------------------ R IN C IN Note: VPKPK should not exceed specified value (600mV) for best performance. From the previous equation, the designer should choose values for VPKPK and RIN. Using the equation above, the value of CIN will be: EQUATION 3-6: 1 t C IN = ------------------------------------------------------------------- = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VDD - V PKPK V DD - V PKPK RIN * ln ---------------------------------------- 2 * F * R IN * ln ---------------------------------------- VDD + V PKPK VDD + V PKPK Note: Assuming a power supply of 5V and VPKPK=500mV, for RIN=3.9K, CIN should have about 320pF. A 330pF capacitor will be used. EQUATION 3-9: VDD 70% * ----------- 2 Gain = --------------------------------2 * U The gain of the amplifier is user-settable, using an external resistor, RGAIN. The value of that resistor will be determined using the following equation: EQUATION 3-10: Gain R GAIN /10kOhm With a 10-bit ADC, using oversampling and averaging techniques, the effective resolution is close to 11 bits. As shown in AN1239, "Inductive Touch Sensor Design", the typical shift in sensor impedance is typically 3-4%, so the actual number of counts per press is typically between 20 and 40 counts. In this way, the microcontroller firmware could easily detect press event. Note: For a power supply of 5V and U = 10mV, the resulted gain is 81. To obtain this gain, RGAIN = 820kOhm should be used. The amplitude of the pulsed current applied to key inductors will be: EQUATION 3-7: I = V PKPK * G DRV G DRV - Gain of Coil Driver This current produces a pulsed voltage to key inductors ends. The amplitude of this voltage will be: EQUATION 3-8: I U = L * ------ = L * V PKPK * G DRV * 2F t F - PWM Frequency L - Inductance of Key Inductor Note: For a PWM frequency of 2 MHz and inductor value of 2.7H, the amplitude of pulsed voltage will be: U = 10.8mV DS22186B-page 10 (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP2036 4.0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 4.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Ambient temperature under bias.................-40C to +125C Storage temperature .................................. -65C to +150C Voltage on VDD with respect to VSS............. -0.3V to +6.5V Analog Inputs (VDET+, VDET-).............VSS-1.0V to VDD+1.0V Voltage on all other pins with respect to VSS ..................................... -0.3V to (VDD + 0.3V) Current at Output and Supply Pins.............................30 mA Human Body ESD Rating............................................2000 V Machine Model ESD Rating ..........................................200 V Maximum Junction Temperature ............................+150C 4.2 Specifications TABLE 4-1: DC CHARACTERISTICS Electrical Specifications: Unless otherwise indicated, TA = +25C, VDD = +2.7V to +5.5V, VSS = GND. Parameters Sym. Min. Typ. Max. Units VDD 2.7 -- 5.5 V Conditions General Device Parameters Supply Voltage IPD -- 12 -- nA CS = 1, VDD = +2.7V, (Note 1) IPD -- 25 -- nA CS = 1, VDD = +5.5V, (Note 1) IDD -- 2 -- mA VDD = +2.7V, DRVIN = 0V, CLK = Low IDD -- 3.7 -- mA VDD = +5.5V DRVIN = 0V, CLK = Low IDD -- 3.4 -- mA VDD = +2.7V, CLK = 2 MHz IDD -- 6.8 -- mA VDD = +5.5V CLK = 2 MHz VIH 0.7VDD -- -- V Digital Input Low Voltage VIL -- -- 0.3VDD V Input Pins Leakage Current ILKG -- -- 100 nA Power-Down Current Quiescent Current Active Current Digital IO Parameters Digital Input High Voltage CS, CLK, REFSEL, LREF, LBTN Output Amplifier/Filter Specific Parameters System Parameters AOL 90 110 -- dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR -- 86 -- dB Common Mode Rejection Ratio CMMR 60 76 -- dB VOS -- -- 7 mV IB -- -- 20 pA (Note 1) -- -- -- 1 nA (Note 1) Input Offset Current IOS -- -- 1 pA Input Impedance ZIN -- 1013||6 -- ||pF Common mode impedance -- -- 1013||6 -- ||pF Differential impedance Minimum Output Voltage VOMIN VSS+20 -- -- mV Maximum Output Voltage VOMAX -- -- VDD-20 mV DC Open Loop Gain Amplifier Input Characteristics Input Offset Voltage Input Bias Current (Note 1) Amplifier Output Characteristics (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. DS22186B-page 11 MCP2036 TABLE 4-1: DC CHARACTERISTICS (CONTINUED) Electrical Specifications: Unless otherwise indicated, TA = +25C, VDD = +2.7V to +5.5V, VSS = GND. Parameters Sym. Min. Typ. Max. Units ISC -- 6 -- mA VDETOUT, VDD = 3V -- -- 10 -- mA VDETOUT, VDD = 5V -- VDD/2 -- mV Short Circuit Current Conditions Voltage Reference Specific Parameters Output Voltage VREF ISC -- 6 -- mA -- -- 10 -- mA VDD = 5V Maximum Output Capacitance COUT -- -- 1 F (Note 1) Series Output Resistance RSER -- 250 -- Internal resistor used to stabilize op amp output for pure capacitive loads AOL -- 3 -- mA/V VDD = +2.7V VDD = +5.5V Output Short Circuit Current VDD = 3V Coil Driver Specific Parameters System Parameters Amplifier Current Gain AOL -- 3.6 -- mA/V PSRR 60 -- -- dB VMAX VDD/2 -300 -- VDD/2 +300 mV VDD = 5V IB -- -- 20 pA T = 85C (Note 1) IB -- -- 1 nA T = 125C (Note 1) ZIN -- 1013||6 -- ||pF Common mode impedance -- -- 1013||6 -- ||pF Differential impedance Minimum Output Voltage VOMIN VSS+20 Maximum Output Voltage VOMAX -- -- VDD-20 mV ISC -- 6 -- mA DRVOUT, VDD = 3V ISC -- 10 -- mA DRVOUT, VDD = 5V Resistance Value of R1 R1 -- 8 -- K Resistor between pass gates and output amplifier input Resistance Value of R2 R2 -- 2 -- K Resistor between LBTN and LREF inputs and voltage reference Power Supply Rejection Ratio Input Characteristics Input Voltage Range Input Bias/Leakage Current Input Impedance Output Characteristics Short Circuit Current mV Resistor Specifications TABLE 4-2: AC CHARACTERISTICS Electrical Characteristics: Unless otherwise indicated, VDD = +2.7V to +5.5V, and VSS = GND. Parameters Sym. Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions Output Amplifier/Filter Specific Parameters Gain Bandwidth Product GBWP -- 1 -- MHz SR -- 0.6 -- V/s GBWP -- 17.8 -- MHz GBWP -- 1 -- MHz SR -- 0.6 -- V/s Slew Rate Coil Driver Amplifier Parameters Gain Bandwidth Product Voltage Reference Specific Parameters Gain Bandwidth Product Slew Rate DS22186B-page 12 (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP2036 TABLE 4-3: TEMPERATURE SPECIFICATIONS Electrical Characteristics: Unless otherwise indicated, VDD = +2.7V to +5.5V, and VSS = GND. Parameters Sym. Min. Typ. Max. Units Industrial Temperature Range TA -40 -- +85 C Extended Temperature Range TA -40 -- +125 C Operating Temperature Range TA -40 -- +125 C Storage Temperature Range TA -65 -- +150 C Thermal Resistance, 14L-PDIP JA -- 70 -- C/W Thermal Resistance, 14L-SOIC JA -- 120 -- C/W Thermal Resistance, 16L-QFN JA -- 47 -- C/W Conditions Temperature Ranges Thermal Package Resistances TABLE 4-4: TIMING DIAGRAM Electrical Characteristics: Unless otherwise indicated, VDD = +2.7V to +5.5V, and VSS = GND. Parameters Input Clock Frequency Duty Factor Sym. Min. Typ. Max. Units FCLK -- 2 -- MHz Conditions D -- 50 -- % Device Turn-On Time tON -- 4 10 s Time from CS= 0 to valid VDETOUT output (Note 1) Device Power-Down Time tOFF -- 1-- -- s Time from CS= 1 to High-Z outputs on all drivers (Note 1) Note 1: Not tested in production but it is characterized. (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. DS22186B-page 13 MCP2036 NOTES: DS22186B-page 14 (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP2036 5.0 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES 5.1 Performance Plots FIGURE 5-1: Driver Input Waveforms (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. DS22186B-page 15 MCP2036 FIGURE 5-2: Inductor Driver Transfer Function (Rload = 100 Ohm) FIGURE 5-3: Pulsed Voltage on Active Key Inductor (I/O Configuration) DS22186B-page 16 (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP2036 FIGURE 5-4: Pulsed voltage on Reference Inductor Series with Active Inductor (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. DS22186B-page 17 MCP2036 FIGURE 5-5: DS22186B-page 18 Output Detector Response Time (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP2036 6.0 PACKAGING INFORMATION 6.1 Package Marking Information 14-Lead PDIP Example XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX YYWWNNN 14-Lead SOIC (.150") XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX YYWWNNN 16-Lead QFN XXXXXXX XXXXXXX YYWWNNN Legend: XX...X Y YY WW NNN e3 * Note: MCP2036-I/P 0610017 Example MCP2036 -I/SL 0610017 Example MCP2036 -I/MG 0610017 Customer-specific information Year code (last digit of calendar year) Year code (last 2 digits of calendar year) Week code (week of January 1 is week `01') Alphanumeric traceability code Pb-free JEDEC designator for Matte Tin (Sn) This package is Pb-free. The Pb-free JEDEC designator ( e3 ) can be found on the outer packaging for this package. In the event the full Microchip part number cannot be marked on one line, it will be carried over to the next line, thus limiting the number of available characters for customer-specific information. (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. DS22186B-page 19 MCP2036 6.2 Package Details The following sections give the technical details of the packages. 3 % & %! % 4" ) ' % 4 $% %"% %% 255)))& &5 4 N NOTE 1 E1 1 3 2 D E A2 A L A1 c b1 b e eB 6% & 9&% 7!&( $ 7+8- 7 7 % ; % % 7: 1+ < < 0 , 0 1 % % 0 < < - , ,0 ""4 !" % 4 !" ="% ""4="% - 0 > : 9% ,0 0 0 0 % % 9 0 , 4 > 0 9"="% ( 0 ? ( > 1 < < , 9" 6 9 ) 9"="% : ) * !"#$%! & '(!%&! %( %")% % % " *$%+ % % , & "-" %!"& "$ % ! "$ % ! & "% -/0 1+21 & %#%! ))% !%% %#". " DS22186B-page 20 ) +01 (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP2036 ! " ! ##$% &' !"( 3 % & %! % 4" ) ' % 4 $% %"% %% 255)))& &5 4 D N E E1 NOTE 1 1 2 3 e h b h A2 A c L A1 L1 6% & 9&% 7!&( $ 99- - 7 7 7: ; % : 8 % < < 0 < < < 0 ""4 4 %" $$* 1+ : ="% - ""4="% - ,1+ : 9% >?01+ + &$ @ 3 % A %9% 9 3 % % 9 3 % 0 ?1+ 0 < 0 < -3 I B < >B < 0 9"="% ( , < 0 " $% D 0B < 0B " $%1 %% & E 0B < 9" 4 0B !"#$%! & '(!%&! %( %")% % % " *$%+ % % , & "-" %!"& "$ % ! "$ % ! %#"0&& " & "% -/0 1+2 1 & %#%! ))% !%% -32 $ & '! !)% !%% '$ $ &% ! (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. ) +?01 DS22186B-page 21 MCP2036 3 % & %! % 4" ) ' % 4 $% %"% %% 255)))& &5 4 DS22186B-page 22 (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP2036 Note: For the most current package drawings, please see the Microchip Packaging Specification located at (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. DS22186B-page 23 MCP2036 Note: For the most current package drawings, please see the Microchip Packaging Specification located at DS22186B-page 24 (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP2036 APPENDIX A: REVISION HISTORY Revision A (05/2009) Original release of the document. Revision B (09/2009) Replaced the 4X4 QFN Package with the 3X3 QFN Package; Replaced ML with MG in the 16-Lead QFN Example; Added SOIC (SL) Land Pattern. (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. DS22186B-page 25 MCP2036 NOTES: DS22186B-page 26 (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP2036 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM To order or obtain information, e.g., on pricing or delivery, refer to the factory or the listed sales office. PART NO. X /XX XXX Device Temperature Range Package Pattern Device: MCP2036 VDD range 2.7V to 5.5V Temperature Range: I E = -40C to +85C = -40C to +125C Package: MG SL P = = = Pattern: QTP, SQTP, Code or Special Requirements (blank otherwise) Examples: MCP2036 - I/P 301 = Industrial temp., PDIP package, QTP pattern #301. (Industrial) (Extended) QFN SOIC PDIP (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. DS22186B-page 27 MCP2036 NOTES: DS22186B-page 28 (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: * Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet. * Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions. * There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to our knowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchip's Data Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property. * Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code. * Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product as "unbreakable." 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Analog-for-the-Digital Age, Application Maestro, CodeGuard, dsPICDEM,, dsPICworks, dsSPEAK, ECAN, ECONOMONITOR, FanSense, HI-TIDE, In-Circuit Serial Programming, ICSP, Mindi, MiWi, MPASM, MPLAB Certified logo, MPLIB, MPLINK, mTouch, Octopus, Omniscient Code Generation, PICC, PICC-18, PICDEM,, PICkit, PICtail, PIC32 logo, REAL ICE, rfLAB, Select Mode, Total Endurance, TSHARC, UniWinDriver, WiperLock and ZENA are trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. SQTP is a service mark of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies. (c) 2009, Microchip Technology Incorporated, Printed in the U.S.A., All Rights Reserved. Printed on recycled paper. Microchip received ISO/TS-16949:2002 certification for its worldwide headquarters, design and wafer fabrication facilities in Chandler and Tempe, Arizona; Gresham, Oregon and design centers in California and India. The Company's quality system processes and procedures are for its PIC(R) MCUs and dsPIC(R) DSCs, KEELOQ(R) code hopping devices, Serial EEPROMs, microperipherals, nonvolatile memory and analog products. In addition, Microchip's quality system for the design and manufacture of development systems is ISO 9001:2000 certified. (c) 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. 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