1. General description
The PCA9663 is an advanced single master mode I2C-bus controller. It is a fourth
generation bus controller designed for data intensive I2C-bus data transfers. It has three
independent I 2C-bus channels with data rates up to 1 Mbits/s using the Fast-mode Plus
(Fm+) open-drain topology. Each chann el has a generous 4352 byte data buffer which
makes the PCA9663 the ide a l com panion to any CPU that needs to transmit and receive
large amounts of serial data.
The PCA9663 is a 8-bit parallel-bus to I2C-bus protocol converter. Each channel can be
configured to communicate with up to 64 slaves in one serial sequence with no
intervention from the CPU. The controller also has a sequence loop control feature that
allows it to automatically retransmit a stored sequence.
Its onboard oscillator and PLL allow the controller to generate the clocks for the I2C-bus
and for the interval timer used in sequence looping. This feature greatly reduces CPU
overhead when data refresh is required in fault tole rant applications.
An external trigger input allows data synchronization with external everts. The trigg e r
signal controls the rate at which a stored sequence is re-transmitted over the I2C-bus.
Error reporting is handled at the transaction level, channel level and controller level with a
simple interrupt tree and interrupt masks allow further customization of interrupt
The controller and p arallel bus interfaces run at 3.3 V and the I2C-bus I/O s ar e 5 V
tolerant with logic levels referenced to a dedicated VDD(IO) input pin with a range of 3.0 V
to 5.5 V.
2. Features and benefits
Parallel-bus to I2C-bus protocol converter and interface
1 Mbit/s and up to 30 mA SCL/SDA IOL Fast-mode Plus (Fm+) capability
Internal oscillator trimmed to 1 % accuracy reduces external components
Individual 4352-byte buffers for the Fm+ channels for a total of 13056 bytes of buffe r
Three levels of reset: individual software reset, global softwar e reset, global hardware
Communicates with up to 64 slaves on each channel in one serial sequence
Sequence looping with interval timer
Supports SCL clock stretching
JTAG port available for boundary scan testing during board manufacturing process
Trigger input synchronizes serial communication exactly with external events
Parallel bus to 3 channel Fm+ I2C-bus controller
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Parallel bus to 3 channel Fm+ I2C-bus controller
Maskable interrupts
Fast-mode Plus I2C-bus capable and compatible with SMBus
Operating supply voltage: 3.0 V to 3.6 V (device and host interface)
I2C-bus I/O supply voltage: 3.0 V to 5.5 V
Latch-up testing is done to JEDEC Standard JESD78 which exceeds 100 mA
ESD protection exc ee ds 8000 V HBM per JESD22-A114 , an d 10 0 0 V CDM per
Packages offered: LQFP 4 8
3. Applications
Add I2C-bus port to controllers/processors that do not have one
Add additiona l I2C-bus ports to controllers/processors that need multiple I2C-bus ports
Converts 8 bits of parallel data to serial data stream to prevent having to run a lar ge
number of traces across the entire printed-circuit board
Entertainment systems
LED matrix control
Data intensive I2C-bus transfers
4. Ordering information
Table 1. Ordering information
Type number Topside
mark Package
Name Description Version
PCA9663B PCA9663 LQFP48 plastic low profile quad flat package;
48 leads; body 7 71.4 mm SOT313-2
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5. Block diagram
Fig 1. Block diagram
Channel 0
Fm+ I2C-bus control
Channel 1
Fm+ I2C-bus control
Channel 2
Fm+ I2C-bus control
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6. Pinning information
6.1 Pinning
6.2 Pin description
Fig 2. Pi n co nfi gura tio n for LQF P4 8
Table 2. Pin description
Symbol Pin Type Description
A0 3 I Address inputs: selects the bus controller’s internal registers
and ports for read/write operations. Address is registered when
CE is LOW and whether WR or RD transitions LOW. A0 is the
least significant bit.
A1 4 I
A2 5 I
A3 6 I
A4 9 I
A5 10 I
A6 11 I
A7 12 I
D0 37 I/O Data bus: bidirectional 3-state data bus used to transfer
commands, data and status between the bus controller and the
host. D0 is the least significant bit. Data is registered on the
rising edge of WR when CE is LOW.
D1 38 I/O
D2 41 I/O
D3 42 I/O
D4 45 I/O
D5 46 I/O
D6 1 I/O
D7 2 I/O
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TRST 13 I JTAG test reset input. For normal operation , hold LOW (VSS).
TMS 14 I JTAG test mode select input. For normal operation, hold HIGH
TCK 15 I JTAG test clock input. For normal operation, hold HIGH (VDD).
TDI 16 I JTAG test data in input. For normal operation, hold HIGH
TDO 17 O JTAG test data out output. For normal operation, do not
connect (n.c.).
INT 20 O Interrupt request: Active LOW, open-drain, output. This pin
requires a pull-up device.
SDA2 21 O Channel 2 I2C-bus serial data input/output (open-drain).
This pin requires a pull-up device.
SCL2 22 O Channel 2 I2C-bus serial clock input/output (open-drain).
This pin requires a pull-up device.
SDA1 25 O Channel 1 I2C-bus serial data input/output (open-drain).
This pin requires a pull-up device.
SCL1 26 O Channel 1 I2C-bus serial clock input/output (open-drain).
This pin requires a pull-up device.
SDA0 27 I/O Channel 0 I2C-bus serial data input/output (open-drain).
This pin requires a pull-up device.
SCL0 28 I/O Channel 0 I2C-bus serial clock input/output (ope n-drain).
This pin requires a pull-up device.
WR 31 I Write strobe: When LOW and CE is also LOW, the content of
the data bus is loaded into the addressed register. Dat a are
latched on the rising edge of WR. CE may remain LOW or
transition with WR.
RD 32 I Read strobe: When LOW and CE is also LOW, causes the
contents of the addressed register to be presented on the data
bus. The read cycle begins on the falling edge of RD. Data lines
are driven wh en RD and CE are LOW. CE may transition with
CE 33 I Chip Enable: Active LOW input signal. When LOW, data
transfers between the host and the bus controller are enabled
on D0 to D7 as controlled by the WR, RD and A0 to A7 inputs.
When HIGH, places the D0 to D7 lines in the 3-state condition.
During the initialization period, CE must transition with RD until
controller is ready.
TRIG 34 I Trigger input: provides the trigger to start a new frame.
RESET 36 I Reset: Active LOW input. A LOW level resets the device to the
power-on state. Internally pulled HIGH through weak pull-up
VDD(IO) 24 power I/O power supply: 3.0 V to 5.5 V. Power supply reference for
I2C-bus pins. Sets the voltage reference point for VIL/VIH.
VSS(IO) 23 power I/O supply ground.
Table 2. Pin description …continued
Symbol Pin Type Description
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7. Functional description
7.1 General
The PCA9663 acts as an interface device between standard high-speed parallel buses
and the serial I2C-bus. On the I2C-bus, it acts as a master. Data transfer between the
I2C-bus and the parallel-bus ho st is carried out on a buffered basis, using either an
interrupt or polled handshake.
7.2 Internal oscillator and PLL
The PCA9663 contains an internal 12.0 MHz oscillator and 156 MHz PLL which are used
for all internal and I2C-bus timing. The oscillator and PLL require up to tinit(po) to start up
and lock after power-up. The oscillator is not shut down if the serial bus is disabled.
7.3 Buffer description
Remark: In the following section a transaction is defined as a contiguous set of
commands and/or data sent/received to/from a single slave. A sequence is a set of
transactions stored in the buffer.
The PCA9663 channels have individual 4352-byte data buffers (see Section 7.3.2 “Buffer
sizes) that allow several tran sa ctio ns to be exec ut ed bef or e an interr up t is gen e rate d.
This allows the host to request several transactions (up to maximum buffer size on each
channel) in a sing le seque nce and lets the PC A96 63 perfor m it witho ut the inter vention of
the host each time a requested transactio n is perfo rmed. The ho st can then per form other
tasks while the PCA9663 executes the requested sequences.
By following a simple protocol, the I2C-bus controller can store several I2C-bus
transactions directed to dif ferent slaves addresses on any of the channels. The
transaction stored in the buf fer can be of an y type, thus re ads and writes can be interlaced
in a sequence. When multiple slave reads are requested in a sequence, the read data is
stored in-line in the sequence and the buffer number must be specified in the TRANSEL
to provide the read location and the TRANOFS byte offset value. By default, the
TRANOFS is set to 00h. So let us consider the scenario where the host has done the
initialization (mode, masks, and other configuration) and writes data into the buffer of one
of the three channels.
The host st arts by program ming the buffer configuration registers TRANCONFIG (num ber
of slaves and bytes per slave) and then the SLATABLE (slave addresses). Then the host
programs the TRANSEL (Transaction Data Buffer Selection) and the TRANOFS (byte
offset selection) to 00h to set the memory pointers to the beginning of the buffer (the
default value is 00h after a power-on or RESET). Next, the host transfers the data into
VDD 7, 18, 30,
40, 44, 48 power Power supply: 3.0 V to 3.6 V. All VDD pins should be connected
together externally.
VSS 8, 19, 29,
35, 39, 43,
power Supply ground. All VSS pins must be tied together externally.
Table 2. Pin description …continued
Symbol Pin Type Description
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DATA until the entire sequence is loaded. If the transa ctio n is a rea d tr ansa ctio n, the host
must write a dummy byte (i.e., FFh) for each expected serial read byte to reserve the
memory space in the buffer for the transaction.
Care should be taken so as to not overflow the buffer with excessive read/write
commands. In the event of an overflow, represented by the BE bit in the CTRLSTATUS
register, will be set to logic 1 . The INT pin will be set LOW if the BEMSK bit in the
CTRLINTMSK register is logic 0. To recover the channel, a channel reset is required. All
configuration and data needs to be checked by the host and resent to the I2C-bus
controller. (See Section 7.3.2 “Buffer sizes.)
After sending all the commands and data it wanted to the I2C-bus controller, the host
could either continue to program data for other channels or write to the CONTROL
register to begin data transmission on the current channel. The transactions will be sent
on the I2C-bus in the order in which the slave add resses are listed in the SLATABLE,
separated by a RESTART condition. The last transaction in the sequence will end with a
STOP condition.
If during a READ command a NACK on the slave address is received, the buffer space
allocated for the read will remain untouched and will contain the last information written in
that location. A buffer read on the parallel bus should only be done after a valid buffer
state is reached to guarantee data valid (see Section “STATUS0_[n],
STATUS1_[n], STATUS2_[n] — Transaction status registers). A buffer write is only
allowed during the channel idle state.
To program data for another channel, that channel is selected and data programmed as
described above. One or more channe ls can be busy while additional data is sent to the
buffer of an idle channel.
7.3.1 Buffer management assumptions
Repeated STARTs will be sent between two consecutive transactions.
After the last operation on a channel is completed, a STOP will be sent.
In a READ transaction, after the last data byte has been received from a particular
slave, a NACK is sent to the slave.
7.3.2 Buffer sizes
The PCA9663 channels have individual buffers assigned to them. The contents of the
buffe rs should only be modified during channe l idle states.
The memory allocation is 4352 bytes per channel.
The buffer sizes represent the memory allocated for the data block only. The slave
address tab le a nd co nfigura tion b ytes are containe d in othe r lo cations and do not n eed to
be included in the required buffer size calculation.
For example, to calculate the size of the memory needed to write 26 bytes to 10 slav es
and to read 2 bytes from 4 slaves (no command bytes required for the read):
10 slaves 26 bytes/slave = 260 bytes for the write transaction s
4 slaves 2bytes/slave = 8bytes for the read transactions
A total of 268 bytes of buffer space is required to complete the sequence.
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Remark: Note that the bytes required to store the 30 slave addresses are not included in
the calculation since they are stored in the SLATABLE register.
7.4 Error reporting and handling
In case of any transaction error conditions, the device will load the transaction error status
in the STAT USx_[n], generate an interrupt, if unmasked, by pulling down the INT pin and
update the CHSTATUS and CTRLSTATUS registers. The status for the individual SLA
addresses will be stored in the STATUSx_[n] registers.
In the event of a NACK from a slave, there are two possible courses of action. The first is
that an interrupt will be generated and the current transaction and sequence terminated.
The second is that while the WEMSK and/or REMSK is a logic 1, a NACKed byte will be
ignored, and the transmission will continue with the next transaction in the sequence until
the end of the sequence. The controller will skip the slave address and/or data where the
NACK occurred and move on to the next transaction in the sequence. Any error will be
reported in th e corr espondin g STATUSx_[n] register (where ‘n’ is th e buffer numbe r of the
slave) or the CHSTATUS or CTRLSTATUS registers.
7.5 Registers
The PCA9663 contains several registers that are used to configure the op eration of the
device, status reporting, and to send and receive data. The device also contains global
registers for chip level control and status reporting.
The STATUSx_[n] registers are channel-level direct access registers. The DATA,
SLATABLE, TRANCONFIG, and BYTECOUNT registers are auto-increment registers.
The memory access pointer to the DATA registers can be programmed using the
TRANSEL and TRANOFS registers. See Section “CONTROL — Con trol re gister,
for information on the pointer reset bits BPTRRST and AIPTRRST.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xx xxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx x x
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx
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Table 3. PCA9663 register address map - direct register access
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Register name Access Write access
CH active
Description Default Size
Channel status registers
0 0 channel 0 transaction number
(hex) STATUS0_[n] R no individual transaction status (direct address) 00h 64
0 1 channel 1 transaction number
(hex) STATUS1_[n] R no individual transaction status (direct address) 00h 64
1 0 channel 2 transaction number
(hex) STATUS2_[n] R no individual transaction status (direct address) 00h 64
Channel 0 (Fm+) reg isters
11000000CONTROL R/W yes
[1] channel 0 control 00h 1
0 0 0 1 CHSTATUS R no channel 0 status 00h 1
0 0 1 0 INTMSK R/W yes channel 0 interrupt mask 00h 1
0 0 1 1 SLATABLE R/W no channel 0 slave address table (auto-increment) 00h 64
0 1 0 0 TRANCONFIG R/W yes, for
TRANCOUNT[2] channel 0 transaction configuration
(auto-increment) 00h 65
0 1 0 1 DATA R/W yes channel 0 data (auto-increment) 00h bufsize[3]
0 1 1 0 TRANSEL R/W yes channel 0 transaction data buffer select 00h 1
0 1 1 1 TRANOFS R/W yes channel 0 transaction data buffer byte offset 00h 1
1 0 0 0 BYTECOUNT R no channe l 0 transmitted byte count
(auto-increment) 00h 64
1 0 0 1 FRAMECNT R/W no channel 0 frame count 01h 1
1 0 1 0 REFRATE R/W no channel 0 frame refresh rate 00h 1
1 0 1 1 SCLL R/W no channel 0 clock LOW state 5Eh 1
1 1 0 0 SCLH R/W no channel 0 clock HIGH state 3Fh 1
1 1 0 1 MODE R/W no channel 0 mode 92h 1
1 1 1 0 TIMEOUT R/W no channel 0 time-out 00h 1
1 1 1 1 PRESET R/W yes channel 0 parallel reset 00h 1
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xx xxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx x x
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx
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Channel 1 (Fm+) reg isters
11010000CONTROL R/W yes
[1] channel 1 control 00h 1
0 0 0 1 CHSTATUS R no channel 1 status 00h 1
0 0 1 0 INTMSK R/W yes channel 1 interrupt mask 00h 1
0 0 1 1 SLATABLE R/W no channel 1 slave address table (auto-increment) 00h 64
0 1 0 0 TRANCONFIG R/W yes, for
TRANCOUNT[2] channel 1 transaction configuration
(auto-increment) 00h 65
0 1 0 1 DATA R/W yes channel 1 data (auto-increment) 00h bufsize[3]
0 1 1 0 TRANSEL R/W yes channel 1 transaction data buffer select 00h 1
0 1 1 1 TRANOFS R/W yes channel 1 transaction data buffer byte offset 00h 1
1 0 0 0 BYTECOUNT R no channe l 1 transmitted byte count
(auto-increment) 00h 64
1 0 0 1 FRAMECNT R/W no channel 1 frame count 01h 1
1 0 1 0 REFRATE R/W no channel 1 frame refresh rate 00h 1
1 0 1 1 SCLL R/W no channel 1 clock LOW state 5Eh 1
1 1 0 0 SCLH R/W no channel 1 clock HIGH state 3Fh 1
1 1 0 1 MODE R/W no channel 1 mode 92h 1
1 1 1 0 TIMEOUT R/W no channel 1 time-out 00h 1
1 1 1 1 PRESET R/W yes channel 1 parallel reset 00h 1
Table 3. PCA9663 register address map - direct register access …continued
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Register name Access Write access
CH active
Description Default Size
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xx xxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx x x
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx
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Channel 2 (Fm+) reg isters
11100000CONTROL R/W yes
[1] channel 2 control 00h 1
0 0 0 1 CHSTATUS R no channel 2 status 00h 1
0 0 1 0 INTMSK R/W yes channel 2 interrupt mask 00h 1
0 0 1 1 SLATABLE R/W no channel 2 slave address table (auto-increment) 00h 64
0 1 0 0 TRANCONFIG R/W yes, for
TRANCOUNT[2] channel 2 transaction configuration
(auto-increment) 00h 65
0 1 0 1 DATA R/W yes channel 2 data (auto-increment) 00h bufsize[3]
0 1 1 0 TRANSEL R/W yes channel 2 transaction data buffer select 00h 1
0 1 1 1 TRANOFS R/W yes channel 2 transaction data buffer byte offset 00h 1
1 0 0 0 BYTECOUNT R no channe l 2 transmitted byte count
(auto-increment) 00h 64
1 0 0 1 FRAMECNT R/W no channel 2 frame count 01h 1
1 0 1 0 REFRATE R/W no channel 2 frame refresh rate 00h 1
1 0 1 1 SCLL R/W no channel 2 clock LOW state 5Eh 1
1 1 0 0 SCLH R/W no channel 2 clock HIGH state 3Fh 1
1 1 0 1 MODE R/W no channel 2 mode 92h 1
1 1 1 0 TIMEOUT R/W no channel 2 time-out 00h 1
1 1 1 1 PRESET R/W yes channel 2 parallel reset 00h 1
Table 3. PCA9663 register address map - direct register access …continued
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Register name Access Write access
CH active
Description Default Size
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xx xxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx x x
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx
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[1] Except TP and TE. Changing polarity of TP while TE is active will cause a false trigger.
[2] The transaction count (TRANCONFIG[0]) can be written to during the idle period between sequences.
[3] Refer to Section 7.3.2 “Buffer sizes for channel memory allocation.
[4] Controller ready = FFh immediately after POR or after a hardware reset or global reset. It will clear (00h) on ce the initialization routine is done.
Global registers
11110000CTRLSTATUSR yes controller status 00h 1
0 0 0 1 CTRLINTMSK R/W yes master interrupt mask 00h 1
0010- R no reserved 08h
0011- R no reserved 00h
0100- R no reserved 00h
0101- R no reserved 00h
0 1 1 0 DEVICE_ID R no device ID 63h
0 1 1 1 CTRLPRESET R/W yes master parallel reset 00h 1
1 1 1 1 CTRLRDY[4] R no controller ready register FFh 1
Table 3. PCA9663 register address map - direct register access …continued
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Register name Access Write access
CH active
Description Default Size
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7.5.1 Channel registers STATUS0_[n], STATUS1_[n], STATUS2_[n] — Transaction status registers
STATUS0_[n], STATUS1_[n], and STATUS2_[n] are 8-bit 64 read-only registers that
provide status information for a given transaction. Only the 5 lower bits are used; the
top bits will always read 0. When some of these bits are set, a channel interrupt is
requested (the INT pin is asserted LOW). A read to STATUSx_[n] register will clear its
status. To clear all the STATUSx_[n] registers, a byte-by-byte read of all STATUSx_[n]
registers is required. The controller will auto-clear the STATUSx_[n] registers at each
START of a sequence when FRAMECNT = 1 and only at the first START when
Each register byte can be accessed by direct addressing so that the host can choose to
read the status on one or more individual transactions without having to read all
64 status bytes.
Remark: When STA TUSx_[n ] = 00h, no interrupt is requested and the transaction is in the
Done/Idle state.
During program execution, the TR and TA bits behave as follows:
Example, we are to transfer 3 transactions in a sequence. All initialization is completed
(loading of SLA, TRANCONFIG, DATA) and device is ready for serial transfer.
Before the STA bit is set, the STATUSx_[n] register will contain:
STATUSx_[0] = 0
STATUSx_[1] = 0
STATUSx_[2] = 0
STATUSx_[3] = 0
Table 4. STATUSx_[n] - Transaction status code register bit description
Bit Symbol Description
7:5 ST[7:5] always reads 000
4 RSN Read slave NACK. When HIGH, a NACK was received after a slave address was
transmitted on the serial bus on a read transaction. An inte rrupt will be requested.
3 WSN Write slave NACK. When HIGH, a NACK was received after a slave address was
transmitted on the serial bus on a write transaction. An interrupt will be requested.
2 WDN Write data NACK. When HIGH, a NACK was received for a data byte during a
write transaction on the serial bus. An interrup t wil l be requested.
1 TA Transaction active. When 1, the transaction is currently active on the serial bus.
No interrupt is requested.
0 TR Transaction ready. When 1, a transaction is loaded in the buffer and waiting to be
executed. No interrupt is requested.
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After STA is set:
STATUSx_[0] = 2
STATUSx_[1] = 1
STATUSx_[2] = 1
STATUSx_[3] = 0
Since there is no timing requirement in setting the ST A b it after the initialization, the d evice
will update the first status when the STA bit is set and will always go from 0 to 2 (Idle to
Transaction active). C O NT RO L — Co nt ro l regist er
CONTROL is an 8-bit register . The STO bit is af fected by the bus controller hardware: it is
cleared when a STOP condition is present on the I2C-bus.
Table 5. CONTROL - Control register bit description
Address: Channel 0 = C0h; Channel 1 = D0h; Cha nnel 2 = E0h.
Legend: * reset value
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7 STOSEQ R/W Stop sequence bit.
1 When the STOSEQ bit is set while the channel is active, a STOP condition will be
transmitted immediately follow ing the end of the current sequence being transferred
on the I2C-bus. No further buffered transactions will be carried out and the channel
will return to the idle state. Normal error reporting will occur up until the last bit. When
a STOP condition is detected on the bus, the hardware clears th e STOSEQ flag .
0 When STOSEQ is reset, no action will be taken.
6 STA R/W The START flag.
1 When the STA bit is set to begin a sequence, the bus controller hardware checks the
status of the I2C-bus and generates a START condition if the bus is free. If the bus is
not idle, then INT will go LOW and the CHSTATUS register will contain a bus error
code (either DAE or CLE will be set).
The ST A bit may be set only at a valid idle state. The controller will reset the bit under
the following conditions:
A sequence is done and FRAMECNT = 1.
A sequence loop is done and FRAMECNT > 1.
The STOSEQ bit is set, FRAMECNT = 0, and the current sequence is done.
The STOSEQ bit is set, FRAMECNT > 1, and the current sequence is done.
The STO bit is set and the current byte transaction is done. This bit cannot be
set if the CHEN bit is 0.
0 When the STA bit is reset, no START condition will be generated.
5 STO R/W The STOP flag.
1 When the STO bit is set while the channel is active, a STOP condition will be
transmitted immediately following the current data or slave address byte being
transferred on the I2C-bus. If a read is in progress, a NACK will be generated before
the STOP. No further buffered transactions will be carried out and the channel will
return to the idle state. Normal error reporting will occur up until the last bit.
When a STOP condition is detected on the bus , th e h ard w a re clears th e STO flag.
0 When the STO bit is reset, no action will be taken.
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Remark: Due to a small latency between setting the STA bit and the ability to detect a
trigger pulse, if the STA bit is set simultaneously to an incoming trigger pulse, the pulse
will be ignored and the controller will wait for the next trigger to send the START.
If the STO or STOSEQ bit are set at anytime while the STA bit is 0, then no action will be
taken and the write to these bits is ignored.
Remark: STO has priority over STOSEQ.
4 TP R/W Trigger polarity bit. Cannot be changed while channel is active.
1 Trigger will be detected on a falling edge.
0 Trigger will be detected on a rising edg e.
3 TE R/W T rigger Enable (TE) bit controls the trigger input used for frame refresh. TE cannot be
changed while channel is active. When the trigger input is enab led, the trigger will
override the contents of the FRAMECNT register and will start triggering when STA
bit is set. Thereafter, when a trigger tick is detected, the controller will issue a START
command and the stored sequence will be transferred on the serial bus.
1 When TE = 1, the sequence is controlled by the Trigger input.
0 When TE = 0, the trigger inputs are ignored.
2 BPTRRST W 1 Resets auto increment pointers for BYTECOUNT. Reads back as 0.
1 AIPTRRST W 1 Resets auto increment pointers for SLATABLE and TRANCONFIG. The DATA
register auto-increment pointer will be set to the value that corresponds to TRANSEL
and TRANOFS registers. Reads back as 0.
Remark: To reset the data pointer, write 00h to TRANSEL.
0 - W 0 Reserved. User must write 0 to this bit.
Table 5. CONTROL - Control register bit description …continued
Address: Channel 0 = C0h; Channel 1 = D0h; Cha nnel 2 = E0h.
Legend: * reset value
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
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Table 6. CONTROL register bit s STA, STO, STOSEQ operation/b ehavior
Channel state
(initialization steps) Next write action by host Results
Idle (reset, TRANCONFIG,
SLATABLE, DATA, STA = 0) 1 0 0 X X No action.
1 0 1 X X START transmitted on serial bus followed by
sequence stored in buffer.
Active (reset, load
1 0 X 0 X No change; cannot write STA while active.
1 0 X 1 X When the STO bit is set, two actions are
1. If the transaction is a read, a STOP is
sent after the first read byte (NACK sent)
and the byte count is updated.
2. If the transaction is a write, a STOP is
sent after the end of ACK cycle of the
current byte and BYTECNT is updated.
The SD bits will be set.
REFRATE Loop idle (reset,
1 0 0 X X No action.
1 0 X 0 1 Channel will go immediately to the inactive
state and SD and FLD bits will be set.[2]
1 0 X 1 X Channel will go immediately to the inactive
state and SD and FLD bits will be set.[2]
REFRATE Loop active (reset,
1 0 X 0 0 No action.
1 0 X 0 1 STOP at end of current frame. The SD and
FLD bits will be set.
1 0 X 1 X When the STO bit is set, two actions are
1. If the transaction is a read, a STOP is
sent after the first read byte (NACK sent)
and the byte count is updated.
2. If the transaction is a write, a STOP is
sent after the end of ACK cycle of the
current byte and BYTECNT is updated.
The SD and FLD bits will be set.
Trigger Loop Idle (reset, load
DATA, STA = 1)
X 1 0 X X No action.
X 1 X 0 1 STOP at end of current frame. The SD and
FLD bits will be set.
X 1 X 1 X When the STO bit is set, two actions are
1. If the transaction is a read, a STOP is
sent after the first read byte (NACK sent)
and the byte count is updated.
2. If the transaction is a write, a STOP is
sent after the end of ACK cycle of the
current byte and the BYTECNT is
The SD and FLD bits will be set.
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[1] Loop Idle is defined as the time elapsed from a STOP to the START of the next sequence while STA = 1.
[2] Channel Active is defined by the CTRLSTATUS[5:3] bits. CHSTATUS — Channel status register
CHSTATUS is an 8-bit read-only register that provides status information for a given
channel. Some of these status bits are error codes that cannot be masked (NMI) by the
INTMSK register and need attention from the host. All these status drive the INT pin
active LOW. To clear the individual channel interrupt request, yo u must read the
CHSTATUS register. The BE interrupt is cleared by reading the CTRLSTATUS register.
After the CHSTATUS register is cleared, only new errors or status updates will cause the
CHSTATUS bits to be set.
The DAE, CLE and SSE bits correspond to bus error st ates, and the FE bit corresponds to
host programming errors.
DAE - SDA error bit: This bit indicates that the SDA line is stuck LOW when the
PCA9663 is trying to send a START condition.
CLE - SCL error bit: This bit indicates that the SCL line is stuck LOW.
SSE - illegal START/STOP detected bit: This bit indicates that a bus erro r has occu rred
during a serial transfer . A bus error is caused when a START or STOP condition occurs at
an illegal position in the format frame. Examples of such illegal positions are during the
serial transfer of an address byte, a data byte, or an acknowledge bit. A bus error may
also be caused when external interference disturbs the internal PCA9663 signals.
T rigger Loop active (reset, load
DATA, STA = 1)
X 1 X 0 0 No action.
X 1 X 0 1 Channel will go immediately to the inactive
state and SD and FLD bits will be set.[2]
X 1 X 1 X Channel will go immediately to the inactive
state and SD and FLD bits will be set.[2]
Table 6. CONTROL register bit s STA, STO, STOSEQ operation/b ehavior …continued
Channel state
(initialization steps) Next write action by host Results
Table 7. CHSTATUS - Channel and bu ffer status codes register bit de scription
Address: Channel 0 = C1h; Channel 1 = D1h; Channel 2 = E1h.
Bit Symbol Description
7 SD Sequence Done. The sequence loaded in the buffer was sent and STOP issued
on the serial bus.
6 FLD Frame Loop Done. The FRAMECNT value has been reached. A STOP has been
issued on the bus.
5 WE Write Error detected in tran saction. An SLA NACK or data NACK was detected in
a write transaction of the sequence.
4 RE Read Error detected in transaction. An SLA NACK was detected in a read
transaction of the sequence.
3 DAE Bus error, SDA stuck LOW.
2 CLE Bus error, SCL stuck LOW.
1 SSE Bus error, illegal START or STOP detected.
0 FE Frame Error detected . The time required to send the sequence exceeds refresh
rate programmed to the REFRATE register or the time between trigger ticks.
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FE - Frame Error bit: This bit indicates that the time required to send the sequence
exceeds the refresh rate progr ammed in the REFRATE register or the time between
trigger ticks. Solving frame errors include programming longer refresh rates, speeding up
the bus frequency, shortening the amount of bytes sent/received in the sequence, or
increasing the time between trigger ticks. If the frame error is masked by the FEMSK, the
device will continue to transmit transactions until the end of the sequence without
re-sta rting the sequence even if new triggers are de tected. The total nu mber of sequences
transmitted will be the number stored in the FRAMECNT register. Once a complete
sequence is transmitted, a new sequence will initiate when a subsequent trigger appears.
The FE flag will be held HIGH and sequences will still be transmitted unless CHSTATUS is
read. If the frame error is unmasked, the sequence will be aborted at the next logical
stopping point (i.e., for a read transaction a NACK will be sent), a STOP transmitted and
an interrupt will be generated. Since the controller terminates the sequence in a controlled
mechanism, there may be a 2-byte delay if a frame error (FE) is detected during a read
transaction. The FE bit is set after the STOP is detected on the bus.
a. Sequence fully executed within the period prog rammed in REFRATE register
This condition causes a frame error and the FE bit to be set.
b. Sequence exceeds period programmed in REFRATE register, FEMSK = 0
c. Sequence exceeds period programmed in REFRATE register, FEMSK = 1
Fig 3. Frame Error detection
sequence A sequence A sequence A
10 ms 10 ms 10 ms
sequence B
10 ms 10 ms 10 ms
frame error detected, data not sent after FE
sequence C
10 ms 10 ms 10 ms
frame error detected, FEMSK = 1, data sent after FE
sequence C
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Parallel bus to 3 channel Fm+ I2C-bus controller INT M SK — In te rru p t mask regis t er
Through the INTMSK register, there is the option to manage which states generate an
interrupt, allowing more control from the host on the transaction. The interrupt mask
applies to all transactions in a given channel. A bit set to 1 indicates that th e ma sk is
active. The INTMSK register default is all interrupts are un-masked (00h).
Table 8. Error detection operation/behavio r
Channel state AR (MODE
register) Error detected
(CHSTATUS Next Action
Active or idle X 001Interrupt set, if a transaction is active it will be immediately
aborted and no further action taken by controller. Host to
re-initialize bus (i.e., force a bus recovery), reset slaves, or
take other appropriate recovery action. After bus is
recovered, host to re-start transaction.
Active or idle, time-out
enabled, and clock line is
X 010Interrupt set, active transaction will be immediately aborted
and no further action taken by controller. No bus recove ry
possible by bus-controller. Host to recover bus by resetting
slaves or system. After bus is recovered, host to re-start
Active and at a START or
repeated-START condition 1 000Interrupt not set, active transaction will be immediately
aborted and a bus recovery will be attempted by the
bus-controller. If successful, a start will be issued
automatically and the serial transfer will conti nue normally
at the location of the failed transaction. No host action is
1 100Interrupt set, an auto-recovery was attempted and failed.
Active transaction will be immediately aborted and the
bus-controller determines bus recovery actions, for
example setting the BR bit or resetting the slaves.
0 100Interrupt set, active transaction will be immediately aborted
and no bus recovery will be attempted by the
bus-controller. Host may attempt a bus recovery by setting
the BR bit or determine other bus recovery action.
Table 9. INTMSK - Interrupt mask register bit description
Address: Channel 0 = C2h; Channel 1 = D2h; Channel 2 = E2h.
Bit Symbol Description
7 SDMSK Seque nce Done Mask. The end of sequence interrupt will not be generated.
6 FLDMSK Frame loop done mask. A frame loop done interrupt will not be generated. The
controller will enter the idle state.
5 WEMSK Write Error Mask. An SLA NACK or dat a NACK interrupt will not be generated
and the controller will skip the remaining write data in the transaction and
continue with the START of the next transaction in the sequence.
4 REMSK Read Error detected in transaction. An SLA NACK interrupt will not be
generated and the controller will skip the read transaction and continue with
the START of the next transaction in the sequence.
3:1 - reserved
0 FEMSK Frame Error Mask. A frame error interrupt will not be generated.
Remark: Use caution and good judgement when using this ma sk.
Unexpected/erratic behavior may result in the slave devices.
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Parallel bus to 3 channel Fm+ I2C-bus controller SLATABLE — Slave address table register
SLAT ABLE is an 8-bit 64 register set that makes up a table that stores the slave address
for each transaction in the sequence. The table is loaded by using an auto-increment
pointer that is not user-accessible. To reset the pointer, the AIPTRRST bit must be set in
the CONTROL register. The slave addresses in the SLATABLE register are stored with a
zero-based (N 1) index. The first slave address occupies the 00h position.
Remark: Slave address entries greater than the transaction count are not part of the
sequence. TRANCONFIG[0] contains the transaction count that will be included in the
Table 10. SLATABLE - Slave address table register bit description
Address: Channel 0 = C3h; Channel 1 = D3h; Channel 2 = E3h.
Bit Symbol Description
7:1 SLATABLE[7:1] Slave address.
0 SLATABLE[0] When 1, a read transaction is requested.
When 0, a write transaction is requested.
Table 11. Exam ple of SLATABLE registers
Transaction Slave address
00h 10h
01h 12h
02h 28h
03h 40h
04h 14h
3Fh 36h
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Parallel bus to 3 channel Fm+ I2C-bus controller TRANCONFIG — Transaction configuration register
The TRANCONFIG register is an 8-bit 65 register set that makes up a table that
contains the number of transactions that will be executed in a sequence and the number
of data bytes involved in the transaction.
The first byte of the register is the Transaction Count register. The remaining 64 registers
are the Transaction Length registers.
Remark: Even if the Transaction length (TRANCONFIG[1:40h]) and the
SLATABLE([0:3Fh]) are fully initialized, only the specified number of transactions in the
Transaction count (TRANCONFIG[0]) will be part of the sequence.
If the Transaction count is 0, then there will be no activity on the serial bus if the STA bit is
set. In addition, there will be no interrupts generated or status updated. The controller will
simply reset the CONTROL.STA bit without performing any transactions.
If the T ransaction length is 0, a read transaction will be skipped and a write transaction will
send the slave address plus write bit (SLA+W) on the serial bus with no data bytes. DATA — I2C-bus Data register
DATA is an 8-bit read/write, auto-incr ement register. It is the interface port to the channel
buffer. When accessing the buffer , the host writes a byte of serial data to be tr ansmitted or
reads bytes that have just been received at this location. The host can read from the
DATA at any time and can only write to this 8-bit register while the channel is idle.
Remark: Reading the DATA when the serial interface is active may return outdated or
erroneous data.
The host can read or write dat a up to the amount of memory space allotted to the channel.
The location at which the data is accessed is stored in the TRANSEL and TRANOFS
register (both default at 00h).
Table 12. TRANCONFIG, byte 0 - Transaction configuration register bit description
Address: Channel 0 = C4h; Channel 1 = D4h; Channel 2 = E4h.
Bit Symbol Description
7:0 Number of transactions in the sequence. Maximum is 40h.
Table 13. TRANCONFIG, byte 1 to 40h - Transaction configuration register bit description
Bit Symbol Description
7:0 Number of bytes per transaction in the sequence. Maximum is FFh.
Table 14. Example of TRANCONFIG register loaded
Register Value Description
T ransaction count 10h 16 transactions = 16 slave addresses in the SLATABLE
Transaction length 00h 0Ah 10 byte transaction
Transaction length 01h 12h 18 byte transaction
Transaction length 02h 28h 40 byte transaction
Transaction length 03h 40h 64 byte transaction
Transaction length 3Fh 12h 18 byte transaction
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To retu r n to the da ta location poin te d by the cont ents of the TR ANSEL and TRANOFS
register after read or write access to the DATA register, set the AIPTRRST
(auto-increment pointer reset) bit in the control register.
To return to the first DATA register location in the buffer set the TRANSEL to 00h. TRANSEL — Tr ansaction data buffer select register
The TRANSEL register is used to select the pointer to a specific transaction in the DATA
buffer . This allows the user to update the data of a specific slave without having to re-wr ite
the entire data buffer or to read back the stored serial data from a read transaction. The
value of this register is the slave address position in the SLATABLE register. The
TRANSEL register is zero-based (N 1) register.
For example, if a change to the 22nd slave address data is required, the host would set
the TRANSEL register to 15h. This register can be used in conjunction with the
TRANSOFS register to access a specific byte in the data buffer. The host would then
proceed to write the new data to the DATA register. The auto-increment featur e continues
to operate from this new position in the DATA register.
Setting TRANSEL to an uninitialized TRANCONFIG entry may cause a request to
read/write da ta outside the data buffer. If this occurs, the BE bit in the CTRLSTATUS
register will be set to a logic 1. Write data will be ignored and read data will be invalid.
When a new transaction is selected by programming the TRANSEL registers, the
TRANSOFS register will automatically be reset to 00h.
Remark: When updating the data buffer, if the number of bytes to be updated or read
exceeds the number of bytes that were specified in the TRANCONFIG register, the
auto-increment will go over the transaction boundary into the next transaction stored in
the buffer.
Remark: To reset the DATA pointer, write 00h to the TRANSEL register.
Table 15. DATA - Data register bit description
Address: Channel 0 = C5h; Channel 1 = D5h; Channel 2 = E5h.
Bit Symbol Description
7:0 D[7:0] Eight bits to be transmitted or just received. A logic 1 in DATA corresponds to a
HIGH level on the I2C-bus. A logic 0 corresponds to a LOW level on the bus.
Table 16. TRANSEL - Transaction data buffer select register bit description
Address: Channel 0 = C6h; Channel 1 = D6h; Channel 2 = E6h.
Bit Symbol Description
7 - Reserved.
6 - Reserved.
5:0 TRANSEL[5:0] Slave address position in the SLATABLE. The maximum number is 3Fh.
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Parallel bus to 3 channel Fm+ I2C-bus controller TRANOFS — Transaction data buffer byte select register
In conjunction with the TRANSEL register, the TRANOFS register is used to select the
pointer to a specific byte in a transaction in the data buffer. This allows the user to read or
re-write a specific data byte of a specific slave without having to read/re-write the entire
data buffer. The TRANOFS register is zero-based (N 1), so the maximum bytes this
register will point to is 256.
For example, if the tenth byte in the 40th slave address data is required, the host would
set the TRANSEL register to 27h and the TRANSOFS register to 09h. The host would
then proceed with a read to the DATA register.
Setting TRANOFS to a byte offset outside of the data buffer will cause the BE bit in the
CTRLSTATUS register will be set to a logic 1. Write data will be ignored and read data will
be invalid.
Remark: The number of bytes to be updated or read should no t exceed the number of
bytes that were specified in the TRANCON F IG regis ter. Doing so will cause the
auto-increment to go ove r the tr ansa ction bo und ar y in to the n ext tr ansaction stor ed in the
buffer. BYTECOUNT — Transmitted and received byte count register
The BYTECOUNT register stores the number of bytes that have been sent or received .
The count is continuously updated, therefore the BYTECOUNT is a real time reporting of
transmitted and received bytes. This is a read-only register. The BYTECOUNT includes
only the bytes that have been ACKed in a write transaction and all bytes received in a
read transaction inclu ding in transaction s whe re th e WEMSK or REMSK are en ab led and
part or complete transaction s have been skipped (see Figure 9). The BYTECOUNT
register is cleared at the START of every sequence. FRAMECNT — Frame count register
This register is a read/write register. The contents of this register holds the programmed
value by the host and is not a real-time count of frames sent on the serial bus.
If the FRAMECNT is 00h, the sequence stored in the buffer will loop continuously. A
STOP will be sent at the end of each sequence.
Table 17. TRANOFS - Tr ansaction data buffer byte select register bit description
Address: Channel 0 = C7h; Channel 1 = D7h; Channel 2 = E7h.
Bit Symbol Description
7:0 TRANOFS[7:0] Byte index for the specified transactio n buffer in TRANSEL.
Table 18. BYTECOUNT, byte 0 - Transaction configuratio n register bit description
Address: Channel 0 = C8h; Channel 1 = D8h; Channel 2 = E8h.
Bit Symbol Description
7:0 BYTECOUNT[7:0] Number of bytes sent/received per transaction in the sequence.
Maximum is FFh.
Table 19. FRAMECNT - Frame count register bit description
Address: Channel 0 = C9h; Channel 1 = D9h; Channel 2 = E9h.
Bit Symbol Description
7:0 FRAMECNT[7:0] Bit 7 to bit 0 indicate the number of times buffered commands are to be
re-transmitted. Default is 01h.
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If the FRAMECNT is 01h, it is defined as the default st ate an d th e se que nce store d in th e
buffer will be sent once and a STOP will be sent at the end of the sequence.
If the FRAMECNT is greater than 01h, the sequence stored in the buffer will loop
FRAMECNT times and a STOP will be sent at the end of each sequence.
Remark: The FRAMECNT can only be set to loop on the sequence stored in the buf fer. REFRATE — Refresh rate register
The REFRATE register defines the time period between each sequence start when
REFRATE looping is enabled (FRAMECNT 1, and TE = 0).
The refresh period defined by REFRATE should always be programmed to be greater
than the time it takes for the sequence to be transferred on the I2C-bus. If the REFRATE
values is too small, the frame error (FE) bit will be set and an interrupt will be requested.
Remark: If the FRAMECNT is 1, then the refresh rate function will be disabled. SCLL, SCLH — Clock rate registers
The clock rate register for the Standard-mode, Fast-mode, and Fast-mode Plus (Fm+) is
controlled by the SCLL and SCLH registe rs. They define the data rate for the serial bus of
the PCA9663. The actual frequenc y on th e ser ia l bus is det er m ine d by tHIGH (time where
SCL is HIGH), tLOW (time where SCL is LOW), tr (rise time), and tf (fall time) values.
Writing illegal values into the SCLL and SCLH registers will cause the part to operate at
the respective maximum channel frequency.
For Standard, Fast, and Fast-mode Plus, tHIGH and tLOW are calculated based on the
values that are programmed into SCLH and SCLL registers and the PLL clock frequency.
Remark: The MODE register needs to be programmed before programming the SCLL
and SCLH registers in order to know which I2C-bus mode is selected. See Section — I2C-bus mode register for more detail.
Fast-mode Plus (Fm+) is the default selected mode at power-up or after reset.
Table 20. REFRATE - Refresh rate register bit description
Address: Channel 0 = CAh; Channel 1 = DAh; Channel 2 = EAh.
Bit Symbol Description
7:0 REFRATE[7:0] Bit 7 to bit 0 indicate the sequence refresh period. The resolution is
100 s. The default value is 00h, the timer is disabled, and the sequences
will be sent back-to-back if the FRAMECNT is = 0 or FRAMECNT is > 1.
Table 21. SCLL - Clock Rate Low register bit description (Standard-mode, Fast-mode,
Fast-mode Plus)
Address: Channel 0 = CBh.
Bit Symbol Description
7:0 L[7:0] Eight bits defining the LOW state of SCL. Default: 94 (5Eh).
Table 22. SCLH - Clock Rate High register bit description (Standard-mode, Fast-mode,
Fast-mode Plus)
Address: Channel 0 = CCh.
Bit Symbol Description
7:0 H[7:0] Eight bits defining the HIGH state of SCL. Default: 63 (3Fh).
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The clock is derived from the internal PLL frequency which is set at 156 MHz (13 OSC
clock). Given a 1 % accuracy on the internal clock, the worst case TPLL is
Calculating clock settings for Standard, Fast, and Fast-mode Plus:
The scale factor is set by the MODE register and used in the TOTAL_SCLLH calculation.
The scale factor is 8 for Standard-mode, 4 for Fast-mode, and 1 for Fast-mode Plus.
The SCLL and SCLH can be fo und by:
Remark: The contributions for the rise time (tr) and fall time (tf) are adjusted internally by
hardware to match the desired frequency. If an invalid number is wr itten to SCLL or SCLH
such that it violates the specification, then the controller will adjust the bus frequency to
the allowable SCLL and SCLH minimums.
Sample resulting SCL frequencies:
Table 23. SCL frequencies
I2C-bus mode Frequency Scale factor
Standard 100 kHz 8
Fast 400 kHz 4
Fast-mode Plus 1000 kHz 1
Table 24. Typical SCL frequencies
Data shown under following conditions:
Pull-up resistor RPU =500
; bus capacit ance Cb=~170pF.
Desired frequency (kHz) Actual frequency (kHz) SCLL SCLH
Standard-mode (Sm)
100 99.3 116 79
90 90.0 129 87
80 80.0 145 98
70 69.5 168 112
60 59.7 194 132
50 50.0 233 156
12.12 MHz 13
157.56 MHz
-------------------------------6.347 ns==
TPLL freq
-----------------------------scale factor=
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Remark: The correct MODE setting should be programmed based on desired frequency
since the bus controller will internally select the appropriate tr and t f for the selected mode.
The minimum I2C-bus frequency is 50 kHz.
Remark: The actual SCL frequency will be affected by the PLL frequency and the bus
load. The controller will adjust the SCL timing by monitoring the rise time on the SCL line
and bring the output freque ncy as close to th e programmed value as possible without
violating the I2C-bus specificatio n for minimum clock HIGH and LOW timing.
Fast-mode (Fm)
400 398.4 58 39
350 348.7 66 45
300 298.2 78 52
250 250.2 93 62
200 198.0 117 79
150 150.1 155 104
100 100.0 233 156
Fast-mode Plus (Fm+)
1000 999.0 90 63
900 900.0 100 70
800 798.3 113 79
700 698.5 130 90
600 599.9 152 105
500 499.5 183 126
400 399.7 229 158
Table 24. Typical SCL frequencies …continued
Data shown under following conditions:
Pull-up resistor RPU =500
; bus capacit ance Cb=~170pF.
Desired frequency (kHz) Actual frequency (kHz) SCLL SCLH
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Parallel bus to 3 channel Fm+ I2C-bus controller MODE — I2C-bus mode register
MODE is a read/write register. It contains the control bits that select the bus recovery
options, and th e cor re ct timin g parameters. Timing parameters involved with AC[1:0] are
tBUF, tHD;STA, tSU;STA, tSU;STO, tHIGH, tLOW. The auto recovery and bus recovery bits are
contained in this register. They control the bus recovery sequence as defined in Section
8.5.1 “I2C-bus obs tructed by a LOW level on SDA (DAE).
Remark: CHEN bit value must be changed only when the I2C-bus is idle.
Remark: Change from an I2C-bus mode to a slower one (Fast-mode to Standard-mode,
for example) will cause the HIGH and LOW timings of SCL to be violated. It is then
required to program the SCLL and SCLH registers with values in accordance with the
selected mode.
Table 25. MODE - I2C-bus mode register bit description
Address: Channel 0 = CDh; Channel 1 = DDh; Channel 2 = EDh.
Bit Symbol Description
7 C HEN Channel Enable bit. R/W.
0: Channel is disabled, SCL and SDA hig h-impedance. All registers are
accessible for setup and configuration, however a sequence cannot be started if
the CHEN bit is 0 (STA cannot be set).
1 (default): Channel is enabled.
6- Reserved.
5 BR Bus Recovery. When BR is set to 1, the bus controller will attempt a bus recovery
by sending 9 clock pulses on the bus. Once the bus recovery is complete, the
controller will reset the bit to 0. This bit is not intended to generate random or
asynchronous 9 clock pulses on the bus. This function is performed automatically
when the AR bit is 1.
4 AR Auto Recovery.
When AR = 1 (default), the bus controller will automatically attempt to recover the
bus as described in Section 8.5.1 “I2C-bus obstructed by a LOW level on SDA
When AR = 0, the bus controller will abort the current transaction and generate an
error code by setting the DAE bit in the CHSTATUS register and pulling the INT
pin LOW.
3:2 - Reserved.
1:0 AC[1:0] I2C-bus mode selection to ensure proper timing parameters (see Table 26 and
Table 37).
AC[1:0] = 00: Standard-mode AC parameters selected.
AC[1:0] = 01: Fast-mode AC parameters selecte d.
AC[1:0] = 10 (default): Fast-mode Plus AC parameters selected.
AC[1:0] = 11: Reserved.
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[1] SCLL and SCLH values in the table also represents the minimum values that can be used for the
corresponding I2C-bus mode. Use of lower values will cause the minimum values to be loaded.
[2] Using the formula TIMEOUT — Time-out register
TIMEOUT is an 8-bit read/write register. It is used to determine the maxim u m tim e that
SCL is allowed to be in a LOW logic state before a CLE interrupt is generated.
When the I2C-bus interface is operating, TIMEOUT is loaded in the time-out cou nter at
every LOW SCL transition.
The Time-out register can be used in the following cases:
When the bus controller wants to send a START condition and the SCL line is held
LOW by some other device. Then the bus controller waits a time period equivalent to
the time-out value for the SCL to be released. In case it is not released, the bus
controller concludes that there is a bus error, sets the CLE bit in the CHSTATUS
register, generates an interrupt signal and releases the SCL and SDA lines.
The time-out feature starts every time the SCL goes LOW. If SCL stays LOW for a
time period equal to or greater than the time-out value, the bus controller concludes
there is a bus error and behaves in the manner described above. When the I2C-bus
interface is operating, TIMEOUT is loaded in the time-out counter at every SCL
transition. See Section 8.7 “Global reset for more information.
Table 26. I2C-bus mode selection example[1]
(decimal) SCLH
(decimal) I2C-bus frequency
(kHz)[2] Scale
factor AC[1:0] Mode
118 79 100 8 00 Standard
59 39 400 4 01 Fast
94 63 1000 1 10 Fast-mo de Plus
- - - - 11 reserved
Table 27. TIMEOUT - Time-out register bit description
Address: Channel 0 = CEh.
Bit Symbol Description
7 TE Time-out enable/disable
TE = 1: Time-out function enabled
TE = 0: Time-out function disabled
6:0 TO[6:0] Time-out value. The time-out period = (TIMEOUT[6:0] + 1) 200 s.
The time-out value may vary some, and is an approximate value.
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Parallel bus to 3 channel Fm+ I2C-bus controller PRESET — I2C-bus channel parallel software reset register
PRESET is an 8-bit write-only register . Programming the PRESET register allows the user
to reset each individual PCA9663 channel under software control. The software reset is
achieved by writing two consecutive bytes to this register . The first byte must be A5h while
the second byte must be 5Ah. The writes must be con secutive and the values must m atch
A5h and 5Ah. If this sequence is not followed as described, the reset is aborted.
The PRESET resets state-machines, registers, and buffer pointers to the default values,
zeroes the TRANCONFIG, SLATABLE, BYTECOUNT, and DATA arrays of the respective
channel and will not reset the entire chip. The parallel bus remains active while a software
reset is active. The user can read the PRESET register to determine when the reset has
completed, PRESET returns all 1s when the reset is active and all 0s when complete.
7.5.2 Global registers CTRLSTATUS — Controller status register
The CTRLSTATUS register reports the status of the controller, including the interrupts
generated by the parallel bus. There are six status bits. When CTRLSTATUS contains
00h, it indicates the idle state and therefore no serial interrupts are requested. The content
of this register is continuously updated during the operation of the controller.
The lower 3 bits represent the channels that have an interrupt request pending. To clear
the individual channel interrupt request, you must read the CHSTATUS register. Bits [5:3]
indicate if a channel is currently active or if it is in the idle state.
Remark: A global reset will reset all channels and configuration settings.
BE - Buffer Error bit: This bit indicates that a buffer error has been detected. For
example, a buffer overflow due to the host programming too many bytes will set this bit. A
software or hardware reset is necessary to recover from a buffer error.
Table 28. PRESET - I2C-bus channel parallel software reset register bit description
Address: Channel 0 = CFh; Channel 1 = DFh; Channel 2 = EFh.
Bit Symbol Description
7:0 PRESET[7:0] Write-only register used during an I2C-bus channel parallel reset command.
Table 29. CTRLSTATUS - Interrupt status register bit description
Address: F0h.
Bit Symbol Description
7 BE Buffer Error. A buffer error such as overflow has been detected.
5 CH2ACT Channel 2 is active.
4 CH1ACT Channel 1 is active.
3 CH0ACT Channel 0 is active.
2 CH2INTP Channel 2 interrupt pending.
1 CH1INTP Channel 1 interrupt pending.
0 CH0INTP Channel 0 interrupt pending.
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The buffer error may occur when a data location is being read or written to that has not
previously been configured by the TRANCONFIG register . The buf fer error can occur on a
parallel data write or read beyond the buffer capacity, or setting the TRANSEL and
TRANOFS pointers beyond the buffer boundary.
When the DATA register is loaded with data that goes beyond the capacity of th e bu ffer,
the bytes that go over the buffer size will be ignored and a Buffer Error (BE) will be
Special cas e: The BE inte rrupt is clear ed by reading the CTRLSTATUS register. All other
interrupts are cleared by reading the respective CHSTATUS register.
Fig 4. PCA9663 status reporting logic
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Parallel bus to 3 channel Fm+ I2C-bus controller CTRLINTMSK — Control Interrupt mask register
The CTRLINTMSK ma sks all interrupts generated by th e masked channel. This allows the
host MCU to complete other operations before servicin g the interrupt without being
interrupted by the same channel.
Table 30. CTRLINTMSK - Control interrupt mask register bit des criptio n
Address: F1h.
Bit Symbol Description
7 BEMSK Buffer Error Mask. A buffer error interrupt will not be generated.
Remark: Use caution and good judgemen t when using this mask.
Unexpected/erratic behavior may result in the slave devices.
6:3 - reserved
2 CH2MSK When this bit is set to 1, all interrupts for the channel will be masked and
the INT pin will not be pulled LOW.
1 CH1MSK When this bit is set to 1, all interrupts for the channel will be masked and
the INT pin will not be pulled LOW.
0 CH0MSK When this bit is set to 1, all interrupts for the channel will be masked and
the INT pin will not be pulled LOW.
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The DEVICE_ID register stores the bus controller part number so it can be identified on
the parallel bus.
Fig 5. PCA9663 interrupt logic
CH0 interrupt
sources and masks
CH1 interrupt
sources and masks
CH2 interrupt
sources and masks
to INT pin
Table 31. DEVICE_ID - Device ID register bit description
Address: F6h.
Bit Symbol Description
7 U/A Selects PCU or PCA device.
1 = PCU96xx
0 = PCA96xx
6:0 BCD BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) code of the ending 2 digits for ID.
Range is 00h to 79h. The code for the PCA9663 is 63h.
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Parallel bus to 3 channel Fm+ I2C-bus controller C TR LP RESET — Parallel software reset register
CTRLPRESET is an 8-bit write-only register. Programming the CTRLPRESET register
allows the user to reset the PCA9663 under software control. The software reset is
achieved by writing two consecutive bytes to this register . The first byte must be A5h while
the second byte must be 5Ah. The writes must be con secutive and the values must m atch
A5h and 5Ah. If this sequence is not followed as described, the reset is aborted. CTRLRDY — Controller ready register
CTRLRDY (address FFh) is an 8-bit read-only register. It indicates the internal state of the
controller. When the register is FFh , th e controller is in the initialization state. The
initialization state will be entered at power-up, after a hardware reset, or after a global
software reset.
The oscillator and the PLL will be initialized only after a Power-On Reset (POR), a
hardware reset, or a global software reset (CTRLPRESET).
When the register is 00h, the controlle r is in the normal operating mode.
Access while the controller is initializing requires CE pin follow the RD pin transitions to
update the st ate of the controller that is read back. After contro ller is ready, the CE pin can
be held LOW while RD and WR pins transition. See Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8.
Table 32. CTRLPRESET - Parallel sof tware reset register bit description
Address: F7h.
Bit Symbol Description
7:0 CTRLPRESET[7:0] Write-only register used during a device parallel reset command.
Table 33. CTRLRDY - Controller re ady register bit description
Address: FFh.
Bit Symbol Description
7:0 CTRLRDY[7:0] Read-only register indicates the internal state of the controller. FFh
indicates the controller is initializing, 00h indicates controller is in normal
operating mode.
Fig 6. During initial izatio n, CE must transition with RD at each read operation
initializing ready
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8. PCA9663 operation
The PCA9663 is designed to efficiently transmit and receive large amounts of da ta on a
single master bus. There are thre e major components that compose the architecture of
the I2C-bus controller that interact with each other to provide a hig h throughput and a h igh
level of automation when it conducts transactions:
Slave address table: specifies the address of the slaves on the bus and the direction
(read or write).
Transaction configuration: specifies the size of the transaction.
Data buffer: contains the data to be transmitted or received from the slave.
These three compo nents are integ rated in the PCA9663 to build a sequence. A seque nce
is a set of read or write transactions and the minimum sequence size is one read or write
transaction. Several transactions can be stor ed in one sequence and be executed without
the intervention of the ho st controller (CPU) through loop contro l and usin g th e bu ilt- in
refresh rate timers.
The PCA9663 executes transactio ns in the order they were loaded into the buffer without
interrupting th e host. Once the end of a sequence is reached, the Sequence Done (SD) bit
will be asserted in the CHSTATUS register and the controller will request an interrupt, if
SDMSK = 0. At this point, the host can re load the buffer with a new sequence or resend
the one that is currently loaded in the buffer.
When a sequence is in progress, no interrupts are generated unless there is an error
when a transaction is conducted. The host will only receive an interrupt when the
sequence is done. The PCA9663 will dynamically shift between being a Master
Fig 7. Duri ng no rma l op era tio n, CE may remain LOW while RD transitions during
multiple reads
Fig 8. Duri ng no rma l op era tio n, CE may remain LOW while WR transitions during
multiple writes
address Zaddress Yaddress X
read address Zread address Yread address XADDR
data Zdata Ydata X
write address Zwrite address Ywrite address XADDR
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Transmitter or a Master Receiver according to the direction bits specified in the
SLATABLE. The host has the ability to retrieve stored serial data as soon as a read
transaction is done, while the controller ca rries on the remaining transactions in the
8.1 Sequence execution
Sequences can have transactions of two types:
Write transactions, where the PCA9663 will behave as a Master Transmitter
Read transactions, where the PCA9663 will behave as a Master Receiver
Data transfers in each direction are shown in Figure 9. This figure contains the following
S — START condition
SLA — 7-bit slave addr e s s
R — Read bit (HIGH level at SDA)
W — Write bit (LOW level at SDA)
A — Acknowledge bit (LOW level at SDA)
ANot acknowledge bit (HIGH level at SDA)
Data — 8-bit data byte
P — STOP condition
In Figure 9, circles are used to indicate when a bit is set in the CHSTATUS register. A
channel interrup t is not requested when CHSTATUS = 00h and the INT pin is not asserted
when the interrupt is masked (see Section
For a successful sequence execution, all three components mentioned above must exist
in the memory and must be correctly set up. There are not safeguards against
programming incorrect transaction sizes, data buffer le ngths, or direction bits. If the
transaction length is set to 00h, then only the slave address with direction bit will be
Once the host has configured the serial port and programmed the TRANCONFIG (number
of slaves and bytes per slave), the SLATABLE (slave addresses), TR AN SEL (t ra ns action
data buffer selection) and the TRANOFS (byte offset selection) and loaded the serial data
into the DATA buffer, the sequence is ready to be transmitted.
To send the sequence, the host will set the STA bit in the CONTROL register and the
controller will immediately send a START on the serial bus. Then, the transactions will be
carried out in the order they appear in the SLATABLE, each being separated by a
ReSTART command.
If the interrupts are unmasked, the serial transfer will be conducted without generating
interrupts in between transactions. Once all transactions are successfully completed, the
controller will generate a STOP, the Sequence Done bit (SD) will be set in the CHSTATUS
and an interrupt will be generated.
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When the interrupts are unmasked, a NACK on slave address or data (in a write cycle) will
terminate the serial transfer, generate a STOP, and the INT pin will be asserted. The host
can read the CTRLSTATUS (Controller status register) to determine which channel
generated the interrupt, then it can read the CHSTATUS register of the channel and the
STATUSx_[n] to determine which slave address caused the error.
If the interrupt s WEMSK and REMSK are set, then a NACK o n slave address or data (in a
write cycle) will not terminate the serial transfer, the error will be stored in the
STAT USx _[n] register and the serial transfer will continue with the next transaction in the
sequence. Once all transactions are completed, the controller will generate a STOP and
the Sequence Done bit (SD) and other error bit s (WE or RE) will be set in the CHSTATUS
and an interrupt will be generated.
If the host wants to poll the PCA9663, it can ma sk all re gis te rs inc lud ing the SD bit and
read the CTRLSTATUS, CHSTATUS, STATUSx_[n], and/or the CONTROL registers to
determine th e state of the cont ro ller.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xx xxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx x x
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx
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Example CHSTATUS codes:
80h: sequence done with no errors
C0h: frame loop and sequence d one with no errors
A0h: sequence done with a write error
D0h: frame loop and sequence d one with a read error
Fig 9. PCA9663 I2C status codes
CHSTATUS register, interrupt requested; interrupt goes LOW at the STOP
DATA A any number of data bytes and their associated Acknowledge bits
from master to slave
from slave to master
STATUSx_[n] register, no interrupt
Alast byte is NACK
transactions with WEMSK and REMSK = 1
data available
to be read on
parallel bus
transactions with WEMSK and REMSK = 0
01h 08h
10h data available
to be read on
parallel bus
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xx xxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx x x
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx
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Status and configuration registers are not shown.
Shaded areas are comments/indexes that are not user-accessible.
Fig 10. PCA9663 sequence blo ck diagram; sample sequence loaded
Transaction count
Transaction 0 length, 1 byte
Transaction 1 length, 5 bytes
Transaction 2 length, 16 bytes
Transaction 3 length, 8 bytes
Transaction 61 length, 16 bytes
Transaction 62 length, 5 bytes
Transaction 63 length, 8 bytes
The slave address plus transaction count,
direction bit, the transaction length and the
transaction data make up one complete
serial bus transaction or sequence.
Transaction 0, data byte 0
Transaction 1, data byte 0
Transaction 1, data byte 1
Transaction 1, data byte 2
Transaction 1, data byte 4
Transaction 2, data byte 0
Transaction 2, data byte 1
Transaction 2, data byte 15
44h Transaction 63, data byte 0
AAh Transaction 63, data byte 1
55h Transaction 63, data byte 7
internal memory pointer
A00h or F00h
sequence read
and write data
memory space
internal memory pointer
The memory pointers are managed
internally by the buffer controller.
number of
slave addresses
to be included
in a sequence
00h Transaction 1, data byte 3
transaction length
corresponding to each
slave address in the
slave address
plus direction bit
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8.2 Read transactions
Many I2C-bus slave devices need a com mand or registe r offset to setup a read operation.
In this case, a read transaction is actually a multi-part transaction consisting of a write
transaction followed by a read transaction. This is done by setting the transactions in that
order when programming the sequence.
If no write is required prior to a read, then the read transaction can be placed in any
location of the sequence. Once the read transaction is completed (i.e., the TR bit is
cleared to 0) the data is immediately available for th e host to retrieve it on the p ara llel bus.
8.3 Stopping a sequence
If the host needs to stop the execution of a sequence, it should set the STO bit in the
CONTROL register. Fo r write transactions, the host will issue a STOP after the
acknowledge cycle of the current byte being transferred on the serial bus. For read
transactions, if the host sets the STO bit while an address + read bit (SLA+R) is sent, the
controller will complete the read of one byte by sending 9 clocks and a NACK on the ninth
clock before sending the STOP condition. If the host sets the STO bit while a read
transaction is in progress, the current byte will be NACKed before sending a STOP
condition. No interrupts will be generated and all the status registers will be up to date.
The Sequence Done bit (SD) will be set to indicate to the host that the STOP condition
was completed and the bus is idle. The Sequence Done and the Frame Loop Done will be
set if the channel is in Loop mode (FRAMECNT 1) and a STO or STOSEQ bit is set.
If the host issues a STOP (by setting the STO) in the middle of a sequence followed by a
START (by setting the STA), then the controller will re-send the sequence from the
beginning, not from the point where the sequence was last stopped.
8.4 Looping a sequence
A sequence can be set to automatically loop several times u sing the FRAMECNT and one
of the following:
The REFRATE register. The REFRATE register contains the value of the refresh ra te
which is timing required between the START of two sequences. The refresh rate is
derived from the internal clock of the bus controller. If the REFRATE is programmed to
00h, the sequences will be looped back-to-back.
Trigger enable (TE) bit. When TE is set, the refresh rate is controlled by the external
trigger input and the co nt en ts of the REFRATE registers is ignored. There is no
maximum timing requirement for the trigger interval.
The FRAMECNT register sets the number of times the sequence will be repeated. A
frame is defined as a sequence associated with its respective refresh rate. As described
above, the frame refresh rate is determined by the REFRATE register or an external
trigger source.
During looping, there is no host intervention required and all status and error reporting
remains active. The SD (Sequence Done) bit can be masked to avoid getting interrupted
each time a frame is completed while the other error reporting bit s remain unmasked. In
this manner, normal transactions can run without host intervention and errors will be
reported at the STOP of the current byte where the error occurred.
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Once the FRAMECNT values is reached, the FLD bit in the CHSTA TUS re gister is set and
no further transactions will be executed and the channel will go to the idle state. The FLD
interrupt can be masked with the FLDMSK bit in the CTRLINTMSK register. The host can
poll the CTRLSTATUS register to check if the channel is active (looping) or if it is idle.
For indefinite or long term looping the host can do the following:
1. A sequence can be set to loop indefinitely by setting the FRAMECNT register to 00h.
Each frame will be sent out following the REFRATE settings or the Trigger input if the
TE bit is set. To end the Loop mode, the host sets the STO or STOSEQ bits in the
CONTROL register.
2. A frame will be sent out continuously and back-to-back if FRAMECNT and REFRATE
are set to 00h. To end the Loop mode, the hose sets the STO or STOSEQ bits in the
CONTROL register.
8.4.1 Looping with REFRATE control
When using the REFRATE register (TE bit is 0) the refresh rate timing is controlled
internally. Once the STA bit is set, the START command will be immediately sent on the
serial bus followed by the sequence. Thereafter, the controller will issue a START
command followed by the stored sequence every time the REFRATE value is reached. It
is important to program enough time in the REFRATE to allow a complete sequence to
reach the Sequence Done state. If the refresh rate is not long enough, the Frame Error
(FE) bit will be set and an interrupt will be generated. The FE bit is maskable, however,
masking the FE bit may yield undesired results on the serial inter face. If the FE bit is
masked, the Loop mode will continue to operate and the FE flag will remain set. To exit
the Loop mode, the STO or the STOSEQ bit should be set.
8.4.2 Looping with Trigger control
The PCA9663 has on e trigg er inp ut. Th e tr igg er en able ( TE) bit in th e CONTROL reg iste r
is used to control the use of external triggering. Once enabled, the trigger will override the
contents of the REFRATE register, and will start triggering when the STA bit is set.
Therefore, a significant time delay can occur between setting the STA bit and the
detection of a trigger. When a trigger edge is detected, the controller will issue a START
command and the stored sequence will be transferred on the serial bus. The trigger will
control the timing of the frame, therefore, enough time should be allowed by th e trig ger to
allow the sequence to reach the Sequence Done state.
If a trigger edge is dete cted while a sequence is actively being tra nsmitted on the bu s, the
Frame Error (FE) bit will be set and an interrupt will be generated. The FE bit is maskable,
however, masking the FE bit may yield undesired results on th e serial interface. If the FE
bit is masked, the Loop mode will continue to operate and the FE flag will remain set. The
polarity of the trigger edge detect is controlled by the TP bit in the CONTROL register. To
exit the Trigger mode, the STO o r the STOSEQ bit should be set.
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8.5 Bus errors
Bus errors are a rare occurrence in a well designed I2C-b us system. The PCA9663 has a
robust error detection mechanism that detects hang-ups such as if SDA or SCL is pulled
LOW by an external source, or if an illegal START or STOP condition appears on the bus.
8.5.1 I2C-bus obstructed by a LOW level on SDA (DAE)
An I2C-bus hang- up oc cu rs if SDA is pulled LOW b y an u ncontr olled sou rce ( e.g., a slave
device out of bit synchronization). If the SDA line is obstructed by another device on the
bus, the problem can be solved by transmitting additional clock pulses on the SCL line
(see Figure 11). The SDA stuck fault detection is only active during a START or
repeated-START condition.
When the error is detected, if the auto-recovery bit is set (AR = 1), the PCA9663 sends
out nine clock pulses followe d by the STOP condition (see Figure 11). If the SDA line is
released by the slave pulling it LOW, a normal START condition is transmitted by the
PCA9663, the TA bit is set in the STATUSx_[n] register and the serial transfer continues. If
the SDA line is not released by the slave pulling it LOW, then the PCA9663 concludes that
there is a bus error, sets the DAE bit in the C HSTATUS registe r, generates an interr upt
signal, and releases the SCL and SDA lines.
If the auto-recovery bit is reset (AR = 0) during error detection, the PCA9663 loads the
bus error (set s the DAE bit in the CHSTATUS register), generates an interr upt si gnal, an d
releases the SCL and SDA lines. After the host reads the status register, it can force a bus
recovery sequence by setting the bus recovery bit to 1 (BR = 1). The PCA9663 will
transmit addit ion a l clock pu lse s on the SCL line and th e ho st mu st re- start the
transmission by setting the STA bit.
If a repeated START condition is transmitted while SDA is obstructed (pulled LOW), the
PCA9663 performs the same action as described above. In each case, the TA bit is set
after a successful START condition is transmitted and normal se rial transfer continues.
Note that the host is not involved in solving these bus hang-up problems when the
auto-recovery bit is set (AR = 1).
When a host is unable to recover the bus by having the AR bi t set or forcing a bus
recovery sequence by setting the bus recovery by setting the BR, then it may be
necessary to reset the slaves or the system.
Remark: If the AR bit is set and an SDA stuck LOW is detected, the transaction will
continue normally after an auto-recovery from the failed location in the sequence. If the
AR bit is zero and a manual bus recovery is performed, the transaction will be re-started
from the beginning of the sequence.
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8.5.2 I2C-bus obstructed by a LOW level on SCL (CLE)
An I2C-bus hang-up occur s if SDA or SCL is pulled LOW by an un controlled source. If the
SCL line is obstructed (pulled LOW) by a device on the bus, no further serial transfer is
possible, and the PCA9 66 3 ca nno t res olve this type of problem. When this occurs, the
problem must be resolved by the device that is pulling the SCL bus line LOW. To resolve
this type of a problem, resetting the slaves or the system may be required.
When the SCL line stays LOW for a period equal to the time-out value, the PCA9663
concludes that this is a bus error and behaves in a ma nner described in Section
TIMEOUT — Time-out register.
The bus recovery function (setting the BR bit) will not have any effect on an SCL stuck
LOW error.
8.5.3 Illegal START or STOP (SSE)
The illegal START or ST OP detection is a ctive immediately after the CTRLRDY register is
set to 00h at device start-up. The SSE condition will be monitored and detected at any
time the bus controller is not the one initiating the transition.
An SSE occurs when a START or STOP condition is present at an illegal position.
Examples of illegal positions are during the serial transfer of an address byte, a data or an
acknowledge bit.
When an SSE condition is detected, the PCA9663 releases the SDA and SCL lines, sets
the interrupt flag, and sets the SSE bit in the channel status register (CHSTATUS).
Fig 11 . Recovering from a bus obstruction caused by a LOW level on SDA (AR = 1)
STOP condition
SDA line
SCL line
fault detected
line held LOW by slave
line released by slave,
bus recovered
line driven
by master P
9 clocks driven by master
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8.6 Power-on reset
When power is applied to VDD, an internal Power-On Reset hol ds the PCA9663 in a r eset
condition until VDD has reached VPOR. At this point, the rese t condition is released and the
PCA9663 goes to the powe r- up initia liza tio n ph as e whe r e the followin g op e ra tio ns ar e
1. The oscillator and PLL will be re-initialized.
2. Internal regis te r initialization is performed.
3. The memory space will be zeroed out.
The complete power-up initialization phase takes trst to be performed. During this time,
writes to the PCA9663 through th e parallel port are ignored. Ho wever , the parallel por t can
be read. This allows the device connected to the parallel port of the PCA9663 to poll the
CTRLRDY register.
8.7 Global reset
Reset of the PCA9663 to its default state can be performed in 2 different ways:
By holding the RESET pin LOW for a minimum of tw(rst).
By using the Parallel Software Reset sequence as described in Figure 12. The host
must write to the CTRLPRESET register of the target channel in two successive
parallel bus writes to the bus controller. The first byte is A5h an d th e se con d byte is
The RESET hardware pin and the global soft ware reset function behave the same as the
power-on reset. A complete power-up initialization phase will be performed as defined in
Section 8.6. The RESET pin has an internal pull-up resistor (through a series diode) to
guarantee proper operation of the device. This pin should not be left floating and should
always be driven.
Fig 12. Parallel Software Reset sequence
A[7:0] CTRLPRESET register selected
D[7:0] A5h
data byte 1
data byte 2
If D[7:0] ≠ A5h, following byte
is ignored and reset is aborted. If D[7:0] ≠ 5Ah, reset is aborted.
If Data 1 = A5h and Data 2 = 5Ah,
PCA9663 is reset to its default state.
global reset
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8.8 Channel reset
In addition to the above chip reset options, each channel can be individually reset by
programming the PRESET register for that channel as described in Figure 13. The
channel will reset to its default power-up state. The host must write to the PRESET
register of the target channel in two successive parallel bus writes to the bus controller.
The first byte is A5h and the second byte is 5Ah.
Fig 13. I2C-bus Channel Parallel Software Reset sequence
D[7:0] A5h
data byte 1
data byte 2
A[7:0] channel PRESET register selected
If D[7:0] ≠ A5h, following byte
is ignored and reset is aborted. If D[7:0] ≠ 5Ah, reset is aborted.
If Data 1 = A5h and Data 2 = 5Ah,
PCA9663 is reset to its default state.
channel reset
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8.9 I2C-bus timing diagrams
The diagrams Figure 14 and Figure 15 illustrate typical timing diagrams for the PCA9663.
PCA9663 writes data to slave.
(1) 7-bit address + R/W = 0 byte and number of bytes sent = value programmed in Transaction length
register in TRANCONFIG register.
Fig 14. Bus timing diagram; write tran sactions
PCA9663 reads data from slave.
(1) Number of bytes received = value programmed in the Transaction length register in
Fig 15. Bus timing diagram; read transactions
n byte(1)
7-bit address(1)
R/W = 0
from slave receiver
first byte(1)
(after STOP)
n byte(1)
7-bit address
R/W = 1
from slave
first byte(1)
from PCA9663
(after STOP)
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9. Characteristics of the I2C-bus
The I2C-bus is for 2-way, 2-line communication between dif ferent ICs or mo dules. The two
lines are a serial data line (SDA) and a serial clock line (SCL). Both lines must be
connected to a positive supply via a pull-up resistor when connected to the output stages
of a device. Dat a transfer may be initiated only when the bus is not busy.
9.1 Bit transfer
One data b it is transferred durin g each clock pulse . The data on th e SDA line must remain
stable during the HIGH period of the clock pulse as changes in the data line at this time
will be interpreted as control signals (see Figure 16).
9.1.1 START and STOP conditions
Both data and clock lines remain HIGH when the bus is not busy. A HIGH-to-LOW
transition of the data line wh ile the clock is HIGH is defined as the START condition (S). A
LOW-to-HIGH transition of the data line while the clock is HIGH is defined as the STOP
condition (P) (see Figure 17).
9.2 System configuration
A device generating a message is a ‘transmitter’; a device receiving is the ‘receiver’. The
device that controls the message is the ‘master’ and the devices which are controlled by
the master are the ‘slaves’ (see Figure 18).
Fig 16. Bit transfer
data line
data valid
of data
Fig 17. Definition of START and STOP conditions
STOP condition
START condition
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9.3 Acknowledge
The number of data bytes transferre d be tween the START and the ST OP cond itions from
transmitter to receiver is not limited. Each byte of eight bits is followed by one
acknowledge bit. The acknowledge bi t is a HIGH level put on the bus by the transmitter,
whereas the master generates an extra acknowle dge related clock pulse.
A slave receiver which is addresse d must gener ate an acknowledg e af ter the reception of
each byte. Also a master must generate an acknowledge after the reception of each byte
that has been clocke d ou t of th e sla v e tr ansmitter. The device that acknowledges has to
pull down the SDA line during the acknowledge clo ck pulse, so that the SDA line is stable
LOW during the HIGH period of the acknowledge related clock pulse; set-up and hold
times must be taken into account.
A master receiver must signal an end of data to the transmitter by not generating an
acknowledge on the last byte that has been clocke d out of the slave. In this event, the
transmitter must leave the data line HIGH to enable the master to generate a STOP
Fig 18. System configuration
Fig 19. Acknowledgement on the I2C-bus
clock pulse for
not acknowledge
data output
by transmitter
data output
by receiver
SCL from master
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10. JTAG port
The PCA9663 has a JTAG IEEE 1149.1 compliant port. All signals (TDI, TMS, TCK,
TRSTN and TDO) are accessible. Only EXTEST functions are enabled, for example to
conduct boar d- level co ntinuity tests. Device debug/emulation functionality such as
INTEST commands are not supported. The JTAG port is used for boundary scan testing
(i.e., opens/shorts) during PCB manufacturing.
The following EXTEST JTAG instructions are supported:
If the JTAG boundary scan is not being used, then the JTAG pins must be held in the
following states:
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11. Application design-in information
11.1 Specific applications
The PCA9663 is a parallel bus to I2C-bus controller that is designed to allow ‘smart’
devices to interface with I2C-bus or SMBus components, where the ‘smart’ device does
not have an integrated I2C-bus port and the designer does not want to ‘bit-bang’ the
I2C-bus port. The PCA9663 can also be used to add more I2C-bus ports to ‘smart’
devices, provide a higher frequency, lower voltage migration path for the PCF8584,
PCA9564 and PCA9665 and convert 8 bits of para llel data to a ser ial bus to avoid running
multiple traces across the printed- circuit board.
Fig 20. Application diag ra m usi ng the 80 C5 1
D0 to D7
address bus
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11.2 Add I2C-bus port
As shown in Figure 21, the PCA9663 converts 8-bits of parallel data into a single ma ster
capable I2C-bus port for microcontro ller s, mic ro processors, custom ASICs, DSPs, etc.,
that need to interface with I2C-bus or SMBus components.
11.3 Add additional I2C-bus ports
The PCA9663 can be use d to convert 8-bit pa rallel data into additional single master
capable I2C-bus port as shown in Figure 22. It is used if the microcontroller,
microprocessor, custom ASIC, DSP, etc., already have an I2C-bus port but need one or
more addition a l I2C-bus ports to interface with more I2C-bus or SMBus components or
components that cannot be located on the same bus (e.g., 100 kHz and 400 kHz slaves
on different buses so that ea ch bus can operate at its maximum potential).
Fig 21. Adding I2C-bus port application
control signals
8 bits data
Fig 22. Adding additiona l I 2C-bus ports application
control signals
8 bits data
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12. Limiting values
[1] 5.5 V steady state voltage tolerance on inputs and outputs is valid only when the supply voltage is present. 4.6 V steady state voltage
tolerance on inputs and outputs when no supply voltage is present.
13. Static characteristics
Table 34. Limiting values
In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit
VDD supply voltage 0.3 +4.6 V
VDD(IO) input/output supply voltage power supply reference for
I2C-bus I/O pins 0.3 +7.0 V
VIinput voltage parallel bus interface 0.3 +4.6 V
I2C-bus pins [1] 0.3 +7.0 V
IIinput current any input 10 +10 mA
IOoutput current any output 10 +10 mA
IOSH HIGH-level short-circuit output current I/O D0 to D7 - 106 mA
IOSL LOW-level short-circuit output current I/O D0 to D7 - 110 mA
Ptot total power dissipation - 300 mW
P/out power dissipation per outpu t - 50 mW
Tstg storage temperature 65 +150 C
Tamb ambient temperature operating 40 +85 C
Table 35. Static ch aracteristics
VDD = 3.0 V to 3.6 V; Tamb =
C to +85
C; unless otherwise specified.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
VDD supply voltage monotonic supply during power-up
and power-down with a ramp time
(tramp): 5 s<t
r< 20 ms
(5 % VDD(min) to 95 % VDD(min))
VDD(PLL) phase-locked loop
supply voltage power supply for PLL bias circuit 3.0 - 3.6 V
VDD(IO) input/output supply voltage power supply refe rence for I2C-bus
I/O pins 3.0-5.5V
IDD supply current operating mode; no load - 15 25 mA
IDD(IO) input/outpu t sup ply current VDD(IO) = 5.5 V; VDD =3.6V;
I/O not switching --1mA
VPOR power-on reset voltage LOW to HIGH - 2.75 - V
HIGH to LOW - 2.60 - V
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[1] 5.5 V steady state voltage tolerance on inputs and outputs is valid only when the supply voltage is present. 4.6 V steady state voltage
tolerance on inputs and outputs when no supply voltage is present.
Inputs WR, RD, A0 to A7, CE, TRIG
VIL LOW-level input voltage 0 - 0.3VDD V
VIH HIGH-level input voltage [1] 0.7VDD -3.6V
Vhys hysteresi s vol tage 0.1VDD -- V
ILleakage current input; VI=0Vor3.6V 1-+1A
Ciinput capacitance VI=V
SS or VDD -2.04.5pF
VIL LOW-level input voltage 0 - 0.3VDD V
VIH HIGH-level input voltage [1] 0.7VDD -3.6V
Vhys hysteresi s vol tage 0.1VDD -- V
ILleakage current input; VI=0Vor3.6V 1-+75A
Ciinput capacitance VI=V
SS or VDD -2.04.5pF
Inputs/outputs D0 to D7
VIL LOW-level input voltage 0 - 0.3VDD V
VIH HIGH-level input voltage 0.7VDD -3.6V
IOH HIGH-level output current VOH =V
DD(IO) 0.4 V 3.2 - - mA
IOL LOW-level output current VOL =0.4V 2.0 - - mA
ILleakage current input; VI= 0 V or 5.5 V 1-+1A
Cio input/output capacitance VI=V
SS or VDD -2.85pF
SDAn and SCLn
VIL LOW-level input voltage 0 - 0.3VDD(IO) V
VIH HIGH-level input voltage [1] 0.7VDD(IO) -5.5V
ILleakage current input/output; VI=0Vor3.6V 75 - +1 A
input/output; VI=5.5V 75 - +1 A
IOL LOW-level output current VOL =0.4V 30 - - mA
Cio input/output capacitance VI=V
SS or VDD(IO) -5.67pF
Outputs INT
IOL LOW-level output current VOL =0.4V 6.0 - - mA
ILleakage current VO= 0 V or 3.6 V 1-+75A
Cooutput capacitance VI=V
SS or VDD -3.85.5pF
Table 35. Static ch aracteristics …continued
VDD = 3.0 V to 3.6 V; Tamb =
C to +85
C; unless otherwise specified.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
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14. Dynamic characteristics
[1] Parameters are valid over specified temperature and voltage range.
[2] All voltage measurements are referenced to ground (VSS). For testing, all inputs swing between 0 V and 3.0 V with a transition time of
5 ns maximum. All time measurements are referenced at input voltages of 1.5 V and output voltages shown in Figure 23 and Figure 25.
[3] Test conditions for outputs: CL=50pF; R
L= 500 , except open-drain outputs.
Test conditions for open-drain outputs: CL=50pF; R
L=1k pull-up to VDD.
[4] Resetting the device while actively communicating on the bus may cause glitches or an errant STOP condition.
[5] Upon reset, the full delay will be the sum of trst and the RC time constant of the SDA and SCL bus.
Table 36. Dynamic characteristics (3.3 volt)[1][2][3]
VDD =3.3V
0.3 V; Tamb =
C to +85
C; unless otherwise specified.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Initialization timing
tinit(po) power-on initialization time VDD =3.0V - - 650 s
tinit initialization time channel initialization time from
Channel Software Reset --70s
controller initialization time from
POR, RESET, or Global Software
Reset inactive
RESET timing
tw(rst) reset pulse width 4 - - s
trst reset time [4][5] 1.5 - - s
INT timing
tas(int) interrupt assert time - - 500 ns
tdas(int) interrupt de-assert time - - 100 ns
TRIG timing
tw(trig) trigger pulse width HIGH or LOW 100 - - ns
Bus timing (see Figure 23 and Figure 25)
tsu(A) address set-up time to RD, WR LOW 0 - - n s
th(A) address hold time from RD, WR LOW 14 - - n s
tsu(CE_N) CE set-up time to RD, WR LOW 0 - - ns
th(CE_N) CE hold time from RD, WR LOW 0 - - ns
tw(RDL) RD LOW pulse width 40 - - n s
tw(WRL) WR LOW pulse width 40 - - ns
td(DV) data valid delay time after RD and CE LOW - - 45 ns
td(QZ) data output float delay time after RD or CE HIGH - - 7 ns
tsu(Q) data output set-up time before WR HIGH 5 - - ns
th(Q) data output hold time after WR HIGH 2 - - ns
tw(RDH) RD HIGH pulse width 40 - - ns
tw(WRH) WR HIGH pulse width 40 - - ns
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Fig 23. Bus timing (read cycle)
Fig 24. Parallel bus timing (write cycle)
A0 to A7
D0 to D7
float floatnot valid valid
A0 to A7
tsu(A) th(A)
tsu(CE_N) th(CE_N)
D0 to D7
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OL +0.2V
OH 0.2 V
VOL and VOH are typical output voltage drops that occur with the output load.
Fig 25. Data timing
Dn output
Dn output
RD, CE input
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xx xxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx x x
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx
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[1] Minimum SCL clock frequency is limited by the bus time-out feature, generates a CLE error if the SCL is held LOW for the TIMEOUT period.
[2] tVD;ACK = time for Acknowledgement signal from SCL LOW to SDA (out) LOW.
[3] tVD;DAT = minimum time for SDA data out to be valid following SCL LOW.
[4] A master device must internally provide a hold time of at least 300 ns for the SDA signal (refer to the VIL of the SCL signal) in order to bridge the undefined region SCL’s falling
[5] The maximum tf for the SDA and SCL bus lines is specified at 300 ns. T he maximum fall time for the SDA output stage tf is specified at 250 ns. This allows series prote ction
resistors to be connected between the SDAn and the SCLn pins and the SDA/SCL bus lines without exceeding the maximum specified tf.
[6] Cb= total capacitance of one bus line in pF.
[7] Input filters on the SDAn and SCLn inputs suppress noise spikes less than 50 ns.
Table 37. I2C-bus frequency and timing specific ations
All the timing limits are valid within the operating supply voltage and ambie nt temperature range; VDD =2.5V
0.2 V and 3.3 V
0.3 V; Tamb =
C to +85
and refer to VIL and VIH with an input voltage of VSS to VDD.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Standard-mode
I2C-bus Fast-mode I2C-bus Fast-mode Plus
I2C-bus Unit
Min Max Min Max Min Max
fSCL SCL clock frequency [1] 0 100 0 400 0 1000 kHz
tBUF bus free time between a STOP and START condition 4.7 - 1.3 - 0.5 - s
tHD;STA hold time (repeated) START condition 4.0 - 0.6 - 0.26 - s
tSU;STA set-up time for a repeated START condition 4.7 - 0.6 - 0.26 - s
tSU;STO set-up time for STOP condition 4.0 - 0.6 - 0.26 - s
tHD;DAT data hold time 0 - 0 - 0 - ns
tVD;ACK data valid acknowledge time [2] 0.1 3.45 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.45 s
tVD;DAT data valid time [3] 100 - 100 - 100 - ns
tSU;DAT data set-up time 100 - 100 - 100 - ns
tLOW LOW period of the SCL clock 4.7 - 1.3 - 0.5 - s
tHIGH HIGH period of the SCL clock 4.0 - 0.6 - 0.26 - s
tffall time of both SDA and SCL signals [4][5] - 300 20 + 0.1Cb[6] 300 - 120 ns
trrise time of both SDA and SCL signals - 1000 20 + 0.1Cb[6] 300 - 120 ns
tSP pulse width of spikes that must be suppressed by the
input filter [7] -50 - 50 - 50ns
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Fig 26. Definition of timing on the I2C-bus
tLOW tr
Rise and fall times refer to VIL and VIH.
Fig 27. I2C-bus timing diagram
protocol START
bit 7
MSB bit 6 bit n bit 0 acknowledge
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15. Test information
Test data are given in Table 38.
RL= load resistance.
CL= load capacitance includes jig and probe capacitance.
RT= termination resistance should be equal to the output impedance ZO of the pulse generators.
Fig 28. Test circuitry for sw itc hing times
Table 38. Test data
Test Conditions Load S1
td(DV), td(QZ) Dn outputs active LOW 5 0 pF 500 VDD 2
Dn outputs active HIGH 50 pF 500 open
Test data are given in Table 39.
RL= load resistance.
CL= load capacitance includes jig and probe capacitance.
RT= termination resistance should be equal to the output impedance ZO of the pulse generators.
Fig 29. Test circuitry for open-drain swit ching times
Table 39. Test data INT pin
Test Load S1
tas(int) 50 pF 1 kVDD
tdas(int) 50 pF 1 kVDD
50 pF
500 Ω
500 Ω
× 2
50 pF
1 kΩ
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16. Package outline
Fig 30. Package outline SOT313-2 (LQFP48)
max. A1A2A3bpcE
(1) eH
pZywv θ
mm 1.6 0.20
0.05 1.45
1.35 0.25 0.27
0.17 0.18
0.12 7.1
6.9 0.5 9.15
8.85 0.95
0.55 7
0.12 0.10.21
DIMENSIONS (mm are the original dimensions)
1. Plastic or metal protrusions of 0.25 mm maximum per side are not included.
SOT313-2 MS-026136E05 00-01-19
D(1) (1)(1)
36 25
detail X
(A )
0 2.5 5 mm
pin 1 index
LQFP48: plastic low profile quad flat package; 48 leads; body 7 x 7 x 1.4 mm SOT313-2
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17. Handling information
All input and output pins are protected against ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD) un der
normal handling. When handling ensure that the appropriate pre ca u tio ns are taken as
described in JESD625-A or equivalent standards.
18. Soldering of SMD packages
This text provides a very brief insight into a complex technology. A more in-depth account
of soldering ICs can be found in Application Note AN10365 “Surface mount reflow
soldering description”.
18.1 Introduction to soldering
Soldering is one of the most common methods through which packages are attached to
Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs), to form electrical circuits. The soldered joint provides both
the mechanical and the electrical connection. There is no single soldering method that is
ideal for all IC packages. Wave soldering is often preferred when through-h ole and
Surface Mount Devices (SMDs) are mixed on on e printed wiring board; however, it is not
suitable for fine pitch SMDs. Reflow soldering is ideal for the small pitches and high
densities that come with increased miniaturization.
18.2 Wave and reflow soldering
W ave soldering is a joining te chnology in which the joints are m ade by solder coming from
a standing wave of liquid solder. The wave soldering process is suit able for the following:
Through-hole components
Leaded or leadless SMDs, which are glued to the surface of the printed circuit board
Not all SMDs can be wave soldered. Packages with solder balls, and some leadless
packages which have solde r lands underneath the body, cannot be wave soldered. Also,
leaded SMDs with leads ha ving a pitch smaller than ~0.6 mm cannot be wave soldered,
due to an increased probability of bridging.
The reflow soldering process involves applying solder paste to a board, followed by
component placement and exposure to a temperatur e profile. Leaded packages,
packages with solder balls, and leadless packages are all reflow solderable.
Key characteristics in both wave and reflow soldering are:
Board specifications, including the board finish, solder masks and vias
Package footprints, including solder thieves and orie ntation
The moisture sensitivity level of the packages
Package placement
Inspection and repair
Lead-free soldering ve rsus SnPb soldering
18.3 Wave soldering
Key characteristics in wave soldering are:
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Parallel bus to 3 channel Fm+ I2C-bus controller
Process issues, such as application of adhesive and flux, clinching of leads, board
transport, the solder wave parameters, and the time during which components are
exposed to the wave
Solder bath specifications, including temperature and impurities
18.4 Reflow soldering
Key characteristics in reflow soldering are :
Lead-free ve rsus SnPb soldering; note th at a lead-free reflow process usua lly leads to
higher minimum peak temperatures (see Figure 31) than a SnPb process, thus
reducing the process window
Solder paste printing issues including smearing, release, and adjusting the process
window for a mix of large and small components on one board
Reflow temperature profile; this profile includes preheat, reflow (in which the board is
heated to the peak temperature) an d cooling down. It is imperative that the peak
temperature is high enoug h for the solder to make reliable solder joint s (a solder paste
characteristic). In addition, the peak temperature must be low enough that the
packages and/or boards are not damaged. The peak temperature of the package
depends on p ackage thickness and volume and is classified in accordance with
Table 40 and 41
Moisture sensitivity precautions, as indicated on the packing, must be respected at all
Studies have shown that small packages reach higher temperatures during reflow
soldering, see Figure 31.
Table 40. SnPb eutectic process (from J-STD-020C)
Package thickness (mm) Package reflow temperature (C)
Volume (mm3)
< 350 350
< 2.5 235 220
2.5 220 220
Table 41. Lead-free process (from J-STD-020C)
Package thickness (mm) Package reflow temperature (C)
Volume (mm3)
< 350 350 to 2000 > 2000
< 1.6 260 260 260
1.6 to 2.5 260 250 245
> 2.5 250 245 245
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Parallel bus to 3 channel Fm+ I2C-bus controller
For further informa tion on temperature profiles, refer to Application Note AN10365
“Surface mount reflow soldering description”.
19. Abbreviations
20. Revision history
MSL: Moisture Sensitivity Level
Fig 31. Temperature profiles for large and small components
minimum peak temperature
= minimum soldering temperature
maximum peak temperature
= MSL limit, damage level
Table 42. Abbreviations
Acronym Description
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
CPU Central Processing Unit
CDM Charged-Device Model
DSP Digital Signal Processor
ESD ElectroStatic Discharge
Fm+ Fast-mode Plus
HBM Human Body Model
I2C-bus Inter-Integrated Circuit bus
I/O Input/Output
LED Light Emitting Diode
PLL Phase-Locked Loop
SMBus System Management Bus
Table 43. Revision history
Document ID Release date Data sheet status Change notice Supersedes
PCA9663 v.1 20110606 Product data sheet - -
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21. Legal information
21.1 Data sheet status
[1] Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design.
[2] The term ‘short data sheet’ is explained in section “Definitions”.
[3] The product status of de vice(s) descr ibed in th is document m ay have cha nged since thi s document w as publish ed and may di ffe r in case of multiple devices. The latest product status
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21.2 Definitions
Draft — The document is a draft version only. The content is still under
internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in
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Short data sheet — A short data sheet is an extract from a full data sheet
with the same product type number(s) and tit le. A short data sh eet is intended
for quick reference only and shou ld not b e relied u pon to cont ain det ailed and
full information. For detailed and full informatio n see the relevant full dat a
sheet, which is available on request via the local NXP Semicond uctors sales
office. In case of any inconsistency or conflict with the short data sheet, the
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Product specificatio nThe information and data provided in a Product
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shall an agreement be valid in which the NXP Semiconductors product is
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Product data sheet.
21.3 Disclaimers
Limited warr a nty and liability — Information in this document is believed to
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Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason
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Suitability for use — NXP Semiconductors product s are not designed,
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Applications — Applications that are described herein for any of these
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Customers are responsible for the design and ope ration of their applications
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Limiting values — Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in
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the Recommended operating conditions section (if present) or the
Characteristics sections of this document is not warranted. Constant or
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Te rms and conditions of commercial sale — NXP Semiconductors
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Product [short] data sheet Production This document contains the product specificatio n.
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Non-automotive qualified products — Unless this data sheet expressly
states that this specific NXP Semiconductors prod uct is automotive qualified,
the product is not suitable for aut omo tive use. It i s neither qua lif ied nor test ed
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In the event that customer uses the product for design-in and use in
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21.4 Trademarks
Notice: All referenced b rands, produc t names, service names and trademarks
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I2C-bus — logo is a trademark of NXP B.V.
22. Contact information
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Parallel bus to 3 channel Fm+ I2C-bus controller
23. Contents
1 General description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Features and benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
3 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
4 Ordering information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
5 Block diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
6 Pinning information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
6.1 Pinning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
6.2 Pin description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
7 Functional description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
7.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
7.2 Internal oscillator and PLL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
7.3 Buffer description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
7.3.1 Buffer management assumptions. . . . . . . . . . . 7
7.3.2 Buffer sizes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
7.4 Error reporting and handli ng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
7.5 Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
7.5.1 Channel registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 STATUS0_[n], STATUS1_[n],
STATUS2_[n] — Transaction status registers 13 CONTROL — Control register . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 CHSTATUS — Channel status register . . . . . 17 INTMSK — Interrupt mask register. . . . . . . . . 19 SLATABLE — Slave address table register . . 20 TRANCONFIG — Transaction configuration
register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 DATA I2C-bus Data register . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 TRANSEL — Transaction data buffer select
register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 TRANOFS — Transaction data buffer byte
select register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 BYTECOUNT — Transmitted and received
byte count register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 FRAMECNT — Frame coun t register. . . . . . . 23 REFRATE — Refresh rate register. . . . . . . . . 24 SCLL, SCLH — Clock rate registers. . . . . . . . 24 MODE I2C-bus mode register . . . . . . . . . . 27 TIMEOUT — Time-out register. . . . . . . . . . . . 28 PRESET I2C-bus channel parallel software
reset register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
7.5.2 Global registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 CTRLSTATUS — Controller status register . . 29 CTRLINT MSK — Control Interrupt mask
register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 DEVICE_ID — Device ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 CTRLPRESET Parallel software reset
register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 CTRLRDY Controller ready register. . . . . . 33
8 PCA9663 operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
8.1 Sequence execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
8.2 Read transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
8.3 Stopping a sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
8.4 Looping a sequ ence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
8.4.1 Looping with REFRATE control . . . . . . . . . . . 40
8.4.2 Looping with Trigger control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
8.5 Bus errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
8.5.1 I2C-bus obstructed by a LOW level
on SDA (DAE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
8.5.2 I2C-bus obstructed by a LOW level
on SCL (CLE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
8.5.3 Illegal START or STOP (SSE) . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
8.6 Power-on reset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
8.7 Global reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
8.8 Channel reset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
8.9 I2C-bus timing diagrams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
9 Characteristics of the I2C-bus . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
9.1 Bit transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
9.1.1 START and STOP conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
9.2 System configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
9.3 Acknowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
10 JTAG port. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
11 Application design-in information. . . . . . . . . 49
11.1 Specific applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
11.2 Add I2C-bus port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
11.3 Add additional I2C-bus ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
12 Limiting values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
13 Static characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
14 Dynamic characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
15 Test information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
16 Package outline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
17 Handling information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
18 Soldering of SMD packages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
18.1 Introduction to soldering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
18.2 Wave and reflow soldering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
18.3 Wave soldering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
18.4 Reflow soldering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
19 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
20 Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
21 Legal information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
21.1 Data sheet status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
21.2 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
21.3 Disclaimers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
21.4 Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
NXP Semiconductors PCA9663
Parallel bus to 3 channel Fm+ I2C-bus controller
© NXP B.V. 2011. All rights reserved.
For more information, please visit: http://www.nxp.com
For sales office addresses, please send an email to: salesaddresses@nxp.com
Date of release: 6 June 2011
Document identifier: PCA9663
Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s)
described herein, have been included in section ‘Legal information’.
22 Contact information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
23 Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65