Economy Power Connector Series
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1. What are the current and voltage requirements for your
The Economy Power connector series has a current rating
of 7.5A (EP) 11A (EP II) per line with the on #16 AWG wire
and is rated for 250 VAC (EP) and 600 VAC (EP II).
2. Are Economy Power II connectors available in various
colors and position configurations?
Yes. All of the configurations are available in multiple colors.
Additionally, EP II oers options of 2 to 12 position single-
row wire-to-board.
3. Are Economy Power connectors Glow Wire test
Yes. Economy Power connector series products for both
EP and EP II are available in a GWT, UL 94 V-0, NF 750°C
option that conforms to the flammability requirements of
IEC 60335-1 for unattended appliances with connections
carrying current of greater than .2 A.
4. Can TE’s EP II connectors be used as drop in replacements
for competitor products?
Yes. The EP II connectors can be used to replace similar
competitive products for retrofit applications.
5. What are the wire size requirements?
The EP II connector system can accommodate wires
ranging from 16 to 22 AWG (1.4 mm2 to 0.3 mm2).
6. How can TE’s EP II connectors avoid contact back out?
The EP product family oers an optional TPA device that
helps to ensure the contacts are fully seated in the housing
and remain that way. This helps to avoid downtime and
costly service calls when equipment won’t work properly
due to a contact that has backed out.
7. Do I need new tooling to change from EP to EP II
No. The same tooling is used for EP and EP II.