MIL-C 26482G Series II
MIL. C 26482 G serie 2 SOURIAU désignation
MS3475 W ••-•• A ■■8526-5W ••-•• P ■■ L RFI shielded plug less male contacts
MS3475 W ••-•• S ■■8526-5W ••-•• S ■■ RFI shielded plug with female contacts
MS3475 W ••-•• B ■■8526-5W ••-•• S ■■ L RFI shielded plug less female contacts
MS3476 W ••-•• P ■■8526-6W ••-•• P ■■ plug with male contact
MS3476 W ••-•• A ■■8526-6W ••-•• P ■■ L plug less male contact
MS3476 W ••-•• S ■■8526-6W ••-•• S ■■ plug with female contact
MS3476 W ••-•• B ■■8526-6W ••-•• S ■■ L plug less female contact
MS3470 L ••-•• P ■■8526-0L ••-•• P ■■ square flange receptacle with male contacts
MS3470 L ••-•• A ■■8526-0L ••-•• P ■■ L square flange receptacle less male contacts
MS3470 L ••-•• S ■■8526-0L ••-•• S ■■ square flange receptacle with female contacts
MS3470 L ••-•• B ■■8526-0L ••-•• S ■■ L square flange receptacle less female contacts
MS3474 L ••-•• P ■■8526-7L ••-•• P ■■ jam nut receptacle with male contacts
MS3474 L ••-•• A ■■8526-7L ••-•• P ■■ L jam nut receptacle less male contacts
MS3474 L ••-•• S ■■8526-7L ••-•• S ■■ jam nut receptacle with female contacts
MS3474 L ••-•• B ■■8526-7L ••-•• S ■■ L jam nut receptacle less female contacts
MS3475 L ••-•• P ■■8526-5L ••-•• P ■■ RFI shielded plug with male contacts
MS3475 L ••-•• A ■■8526-5L ••-•• P ■■ L RFI shielded plug less male contacts
MS3475 L ••-•• S ■■8526-5L ••-•• S ■■ RFI shielded plug with female contacts
MS3475 L ••-•• B ■■8526-5L ••-•• S ■■ L RFI shielded plug less male contacts
MS3476 L ••-•• P ■■8526-6L ••-•• P ■■ plug with male contact
MS3476 L ••-•• A ■■8526-6L ••-•• P ■■ L plug less male contact
MS3476 L ••-•• S ■■8526-6L ••-•• S ■■ plug with female contact
MS3476 L ••-•• B ■■8526-6L ••-•• S ■■ L plug with less female contact
MS3440 H •• C •• P ■■8526-2H ••-•• P ■■ hermetic square flange receptacle
MS3443 H •• C •• P ■■8526-1H ••-•• P ■■ hermetic solder fixing receptacle
MS3449 H •• C •• P ■■8526-7H ••-•• P ■■ hermetic jam nut receptacle
M85049/31- •• W 852-31W •• backnut
M85049/52-1- •• W 852-52W •• straight cable clamp
M85049/51-1- •• W 852-51W •• elbow cable clamp
M85049/60-1W- •• 852-60W •• backshell for heatshrink sleeving
M85049/60-2G- •• A *852-57W •• backnut for heatshrink sleeving
M85049/31- •• A 852-31A •• backnut
M85049/52-1- •• A 852-52A •• straight cable clamp
M85049/51-1- •• A 852-51A •• elbow cable clamp
M85049/60-1A •• 852-60A •• backshell for heatshrink sleeving
M85049/60-2G- •• A *852-57A •• backnut for heatshrink sleeving
M85049/31- •• N *852-31N •• backnut
M85049/52-1- •• N *852-52N •• straight cable clamp
M85049/51-1- ••N *852-51N •• elbow cable clamp
M85049/60-1N •• *852-60N •• backshell for heatshrink sleeving
M85049/60-2G- •• N *852-57N •• backnut for heatshrink sleeving
M39029/4-110 8522-2253A male contact ≠20
M39029/4-111 8522-330A male contact ≠16
M39029/4-113 8522-331A male contact ≠12
M39029/5-115 8520-289 female contact ≠20
M39029/5-116 8522-486A female contact ≠16
M39029/5-118 8522-487B female contact ≠12
thermocouple contacts
M39029/9-135 *8522-875A male-chromel ≠20
M39029/9-134 *8522-876A male-alumel ≠20
M39029/10-141 *8522-877A female-chromel ≠20
M39029/10-140 *8522-878A female-alumel ≠20
coax contacts ≠12
M39029/8-001 *8522-12-1-001 female for RG178B/U cable
M39029/7-001 *8522-12-2-001 male for RG178B/U cable
MS27488-20 8522-389A filler plug ≠20
MS27488-16 8522-390A filler plug ≠16
MS27488-12 8522-391A filler plug ≠12
M81969-14-02 8522-20 plastic tool for contact ≠20
M81696-14-03 8522-16 plastic tool for contact ≠16
M81696-14-04 8522-12 plastic tool for contact ≠12
* Not QPL