External Lead Finish for Hermetic Packages
For hermetic packages, National Semiconductor offers three
primary lead finishes: solder dip, gold plate and tin plate. The
component lead finish serves as a protective coating to pre-
vent oxidation of the lead base material prior to use. The
lead finish will ensure the leads are solderable for board
mount applications as well as provide long term protection
against lead corrosion. The lead finish composition and
thickness is dependent on the package type and the applica-
tions in which the package is used. Lead finish for Mil/Aero
product and all commercial product except Cerquad and se-
lected metal cans conforms to the requirements of
The solder dip lead finish for hermetic packages is a
60%–63%tin, 40%–37%lead alloy. The finish is applied by
dipping the package leads or terminals into the molten sol-
der. Solder dipped leads provide excellent solderability. Sol-
der dip lead finish is typically lower in cost as compared to
gold or tin plating. The solder thickness and composition
conforms to the requirements of Mil-M-38510.
Gold plated leads are used for many multilayer ceramic
packages and metal can packages. For multilayer ceramic
packages, pure gold is electroplated over an electrolytic
nickel underplate. The gold plating for metal can packages is
also pure electrolytically plated, but it may be applied over an
electroless or an electrolytic nickel plate.
Gold plate is used on package types that cannot be solder
dipped or as process simplification. Multilayer ceramic pack-
ages such as ceramic quad flatpacks (CQFP) and ceramic
pin grid arrays (CPGA) are gold plated. Many metal cans are
offered with gold plated leads.
A lead finish of 100%tin plate is used on fine pitch Cerquad
packages used in commercial applications. A plating thick-
ness of 200 microinches minimum is supplied.
The following table is provided as a reference to determine
which lead finish is used for each hermetic package type of-
fered at National Semiconductor.
Lead Finish for Hermetic Packages
Package Type Package Specific External External
(Code) Designator Package Lead Finish Lead Finish
Mil-Aero Commercial
Ceramic Dual-In-Line D; DA Gold Plate or Solder Dip Gold Plate or Solder Dip
Package—Sidebrazed (SB)
Leadless Chip Carrier (LCC) E; EA Solder Dip Gold Plate or Solder Dip
Ceramic Quad J-Bend (CQJB) EL Gold Plate Gold Plate
Ceramic Quad Flatpack (CQFP) EL Gold Plate Gold Plate
Ceramic Flatpack F Gold Plate Gold Plate
Ceramic Dual-In-Line Package (Cerdip) J; JA Solder Dip Solder Dip
Small Outline Integrated Circuit, Wide MC Gold Plate Gold Plate
Ceramic Pin Grid Array (CPGA) U; UA Gold Plate Gold Plate
Cerpack W; WA Solder Dip Solder Dip
Cerquad W; WA Solder Dip Solder Dip or Tin Plate
Metal Can Package (TO) H; HA TO-5/18/39 Gold Plate or Solder Dip Gold Plate or Solder Dip
H; HA TO-46/52/72 Gold Plate or Solder Dip Gold Plate or Solder Dip
K; KA TO-3 Solder Dip Solder Dip
Metal Leaded Chip Carrier AA Solder Plate (85/15)
Solder Plate (85/15)
August 1999
External Lead Finish for Hermetic Packages
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