Advance Data Sheet May 2001 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Features 10 Gbit bidirectional data path with common frame synchronization and clocking. Versatile IC which supports an aggregate bandwidth of 30 Gbits/s. Supports flexible 48-channel STS-12 data links. Supports full nonblocking fabric with switching granularity of STS-1/STM-1. Support for line/path switching. Supports any valid mix of STS-1 and concatenated payloads from STS-3c to STS-192c. Provides a standard 5-pin P1149.1 JTAG port with memory BIST scan and boundary scan. Low-power 1.5 V operation with 3.3 V inputs and outputs. Configurable on-chip TSI block for switching of STS-1s. On-chip connection memory for flexible configuration of working connections and protect connections for each STS-1. 792 LBGA package. -40 C to +85 C industrial temperature range. Interface Robust receiver interface capable of handling STS-12 streams having combined static- and dynamic-frame offsets of up to 64 bytes without creating traffic disruption. Frames to and performs integrity check on each STS-12 interface. Each STS-12 input interface consists of an LVDS data input with integral clock and data recovery (CDR). Each STS-12 output interface consists of an LVDS output. Ability to insert an AIS-L or pass-through when an LOF condition occurs. Interfaces have A1/A2 framing, link trace, parity, and a communications link. Cross Connect Supports up to 576 STS-1 time slots. 48 input channels and 48 output channels. Each input time slot can be connected to any/all output time slots. Each output time slot can be connected to any input time slot or be assigned AIS-P or UNEQ-P. Fully programmable and nonblocking cross connect. Supports drop-and-continue and full broadcast capabilities. Ability to insert path AIS and UNEQ indications on any STS-1 under software control. Protection Switching Supports 1+1, 1:1, 1:N, UPSR, and BLSR protection mechanisms with four connection memory. Separate line and path protection mechanisms. Supports equipment protection switching. On-chip working/protected memory paths for easy switch configurations. Microprocessor Interface Microprocessor interface supports both synchronous and asynchronous operations. 16-bit wide data bus interface and 13-bit wide address bus. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Table of Contents Contents Page Features .................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Interface .................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Cross Connect ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 Protection Switching ............................................................................................................................................... 1 Microprocessor Interface ........................................................................................................................................... 1 Applications ............................................................................................................................................................... 6 Description.................................................................................................................................................................6 Receive Interface ....................................................................................................................................................7 Fabric Core ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Transmit Interface ................................................................................................................................................... 7 Microprocessor Interface ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Pin Information ..........................................................................................................................................................8 Overview..................................................................................................................................................................35 Byte Ordering........................................................................................................................................................35 Receive Interface ..................................................................................................................................................35 Cross Connect ......................................................................................................................................................36 Transmit Interface .................................................................................................................................................38 Frame Pulse..........................................................................................................................................................38 Microprocessor Interface ......................................................................................................................................39 Powerdown Mode .................................................................................................................................................39 Supervisory Features............................................................................................................................................40 Test Features........................................................................................................................................................40 Software Reset .....................................................................................................................................................41 Interrupts...............................................................................................................................................................41 Functional Description .............................................................................................................................................42 Receiver Block ......................................................................................................................................................42 Cross Connect Block ............................................................................................................................................46 Transmitter Block ..................................................................................................................................................51 CPU Interface Block..............................................................................................................................................52 Back-to-Back Cross Connect................................................................................................................................53 Register Descriptions ..............................................................................................................................................54 A Note on Alarm Register Reset Defaults.............................................................................................................56 Device-Level Registers .........................................................................................................................................57 Port (STS-192) Level Registers ............................................................................................................................62 Channel-Level Registers.......................................................................................................................................66 STS-1 Level Registers ..........................................................................................................................................70 Absolute Maximum Ratings.....................................................................................................................................72 Handling Precautions ..............................................................................................................................................72 Operating Conditions...............................................................................................................................................72 Electrical Characteristics .........................................................................................................................................73 Power Sequencing................................................................................................................................................73 Low Voltage Differential Signal (LVDS) Buffers....................................................................................................73 Timing Characteristics .............................................................................................................................................77 Microprocessor Interface Timing...........................................................................................................................77 Outline Diagram.......................................................................................................................................................83 792-Pin LBGA .......................................................................................................................................................83 Ordering Information................................................................................................................................................84 Revision History.......................................................................................................................................................85 May 2001--Rev 2 .................................................................................................................................................85 2 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 List of Figures Contents Page Figure 1. TDCS4810G Block Diagram ..................................................................................................................... 6 Figure 2. Pin Diagram of 792 LBGA (Bottom View) ................................................................................................. 8 Figure 3. Suggested Schematic for 1.0 V and 1.4 V Reference Voltages .............................................................. 25 Figure 4. Transmitter TOH on LVDS Output .......................................................................................................... 38 Figure 5. SYS_FP Timing Requirements ............................................................................................................... 38 Figure 6. Receiver Block Diagram.......................................................................................................................... 42 Figure 7. Framer State Machine............................................................................................................................. 43 Figure 8. TSHIM Timeline....................................................................................................................................... 45 Figure 9. Connection Memory Physical Organization ............................................................................................ 46 Figure 10. Connection Memory Entry..................................................................................................................... 47 Figure 11. APS Byte Handling................................................................................................................................ 48 Figure 12. APS Byte Switching Example................................................................................................................ 48 Figure 13. Transmitter Block Diagram.................................................................................................................... 51 Figure 14. STS-12 Frame Structure ....................................................................................................................... 52 Figure 15. Illegal Back-to-Back Cross Connect Illustration .................................................................................... 53 Figure 16. Alternate Illegal Back-to-Back Cross Connect Illustration ..................................................................... 53 Figure 17. LVDS Driver and Receiver and Associated Internal Components ........................................................ 74 Figure 18. LVDS Driver and Receiver .................................................................................................................... 74 Figure 19. LVDS Driver .......................................................................................................................................... 74 Figure 20. M860 Synchronous Write Cycle (MPMODE = 10 or 11) ....................................................................... 78 Figure 21. M860 Synchronous Read Cycle (MPMODE = 10 or 11) ....................................................................... 79 Figure 22. M360 Asynchronous Write Cycle (MPMODE = 00)............................................................................... 80 Figure 23. M360 Asynchronous Read Cycle (MPMODE = 00) .............................................................................. 81 Figure 24. DSP R/W Synchronous Write Cycle (MPMODE = 01)--Two or More Wait-States Mode..................... 82 Agere Systems Inc. 3 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 List of Tables Contents Page Table 1. Pin Assignments for 792-Pin LBGA by Pin Number Order......................................................................... 9 Table 2. Pin Assignments for 792-Pin LBGA by Signal Name Order ..................................................................... 14 Table 3. Pin Descriptions--Receive Interface ........................................................................................................ 19 Table 4. Pin Descriptions--Transmit Interface ....................................................................................................... 22 Table 5. Pin Descriptions--LVDS Reference Cell Pins.......................................................................................... 25 Table 6. Pin Descriptions--Microprocessor Interface ............................................................................................ 26 Table 7. Pin Descriptions--System Control ........................................................................................................... 27 Table 8. Pin Descriptions--PLL References .......................................................................................................... 28 Table 9. Pin Descriptions--JTAG Interface............................................................................................................ 28 Table 10. Pin Descriptions--Power and Ground.................................................................................................... 29 Table 11. Pin Descriptions--No Connect ............................................................................................................... 31 Table 12. Pin Descriptions--Unused Pins.............................................................................................................. 33 Table 13. Pin Summary .......................................................................................................................................... 34 Table 14. STS-12 Byte Ordering ............................................................................................................................ 35 Table 15. STS-192 Byte Ordering .......................................................................................................................... 35 Table 16. Path Alarm (E1/F1) Information Encoding.............................................................................................. 49 Table 17. Line Alarm (E2) Information Encoding.................................................................................................... 49 Table 18. Memory Map Summary .......................................................................................................................... 54 Table 19. Device Interrupt Status Register (RO).................................................................................................... 57 Table 20. Device Interrupt Status Mask Register (R/W)......................................................................................... 58 Table 21. Channel Alarm Interrupt Status Register (RO) ....................................................................................... 58 Table 22. Channel Alarm Interrupt Status Mask Register (R/W)............................................................................ 59 Table 23. Device-Level Alarm Register (W1C)....................................................................................................... 59 Table 24. Device-Level Alarm Mask Register (R/W) .............................................................................................. 59 Table 25. Device ID Register (RO)......................................................................................................................... 59 Table 26. Device Vintage Register (RO) ................................................................................................................ 60 Table 27. Scratch Pad Register (R/W) ................................................................................................................... 60 Table 28. Device Provisioning Register (R/W) ....................................................................................................... 60 Table 29. Device Control Register (R/W) ............................................................................................................... 61 Table 30. Frame Offset Register (R/W).................................................................................................................. 61 Table 31. Framing Error A1A2 Corrupt Value (R/W) .............................................................................................. 61 Table 32. Number of Columns (R/W) ..................................................................................................................... 61 Table 33. Write Lock Register (R/W)...................................................................................................................... 61 Table 34. Channel Alarm Interrupt Status (Consolidation) Register....................................................................... 62 Table 35. Channel Alarm Interrupt Status Mask Register ...................................................................................... 62 Table 36. Path Status Alarm Interrupt Status (Consolidation) Register ................................................................. 62 Table 37. Path Status Alarm Interrupt Status Mask Register ................................................................................. 62 Table 38. Line Status (E2) Change Alarm (W1C) .................................................................................................. 62 Table 39. Line Status (E2) Change Mask (R/W) .................................................................................................... 63 Table 40. APS (K1K2) Change Alarm (W1C)......................................................................................................... 63 Table 41. APS (K1K2) Change Alarm Mask (R/W) ................................................................................................ 63 Table 42. Connection Memory Switch Alarm (W1C) .............................................................................................. 63 Table 43. Connection Memory Switch Alarm Mask (R/W) ..................................................................................... 63 Table 44. FIFO Thresholds (R/W) .......................................................................................................................... 64 Table 45. Configuration A/B Select (R/W) .............................................................................................................. 64 Table 46. Configuration A/B Readback (RO) ......................................................................................................... 64 Table 47. Configuration C/D Line or Path Switching Mode (R/W).......................................................................... 64 Table 48. Configuration C/D Select (R/W).............................................................................................................. 64 Table 49. Configuration C/D Readback (RO) ......................................................................................................... 64 Table 50. Audit Memory Control (R/W) .................................................................................................................. 65 Table 51. Audit Memory Status (RO) ..................................................................................................................... 65 4 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 List of Tables (continued) Contents Page Table 52. Audit Memory [23:0] (RO)....................................................................................................................... Table 53. S1 Generation Status (RO) .................................................................................................................... Table 54. S1 Generation Force Toggle (R/W)........................................................................................................ Table 55. Channel Alarm Register (W1C) .............................................................................................................. Table 56. Channel Alarm Mask Register (R/W) ..................................................................................................... Table 57. Path Status (E1/F1) Change Alarm (W1C)............................................................................................. Table 58. Path Status (E1/F1) Change Alarm Mask (R/W) .................................................................................... Table 59. Channel Provisioning Register (R/W) ..................................................................................................... Table 60. Channel Control Register (R/W)............................................................................................................. Table 61. APS Control Register (R/W) ................................................................................................................... Table 62. APS Status Register (RO) ...................................................................................................................... Table 63. APS Insert Value Register (R/W) ........................................................................................................... Table 64. Channel Path Switch Control (R/W) ....................................................................................................... Table 65. Channel Path Switch Readback (RO) .................................................................................................... Table 66. Channel AIS-P Insert (R/W) ................................................................................................................... Table 67. Channel UNEQ-P Insert (R/W)............................................................................................................... Table 68. Extracted Line Status (E2) (RO)............................................................................................................. Table 69. Line Error Counts (RO)........................................................................................................................... Table 70. Channel Alarm Freeze Register (RO) .................................................................................................... Table 71. Connection Memory AC (R/W) ............................................................................................................... Table 72. Connection Memory AD (R/W) ............................................................................................................... Table 73. Connection Memory BC (R/W) ............................................................................................................... Table 74. Connection Memory BD (R/W) ............................................................................................................... Table 75. Extracted Path Status (RO) .................................................................................................................... Table 76. Absolute Maximum Ratings.................................................................................................................... Table 77. ESD Threshold Voltage .......................................................................................................................... Table 78. Recommended Operating Conditions .................................................................................................... Table 79. LVDS Driver dc Data .............................................................................................................................. Table 80. LVDS Driver ac Data .............................................................................................................................. Table 81. LVDS Driver Reference Data ................................................................................................................. Table 82. LVDS Receiver Data .............................................................................................................................. Table 83. LVTTL 3.3 V Logic Interface Characteristics .......................................................................................... Table 84. Microprocessor Interface Timing ............................................................................................................ Table 85. TA_N/TEA_N Cycle Termination for Synchronous Write Cycle ............................................................. Table 86. TA_N/TEA_N Cycle Termination for Synchronous Read Cycle ............................................................. Table 87. TA_N/TEA_N Cycle Termination for Asynchronous Write Cycle ........................................................... Table 88. TA_N/TEA_N Cycle Termination for Asynchronous Read Cycle ........................................................... Table 89. Basic 792-Pin LBGA............................................................................................................................... Agere Systems Inc. 65 65 65 66 66 66 67 67 68 68 68 68 69 69 69 69 69 69 70 70 71 71 71 71 72 72 72 75 75 76 76 76 77 78 79 80 81 84 5 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Applications SONET/SDH terminal equipment. SONET/SDH digital cross connect equipment. SONET/SDH add-drop multiplex equipment. SONET/SDH test equipment. TDCS4810G will interface seamlessly to a number of Agere Systems Inc. existing/next-generation high-speed framers. Description The TDCS4810G has four sections: receive interface channels, a cross connect fabric core, transmit channels, and a microprocessor interface. The block diagram of the TDCS4810G is shown in Figure 1. All data stream channels must be synchronous in frequency, but can be asynchronous in phase. The TDCS4810G does not perform pointer processing functions. These are performed by the line and tributary cards, which align the payload at known positions relative to a common frame signal. The TDCS4810G is able to support SONET and SDH cross connects. The A1, A2, B1, H1, H2, H3, K1, and K2 bytes are used for their original SONET/SDH purposes. MPMODE[1:0] INT_N PM_CLK TEA_N ADDRESS_[12:0] CS_N TS_N DS_N RW_N TA_N PARITY_[1:0] DATA_[15:0] PCLK Note: Throughout this document, the term channel always refers to an STS-12 data stream that is carried on a single LVDS link. HIZ_N RST_N SYS_FP SYS_CLK MICROPROCESSOR D_OUT0_[15:0] CONNECTION MEMORY TRANSMIT INTERFACE PORT 0 RECEIVE INTERFACE PORT 2 D_IN2_[15:0] TRANSMIT INTERFACE PORT 2 D_OUT2_[15:0] FABRIC CORE TRST_N TMS TCK JTAG INTERFACE TDI RECEIVE INTERFACE PORT 1 TDO TRANSMIT INTERFACE PORT 1 D_IN1_[15:0] RECEIVE INTERFACE PORT 0 D_OUT1_[15:0] D_IN0_[15:0] 5-8022.a(F) Figure 1. TDCS4810G Block Diagram 6 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Description (continued) software configuration. Receive Interface E1/F1/E2 Extraction The receiver is composed of 48 STS-12 channels that are either treated as independent channels, or treated as three groups of 16 channels each, forming three STS-192 streams. Incoming data for each channel is received through an LVDS serial port operating at 622 Mbits/s. The incoming serial stream frequency must be the same as the outgoing LVDS serial stream of the transmitter. Each STS-192 interface (16 channels) has its own PLL using the same reference clock. The receiver is able to handle STS-12 streams having combined static and dynamic frame offsets of up to 64 bytes without creating any traffic disruption. The receiver performs three major functions, which are described in greater detail in upcoming sections: the clock and data recovery (CDR), the framer, and the FIFO aligner. Fabric Core The cross connect has 48 input channels and 48 output channels. Each channel has the bandwidth capacity to carry an STS-12 worth of data. The channels can also be thought of as three bidirectional STS-192 data streams. The fabric core consists of a time-slot interchanger (TSI), a connection memory (shown externally in Figure 1), E1/F1/E2 extraction, and AIS/UNEQ insertion. Time-Slot Interchanger (TSI) The TSI is used to reorder the STS-1 data. In doing this, the TSI ensures that any output STS-1 channel can be connected to any input STS-1 regardless of any other switch configuration. Incoming data is written into one of two buffers in a regular order while output data is read from another buffer in an order dependent on the address provided to the TSI, from the connection memory, for each channel. Once one buffer has been completely written to, the read and write buffers switch. This switch is controlled by a synchronization input. Connection Memory The connection memory is used to configure the TSI to switch the incoming STS-1s to the desired output buffer. There is a working memory to configure the working connections for each STS-1, and there is a protected memory to configure the protection connection for each STS-1. Each of the working and protected memories are duplicated (A and B) to allow for easy Agere Systems Inc. The E1 and F1 bytes of each STS-1 carry information indicating the path status of that STS-1. Both bytes contain the same information. This information can be used by software to initiate a switch from working to protected configurations. The E1 and F1 bytes are extracted from STS-1s at the output of the TSI and stored. The bytes are monitored for a change, and if a change is detected, a latched alarm is raised. The E2 byte of the STS-1 of each STS-12 (channel) carries proprietary information indicating the line status of that STS-12. This information can be used by software to initiate a switch from working to protected configurations. The E2 byte is extracted from the STS-1 of each STS-12 at the input to the TSI and stored. AIS/UNEQ Insertion Path AIS(AIS-P) and UNEQ indications can be inserted on individual STS-1s within a stream under software control to squelch individual STS-1s during and after network topology reconfigurations. This process ensures that downstream path processors will detect a normal pointer and will thus be able to extract the path overhead in order to detect an UNEQ defect. Transmit Interface The transmitter is composed of 48 STS-12 channels that are always treated as independent channels. Incoming data for each channel is received from the cross connect. Each of the outgoing LVDS serial streams of the transmitter transmits at a rate of 622 Mbits/s, and the data is synchronized to the system clock. Microprocessor Interface The microprocessor interface supports both synchronous and asynchronous operations. The microprocessor interface has a 16-bit wide data bus and a 13-bit wide address bus. Channels can be independently enabled or disabled under software control with powerdown mode. In the event that redundant cross connects are desired, 3-state buffers are available to support redundancy. Supervisory features built into the TDCS4810G provide diagnostic capabilities and fault coverage. There is an interrupt output for the microprocessor interface. Interrupt sources are maskable. 7 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 HIDDEN A1 MARKER A C E G J L N R U W AA AC AE AG AJ AL AN AR AU AW B D F H K M P T V Y AB AD AF AH AK AM AP AT AV 5-9863(F) Figure 2. Pin Diagram of 792 LBGA (Bottom View) 8 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 1. Pin Assignments for 792-Pin LBGA by Pin Number Order Pin A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 A31 A32 A33 A34 A35 A36 A37 A38 A39 Signal Name VDD VDD D_OUT0_11 D_OUT0_08 REF14_0 D_OUT0_05 D_OUT0_04 D_OUT0_02 D_OUT0_00 D_IN0_00 D_IN0_01 D_IN0_03 D_IN0_05 D_IN0_07 D_IN0_09 D_IN0_10 D_IN0_12 D_IN0_14 UNUSED VDD UNUSED D_IN1_14 D_IN1_12 D_IN1_10 D_IN1_09 D_IN1_07 D_IN1_05 D_IN1_03 D_IN1_01 D_IN1_00 D_OUT1_00 D_OUT1_02 D_OUT1_04 D_OUT1_05 RESHI_1 D_OUT1_08 D_OUT1_11 VDD VDD Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B17 B18 B19 B20 B21 B22 B23 B24 B25 B26 B27 B28 B29 B30 B31 B32 B33 B34 B35 B36 B37 B38 B39 VDD VDD D_OUT0_11_N D_OUT0_08_N REF10_0 D_OUT0_05_N D_OUT0_04_N D_OUT0_02_N D_OUT0_00_N D_IN0_00_N D_IN0_01_N D_IN0_03_N D_IN0_05_N D_IN0_07_N D_IN0_09_N D_IN0_10_N D_IN0_12_N D_IN0_14_N VDD VDD VDD D_IN1_14_N D_IN1_12_N D_IN1_10_N D_IN1_09_N D_IN1_07_N D_IN1_05_N D_IN1_03_N D_IN1_01_N D_IN1_00_N D_OUT1_00_N D_OUT1_02_N D_OUT1_04_N D_OUT1_05_N RESLO_1 D_OUT1_08_N D_OUT1_11_N VDD VDD C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C31 C32 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38 C39 D_OUT0_12_N D_OUT0_12 VSS VSS D_OUT0_10 D_OUT0_07 VDD UNUSED VSS UNUSED VDD CTAP0_0 VSS CTAP0_1 VDD CTAP0_2 VSS CTAP0_3 VSS VSS VSS CTAP1_3 VSS CTAP1_2 VDD CTAP1_1 VSS CTAP1_0 VDD UNUSED VSS UNUSED VDD D_OUT1_07 D_OUT1_10 VSS VSS D_OUT1_12 D_OUT1_12_N D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D19 D20 D21 D22 D23 D24 D25 D26 D27 D28 D29 D30 D31 D32 D33 D34 D35 D36 D37 D38 D39 D_OUT0_15_N D_OUT0_15 VSS VSS D_OUT0_10_N D_OUT0_07_N VSS UNUSED VDD2 UNUSED VSS REXT0 VDD2 UNUSED VSS UNUSED VDD2 UNUSED D_IN0_15 VSS D_IN1_15 UNUSED VDD2 UNUSED VSS UNUSED VDD2 REXT1 VSS UNUSED VDD2 UNUSED VSS D_OUT1_07_N D_OUT1_10_N VSS VSS D_OUT1_15 D_OUT1_15_N Notes: Do not connect pins designated as NC (no connect pins). Pins designated as UNUSED (unused pins) have no connection between the pin and the die. Agere Systems Inc. 9 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 1. Pin Assignments for 792-Pin LBGA by Pin Number Order (continued) Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name Pin E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E16 E17 E18 E19 E20 E21 E22 E23 E24 E25 E26 E27 E28 E29 E30 E31 E32 E33 E34 E35 E36 E37 E38 E39 NC NC D_OUT0_13_N D_OUT0_13 VDD2 VDD2 D_OUT0_09 D_OUT0_06 RESLO_0 D_OUT0_03 D_OUT0_01 VDDA D_IN0_02 D_IN0_04 D_IN0_06 D_IN0_08 D_IN0_11 D_IN0_13 D_IN0_15_N VDD2 D_IN1_15_N D_IN1_13 D_IN1_11 D_IN1_08 D_IN1_06 D_IN1_04 D_IN1_02 VDDA D_OUT1_01 D_OUT1_03 REF10_1 D_OUT1_06 D_OUT1_09 VDD2 VDD2 D_OUT1_13 D_OUT1_13_N NC NC F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 F19 F20 F21 F22 F23 F24 F25 F26 F27 F28 F29 F30 F31 F32 F33 F34 F35 F36 F37 F38 F39 NC NC NC NC VDD2 VDD2 D_OUT0_09_N D_OUT0_06_N RESHI_0 D_OUT0_03_N D_OUT0_01_N VSSA D_IN0_02_N D_IN0_04_N D_IN0_06_N D_IN0_08_N D_IN0_11_N D_IN0_13_N VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 D_IN1_13_N D_IN1_11_N D_IN1_08_N D_IN1_06_N D_IN1_04_N D_IN1_02_N VSSA D_OUT1_01_N D_OUT1_03_N REF14_1 D_OUT1_06_N D_OUT1_09_N VDD2 VDD2 NC NC NC NC G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G34 G35 G36 G37 G38 G39 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H34 H35 H36 H37 H38 H39 J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J34 J35 J36 J37 J38 J39 K1 K2 K3 NC NC VDD VSS D_OUT0_14_N D_OUT0_14 D_OUT1_14 D_OUT1_14_N VSS VDD NC NC UNUSED UNUSED NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC VSS VDD2 NC NC NC NC VDD2 VSS NC NC NC NC NC K4 K5 K6 K34 K35 K36 K37 K38 K39 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L34 L35 L36 L37 L38 L39 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M34 M35 M36 M37 M38 M39 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 Signal Name NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC VDD VSS NC NC NC NC VSS VDD NC NC UNUSED UNUSED NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED VSS VDD2 UNUSED UNUSED Notes: Do not connect pins designated as NC (no connect pins). Pins designated as UNUSED (unused pins) have no connection between the pin and the die. 10 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 1. Pin Assignments for 792-Pin LBGA by Pin Number Order (continued) Pin N34 N35 N36 N37 N38 N39 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P34 P35 P36 P37 P38 P39 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R39 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T34 T35 T36 Signal Name UNUSED UNUSED VDD2 VSS UNUSED NC NC UNUSED NC UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED DXP DXN NC NC NC NC NC NC VDD VSS NC NC UNUSED NC VSS VDD ADDRESS_11 ADDRESS_10 NC NC NC NC NC NC UNUSED ADDRESS_12 ADDRESS_9 Pin T37 T38 T39 U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6 U34 U35 U36 U37 U38 U39 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V34 V35 V36 V37 V38 V39 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W34 W35 W36 W37 W38 W39 Signal Name ADDRESS_8 ADDRESS_7 ADDRESS_6 NC NC VSS VDD2 NC NC ADDRESS_5 ADDRESS_4 VDD2 VSS ADDRESS_3 ADDRESS_2 TRST_N TDO TSTMD_N SCANEN_N NC NC ADDRESS_1 ADDRESS_0 MPMODE_1 MPMODE_0 CS_N TS_N TCK VDD VSS TDI TMS VDD2 VDD2 DS_N RW_N VSS VDD PCLK Pin Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y34 Y35 Y36 Y37 Y38 Y39 AA1 AA2 AA3 AA4 AA5 AA6 AA34 AA35 AA36 AA37 AA38 AA39 AB1 AB2 AB3 AB4 AB5 AB6 AB34 AB35 AB36 AB37 AB38 AB39 AC1 AC2 AC3 Signal Name VDD VDD VSS VSS VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VSS VSS VDD VDD UNUSED VDD VSS UNUSED RST_N VDD2 VDD2 SYNC_N INT_N VSS VDD UNUSED HIZ_N NC NC NC NC NC DATA_5 DATA_4 DATA_3 DATA_2 DATA_1 DATA_0 NC NC VSS Pin AC4 AC5 AC6 AC34 AC35 AC36 AC37 AC38 AC39 AD1 AD2 AD3 AD4 AD5 AD6 AD34 AD35 AD36 AD37 AD38 AD39 AE1 AE2 AE3 AE4 AE5 AE6 AE34 AE35 AE36 AE37 AE38 AE39 AF1 AF2 AF3 AF4 AF5 AF6 Signal Name VDD2 NC NC DATA_9 DATA_8 VDD2 VSS DATA_7 DATA_6 UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED NC UNUSED CTAP_CLK_FP PARITY_1 PARITY_0 DATA_13 DATA_12 DATA_11 DATA_10 NC NC VDD VSS SYS_CLK_N SYS_CLK UNUSED UNUSED VSS VDD DATA_15 DATA_14 SYS_FP_N SYS_FP NC UNUSED NC NC Notes: Do not connect pins designated as NC (no connect pins). Pins designated as UNUSED (unused pins) have no connection between the pin and the die. Agere Systems Inc. 11 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 1. Pin Assignments for 792-Pin LBGA by Pin Number Order (continued) Pin AF34 AF35 AF36 AF37 AF38 AF39 AG1 AG2 AG3 AG4 AG5 AG6 AG34 AG35 AG36 AG37 AG38 AG39 AH1 AH2 AH3 AH4 AH5 AH6 AH34 AH35 AH36 AH37 AH38 AH39 AJ1 AJ2 AJ3 AJ4 AJ5 AJ6 AJ34 AJ35 AJ36 Signal Name UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED TEA_N TA_N UNUSED UNUSED VSS VDD2 NC NC UNUSED UNUSED VDD2 VSS UNUSED UNUSED NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC UNUSED UNUSED NC NC VDD VSS NC NC NC NC VSS Pin AJ37 AJ38 AJ39 AK1 AK2 AK3 AK4 AK5 AK6 AK34 AK35 AK36 AK37 AK38 AK39 AL1 AL2 AL3 AL4 AL5 AL6 AL34 AL35 AL36 AL37 AL38 AL39 AM1 AM2 AM3 AM4 AM5 AM6 AM34 AM35 AM36 AM37 AM38 AM39 Signal Name VDD NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC VSS VDD2 NC NC NC NC VDD2 VSS NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC UNUSED UNUSED Pin AN1 AN2 AN3 AN4 AN5 AN6 AN34 AN35 AN36 AN37 AN38 AN39 AP1 AP2 AP3 AP4 AP5 AP6 AP7 AP8 AP9 AP10 AP11 AP12 AP13 AP14 AP15 AP16 AP17 AP18 AP19 AP20 AP21 AP22 AP23 AP24 AP25 AP26 AP27 Signal Name NC NC VDD VSS NC NC D_OUT2_14 D_OUT2_14_N VSS VDD NC NC NC NC NC NC VDD2 VDD2 NC NC NC NC NC VSSA NC NC NC NC NC NC VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 D_IN2_13_N D_IN2_11_N D_IN2_08_N D_IN2_06_N D_IN2_04_N D_IN2_02_N Pin AP28 AP29 AP30 AP31 AP32 AP33 AP34 AP35 AP36 AP37 AP38 AP39 AR1 AR2 AR3 AR4 AR5 AR6 AR7 AR8 AR9 AR10 AR11 AR12 AR13 AR14 AR15 AR16 AR17 AR18 AR19 AR20 AR21 AR22 AR23 AR24 AR25 AR26 AR27 Signal Name VSSA D_OUT2_01_N D_OUT2_03_N RESHI_2 D_OUT2_06_N D_OUT2_09_N VDD2 VDD2 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC VDD2 VDD2 NC NC NC NC NC VDDA NC NC NC NC NC NC NC VDD2 D_IN2_15_N D_IN2_13 D_IN2_11 D_IN2_08 D_IN2_06 D_IN2_04 D_IN2_02 Notes: Do not connect pins designated as NC (no connect pins). Pins designated as UNUSED (unused pins) have no connection between the pin and the die. 12 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 1. Pin Assignments for 792-Pin LBGA by Pin Number Order (continued) Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name AR28 AR29 AR30 AR31 AR32 AR33 AR34 AR35 AR36 AR37 AR38 AR39 AT1 AT2 AT3 AT4 AT5 AT6 AT7 AT8 AT9 AT10 AT11 AT12 AT13 AT14 AT15 AT16 AT17 AT18 AT19 AT20 AT21 AT22 AT23 AT24 AT25 AT26 AT27 AT28 AT29 AT30 VDDA D_OUT2_01 D_OUT2_03 RESLO_2 D_OUT2_06 D_OUT2_09 VDD2 VDD2 D_OUT2_13 D_OUT2_13_N NC NC NC NC VSS VSS NC NC VSS UNUSED VDD2 UNUSED VSS NC VDD2 UNUSED VSS UNUSED VDD2 UNUSED NC VSS D_IN2_15 UNUSED VDD2 UNUSED VSS UNUSED VDD2 REXT2 VSS UNUSED AT31 AT32 AT33 AT34 AT35 AT36 AT37 AT38 AT39 AU1 AU2 AU3 AU4 AU5 AU6 AU7 AU8 AU9 AU10 AU11 AU12 AU13 AU14 AU15 AU16 AU17 AU18 AU19 AU20 AU21 AU22 AU23 AU24 AU25 AU26 AU27 AU28 AU29 AU30 AU31 AU32 AU33 VDD2 UNUSED VSS D_OUT2_07_N D_OUT2_10_N VSS VSS D_OUT2_15 D_OUT2_15_N NC NC VSS VSS NC NC VDD UNUSED VSS UNUSED VDD NC VSS NC VDD NC VSS NC VSS VSS VSS CTAP2_3 VSS CTAP2_2 VDD CTAP2_1 VSS CTAP2_0 VDD UNUSED VSS UNUSED VDD AU34 AU35 AU36 AU37 AU38 AU39 AV1 AV2 AV3 AV4 AV5 AV6 AV7 AV8 AV9 AV10 AV11 AV12 AV13 AV14 AV15 AV16 AV17 AV18 AV19 AV20 AV21 AV22 AV23 AV24 AV25 AV26 AV27 AV28 AV29 AV30 AV31 AV32 AV33 AV34 AV35 AV36 D_OUT2_07 D_OUT2_10 VSS VSS D_OUT2_12 D_OUT2_12_N VDD VDD NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC VDD VDD VDD D_IN2_14_N D_IN2_12_N D_IN2_10_N D_IN2_09_N D_IN2_07_N D_IN2_05_N D_IN2_03_N D_IN2_01_N D_IN2_00_N D_OUT2_00_N D_OUT2_02_N D_OUT2_04_N D_OUT2_05_N REF10_2 D_OUT2_08_N AV37 AV38 AV39 AW1 AW2 AW3 AW4 AW5 AW6 AW7 AW8 AW9 AW10 AW11 AW12 AW13 AW14 AW15 AW16 AW17 AW18 AW19 AW20 AW21 AW22 AW23 AW24 AW25 AW26 AW27 AW28 AW29 AW30 AW31 AW32 AW33 AW34 AW35 AW36 AW37 AW38 AW39 D_OUT2_11_N VDD VDD VDD VDD NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC UNUSED VDD UNUSED D_IN2_14 D_IN2_12 D_IN2_10 D_IN2_09 D_IN2_07 D_IN2_05 D_IN2_03 D_IN2_01 D_IN2_00 D_OUT2_00 D_OUT2_02 D_OUT2_04 D_OUT2_05 REF14_2 D_OUT2_08 D_OUT2_11 VDD VDD Notes: Do not connect pins designated as NC (no connect pins). Pins designated as UNUSED (unused pins) have no connection between the pin and the die. Agere Systems Inc. 13 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 2. Pin Assignments for 792-Pin LBGA by Signal Name Order Signal Name Pin ADDRESS_0 ADDRESS_1 ADDRESS_2 ADDRESS_3 ADDRESS_4 ADDRESS_5 ADDRESS_6 ADDRESS_7 ADDRESS_8 ADDRESS_9 ADDRESS_10 ADDRESS_11 ADDRESS_12 CS_N CTAP_CLK_FP CTAP0_0 CTAP0_1 CTAP0_2 CTAP0_3 CTAP1_0 CTAP1_1 CTAP1_2 CTAP1_3 CTAP2_0 CTAP2_1 CTAP2_2 CTAP2_3 NC NC NC NC D_IN0_00 D_IN0_00_N D_IN0_01 D_IN0_01_N D_IN0_02 D_IN0_02_N D_IN0_03 D_IN0_03_N V35 V34 U39 U38 U35 U34 T39 T38 T37 T36 R39 R38 T35 V38 AD6 C12 C14 C16 C18 C28 C26 C24 C22 AU28 AU26 AU24 AU22 AU12 AU14 AU16 AU18 A10 B10 A11 B11 E13 F13 A12 B12 Signal Name D_IN0_04 D_IN0_04_N D_IN0_05 D_IN0_05_N D_IN0_06 D_IN0_06_N D_IN0_07 D_IN0_07_N D_IN0_08 D_IN0_08_N D_IN0_09 D_IN0_09_N D_IN0_10 D_IN0_10_N D_IN0_11 D_IN0_11_N D_IN0_12 D_IN0_12_N D_IN0_13 D_IN0_13_N D_IN0_14 D_IN0_14_N D_IN0_15 D_IN0_15_N D_IN1_00 D_IN1_00_N D_IN1_01 D_IN1_01_N D_IN1_02 D_IN1_02_N D_IN1_03 D_IN1_03_N D_IN1_04 D_IN1_04_N D_IN1_05 D_IN1_05_N D_IN1_06 D_IN1_06_N D_IN1_07 Pin E14 F14 A13 B13 E15 F15 A14 B14 E16 F16 A15 B15 A16 B16 E17 F17 A17 B17 E18 F18 A18 B18 D19 E19 A30 B30 A29 B29 E27 F27 A28 B28 E26 F26 A27 B27 E25 F25 A26 Signal Name D_IN1_07_N D_IN1_08 D_IN1_08_N D_IN1_09 D_IN1_09_N D_IN1_10 D_IN1_10_N D_IN1_11 D_IN1_11_N D_IN1_12 D_IN1_12_N D_IN1_13 D_IN1_13_N D_IN1_14 D_IN1_14_N D_IN1_15 D_IN1_15_N D_IN2_00 D_IN2_00_N D_IN2_01 D_IN2_01_N D_IN2_02 D_IN2_02_N D_IN2_03 D_IN2_03_N D_IN2_04 D_IN2_04_N D_IN2_05 D_IN2_05_N D_IN2_06 D_IN2_06_N D_IN2_07 D_IN2_07_N D_IN2_08 D_IN2_08_N D_IN2_09 D_IN2_09_N D_IN2_10 D_IN2_10_N Pin B26 E24 F24 A25 B25 A24 B24 E23 F23 A23 B23 E22 F22 A22 B22 D21 E21 AW30 AV30 AW29 AV29 AR27 AP27 AW28 AV28 AR26 AP26 AW27 AV27 AR25 AP25 AW26 AV26 AR24 AP24 AW25 AV25 AW24 AV24 Signal Name D_IN2_11 D_IN2_11_N D_IN2_12 D_IN2_12_N D_IN2_13 D_IN2_13_N D_IN2_14 D_IN2_14_N D_IN2_15 D_IN2_15_N NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Pin AR23 AP23 AW23 AV23 AR22 AP22 AW22 AV22 AT21 AR21 AW10 AV10 AW11 AV11 AR13 AP13 AW12 AV12 AR14 AP14 AW13 AV13 AR15 AP15 AW14 AV14 AR16 AP16 AW15 AV15 AW16 AV16 AR17 AP17 AW17 AV17 AR18 AP18 AW18 Notes: Do not connect pins designated as NC (no connect pins). Pins designated as UNUSED (unused pins) have no connection between the pin and the die. 14 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 2. Pin Assignments for 792-Pin LBGA by Signal Name Order (continued) Signal Name Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name Pin NC NC NC D_OUT0_00 D_OUT0_00_N D_OUT0_01 D_OUT0_01_N D_OUT0_02 D_OUT0_02_N D_OUT0_03 D_OUT0_03_N D_OUT0_04 D_OUT0_04_N D_OUT0_05 D_OUT0_05_N D_OUT0_06 D_OUT0_06_N D_OUT0_07 D_OUT0_07_N D_OUT0_08 D_OUT0_08_N D_OUT0_09 D_OUT0_09_N D_OUT0_10 D_OUT0_10_N D_OUT0_11 D_OUT0_11_N D_OUT0_12 D_OUT0_12_N D_OUT0_13 D_OUT0_13_N D_OUT0_14 D_OUT0_14_N D_OUT0_15 D_OUT0_15_N D_OUT1_00 D_OUT1_00_N D_OUT1_01 D_OUT1_01_N AV18 AT19 AR19 A9 B9 E11 F11 A8 B8 E10 F10 A7 B7 A6 B6 E8 F8 C6 D6 A4 B4 E7 F7 C5 D5 A3 B3 C2 C1 E4 E3 G6 G5 D2 D1 A31 B31 E29 F29 D_OUT1_02 D_OUT1_02_N D_OUT1_03 D_OUT1_03_N D_OUT1_04 D_OUT1_04_N D_OUT1_05 D_OUT1_05_N D_OUT1_06 D_OUT1_06_N D_OUT1_07 D_OUT1_07_N D_OUT1_08 D_OUT1_08_N D_OUT1_09 D_OUT1_09_N D_OUT1_10 D_OUT1_10_N D_OUT1_11 D_OUT1_11_N D_OUT1_12 D_OUT1_12_N D_OUT1_13 D_OUT1_13_N D_OUT1_14 D_OUT1_14_N D_OUT1_15 D_OUT1_15_N D_OUT2_00 D_OUT2_00_N D_OUT2_01 D_OUT2_01_N D_OUT2_02 D_OUT2_02_N D_OUT2_03 D_OUT2_03_N D_OUT2_04 D_OUT2_04_N D_OUT2_05 A32 B32 E30 F30 A33 B33 A34 B34 E32 F32 C34 D34 A36 B36 E33 F33 C35 D35 A37 B37 C38 C39 E36 E37 G34 G35 D38 D39 AW31 AV31 AR29 AP29 AW32 AV32 AR30 AP30 AW33 AV33 AW34 D_OUT2_05_N D_OUT2_06 D_OUT2_06_N D_OUT2_07 D_OUT2_07_N D_OUT2_08 D_OUT2_08_N D_OUT2_09 D_OUT2_09_N D_OUT2_10 D_OUT2_10_N D_OUT2_11 D_OUT2_11_N D_OUT2_12 D_OUT2_12_N D_OUT2_13 D_OUT2_13_N D_OUT2_14 D_OUT2_14_N D_OUT2_15 D_OUT2_15_N NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC AV34 AR32 AP32 AU34 AT34 AW36 AV36 AR33 AP33 AU35 AT35 AW37 AV37 AU38 AU39 AR36 AR37 AN34 AN35 AT38 AT39 AW9 AV9 AR11 AP11 AW8 AV8 AR10 AP10 AW7 AV7 AW6 AV6 AR8 AP8 AU6 AT6 AW4 AV4 Signal Name NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC DATA_0 DATA_1 DATA_2 DATA_3 DATA_4 DATA_5 DATA_6 DATA_7 DATA_8 DATA_9 DATA_10 DATA_11 DATA_12 DATA_13 DATA_14 DATA_15 DS_N DXN DXP HIZ_N INT_N MPMODE_0 MPMODE_1 NC NC Pin AR7 AP7 AU5 AT5 AW3 AV3 AU2 AU1 AR4 AR3 AN6 AN5 AT2 AT1 AB39 AB38 AB37 AB36 AB35 AB34 AC39 AC38 AC35 AC34 AD39 AD38 AD37 AD36 AE39 AE38 W35 P35 P34 AB1 AA36 V37 V36 E1 E2 Notes: Do not connect pins designated as NC (no connect pins). Pins designated as UNUSED (unused pins) have no connection between the pin and the die. Agere Systems Inc. 15 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 2. Pin Assignments for 792-Pin LBGA by Signal Name Order (continued) Signal Name NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Pin E38 E39 F1 F2 F3 F4 F36 F37 F38 F39 G1 G2 G38 G39 H3 H4 H5 H6 H34 H35 H36 H37 H38 H39 J1 J2 J5 J6 J34 J35 J38 J39 K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K34 Signal Name NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Pin K35 K36 K37 K38 K39 L1 L2 L5 L6 L34 L35 L38 L39 M3 M4 M5 M6 M34 M35 M36 M37 N39 P1 P3 P36 P37 P38 P39 R1 R2 R5 R6 R35 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Signal Name NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Pin U1 U2 U5 U6 V5 V6 AB2 AB3 AB4 AB5 AB6 AC1 AC2 AC5 AC6 AD4 AE1 AE2 AF3 AF5 AF6 AG5 AG6 AH1 AH2 AH3 AH4 AH5 AH6 AH34 AH35 AH36 AH37 AJ1 AJ2 AJ5 AJ6 AJ34 AJ35 Signal Name NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Pin AJ38 AJ39 AK1 AK2 AK3 AK4 AK5 AK6 AK34 AK35 AK36 AK37 AK38 AK39 AL1 AL2 AL5 AL6 AL34 AL35 AL38 AL39 AM1 AM2 AM3 AM4 AM5 AM6 AM34 AM35 AM36 AM37 AN1 AN2 AN38 AN39 AP1 AP2 AP3 Notes: Do not connect pins designated as NC (no connect pins). Pins designated as UNUSED (unused pins) have no connection between the pin and the die. 16 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 2. Pin Assignments for 792-Pin LBGA by Signal Name Order (continued) Signal Name NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC PARITY_0 PARITY_1 PCLK REF10_0 REF10_1 REF10_2 NC REF14_0 REF14_1 REF14_2 NC RESHI_0 RESHI_1 RESHI_2 NC RESLO_0 RESLO_1 RESLO_2 NC REXT0 REXT1 REXT2 NC RST_N RW_N SCANEN_N SYNC_N SYS_CLK SYS_CLK_N SYS_FP Pin AP4 AP36 AP37 AP38 AP39 AR1 AR2 AR38 AR39 AD35 AD34 W39 B5 E31 AV35 AR9 A5 F31 AW35 AP9 F9 A35 AP31 AW5 E9 B35 AR31 AV5 D12 D28 AT28 AT12 AA5 W36 V4 AA35 AE6 AE5 AF2 Signal Name SYS_FP_N TA_N TCK TDI TDO TEA_N TMS TRST_N TS_N TSTMD_N UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED Pin AF1 AF39 W1 W4 V2 AF38 W5 V1 V39 V3 A19 A21 C8 C10 C30 C32 D8 D10 D14 D16 D18 D22 D24 D26 D30 D32 H1 H2 M1 M2 M38 M39 N1 N2 N5 N6 N34 N35 N38 Signal Name UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED Pin P2 P4 P5 P6 R34 T34 AA1 AA4 AA39 AD1 AD2 AD3 AD5 AE34 AE35 AF4 AF34 AF35 AF36 AF37 AG1 AG2 AG34 AG35 AG38 AG39 AH38 AH39 AM38 AM39 AT8 AT10 AT14 AT16 AT18 AT22 AT24 AT26 AT30 Signal Name UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD Pin AT32 AU8 AU10 AU30 AU32 AW19 AW21 A1 A2 A20 A38 A39 B1 B2 B19 B20 B21 B38 B39 C7 C11 C15 C25 C29 C33 G3 G37 L3 L37 R3 R37 W2 W38 Y1 Y2 Y38 Y39 AA2 AA38 Notes: Do not connect pins designated as NC (no connect pins). Pins designated as UNUSED (unused pins) have no connection between the pin and the die. Agere Systems Inc. 17 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 2. Pin Assignments for 792-Pin LBGA by Signal Name Order (continued) Signal Name VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 Pin AE3 AE37 AJ3 AJ37 AN3 AN37 AU7 AU11 AU15 AU25 AU29 AU33 AV1 AV2 AV19 AV20 AV21 AV38 AV39 AW1 AW2 AW20 AW38 AW39 D9 D13 D17 D23 D27 D31 E5 E6 E20 E34 E35 F5 F6 F19 F20 F21 F34 F35 Signal Name VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDD2 VDDA VDDA VDDA VDDA Pin J4 J36 N4 N36 U4 U36 W6 W34 Y5 Y6 Y34 Y35 AA6 AA34 AC4 AC36 AG4 AG36 AL4 AL36 AP5 AP6 AP19 AP20 AP21 AP34 AP35 AR5 AR6 AR20 AR34 AR35 AT9 AT13 AT17 AT23 AT27 AT31 E12 E28 AR12 AR28 Signal Name VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS Pin C3 C4 C9 C13 C17 C19 C20 C21 C23 C27 C31 C36 C37 D3 D4 D7 D11 D15 D20 D25 D29 D33 D36 D37 G4 G36 J3 J37 L4 L36 N3 N37 R4 R36 U3 U37 W3 W37 Y3 Y4 Y36 Y37 Signal Name VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSSA VSSA VSSA VSSA Pin AA3 AA37 AC3 AC37 AE4 AE36 AG3 AG37 AJ4 AJ36 AL3 AL37 AN4 AN36 AT3 AT4 AT7 AT11 AT15 AT20 AT25 AT29 AT33 AT36 AT37 AU3 AU4 AU9 AU13 AU17 AU19 AU20 AU21 AU23 AU27 AU31 AU36 AU37 F12 F28 AP12 AP28 Notes: Do not connect pins designated as NC (no connect pins). Pins designated as UNUSED (unused pins) have no connection between the pin and the die. 18 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 3. Pin Descriptions--Receive Interface Note: The speed for each channel below is 622.08 Mbits/s. Pin Symbol Type* A10 B10 D_IN0_00 D_IN0_00_N I LVDS Port 0 Input 0. LVDS data input pair for port 0, channel 0. A11 B11 D_IN0_01 D_IN0_01_N I LVDS Port 0 Input 1. LVDS data input pair for port 0, channel 1. E13 F13 D_IN0_02 D_IN0_02_N I LVDS Port 0 Input 2. LVDS data input pair for port 0, channel 2. A12 B12 D_IN0_03 D_IN0_03_N I LVDS Port 0 Input 3. LVDS data input pair for port 0, channel 3. E14 F14 D_IN0_04 D_IN0_04_N I LVDS Port 0 Input 4. LVDS data input pair for port 0, channel 4. A13 B13 D_IN0_05 D_IN0_05_N I LVDS Port 0 Input 5. LVDS data input pair for port 0, channel 5. E15 F15 D_IN0_06 D_IN0_06_N I LVDS Port 0 Input 6. LVDS data input pair for port 0, channel 6. A14 B14 D_IN0_07 D_IN0_07_N I LVDS Port 0 Input 7. LVDS data input pair for port 0, channel 7. E16 F16 D_IN0_08 D_IN0_08_N I LVDS Port 0 Input 8. LVDS data input pair for port 0, channel 8. A15 B15 D_IN0_09 D_IN0_09_N I LVDS Port 0 Input 9. LVDS data input pair for port 0, channel 9. A16 B16 D_IN0_10 D_IN0_10_N I LVDS Port 0 Input 10. LVDS data input pair for port 0, channel 10. E17 F17 D_IN0_11 D_IN0_11_N I LVDS Port 0 Input 11. LVDS data input pair for port 0, channel 11. A17 B17 D_IN0_12 D_IN0_12_N I LVDS Port 0 Input 12. LVDS data input pair for port 0, channel 12. E18 F18 D_IN0_13 D_IN0_13_N I LVDS Port 0 Input 13. LVDS data input pair for port 0, channel 13. A18 B18 D_IN0_14 D_IN0_14_N I LVDS Port 0 Input 14. LVDS data input pair for port 0, channel 14. D19 E19 D_IN0_15 D_IN0_15_N I LVDS Port 0 Input 15. LVDS data input pair for port 0, channel 15. C18 C16 C14 C12 CTAP0_3 CTAP0_2 CTAP0_1 CTAP0_0 -- Name/Description Center Taps for Port 0 Inputs. Provides center-tapped common-mode termination. These inputs should be terminated through individual external 0.01 F capacitors to ground. * I = input, LVDS = low-voltage differential signal. Agere Systems Inc. 19 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 3. Pin Descriptions--Receive Interface (continued) Note: The speed for each channel below is 622.08 Mbits/s. Pin Symbol Type* A30 B30 D_IN1_00 D_IN1_00_N I LVDS Port 1 Input 0. LVDS data input pair for port 1, channel 0. A29 B29 D_IN1_01 D_IN1_01_N I LVDS Port 1 Input 1. LVDS data input pair for port 1, channel 1. E27 F27 D_IN1_02 D_IN1_02_N I LVDS Port 1 Input 2. LVDS data input pair for port 1, channel 2. A28 B28 D_IN1_03 D_IN1_03_N I LVDS Port 1 Input 3. LVDS data input pair for port 1, channel 3. E26 F26 D_IN1_04 D_IN1_04_N I LVDS Port 1 Input 4. LVDS data input pair for port 1, channel 4. A27 B27 D_IN1_05 D_IN1_05_N I LVDS Port 1 Input 5. LVDS data input pair for port 1, channel 5. E25 F25 D_IN1_06 D_IN1_06_N I LVDS Port 1 Input 6. LVDS data input pair for port 1, channel 6. A26 B26 D_IN1_07 D_IN1_07_N I LVDS Port 1 Input 7. LVDS data input pair for port 1, channel 7. E24 F24 D_IN1_08 D_IN1_08_N I LVDS Port 1 Input 8. LVDS data input pair for port 1, channel 8. A25 B25 D_IN1_09 D_IN1_09_N I LVDS Port 1 Input 9. LVDS data input pair for port 1, channel 9. A24 B24 D_IN1_10 D_IN1_10_N I LVDS Port 1 Input 10. LVDS data input pair for port 1, channel 10. E23 F23 D_IN1_11 D_IN1_11_N I LVDS Port 1 Input 11. LVDS data input pair for port 1, channel 11. A23 B23 D_IN1_12 D_IN1_12_N I LVDS Port 1 Input 12. LVDS data input pair for port 1, channel 12. E22 F22 D_IN1_13 D_IN1_13_N I LVDS Port 1 Input 13. LVDS data input pair for port 1, channel 13. A22 B22 D_IN1_14 D_IN1_14_N I LVDS Port 1 Input 14. LVDS data input pair for port 1, channel 14. D21 E21 D_IN1_15 D_IN1_15_N I LVDS Port 1 Input 15. LVDS data input pair for port 1, channel 15. C22 C24 C26 C28 CTAP1_3 CTAP1_2 CTAP1_1 CTAP1_0 -- Name/Description Center Taps for Port 1 Inputs. Provides center-tapped common-mode termination. These inputs should be terminated through individual external 0.01 F capacitors to ground. * I = input, LVDS = low-voltage differential signal. 20 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 3. Pin Descriptions--Receive Interface (continued) Note: The speed for each channel below is 622.08 Mbits/s. Pin Symbol Type* AW30 AV30 D_IN2_00 D_IN2_00_N I LVDS Port 2 Input 0. LVDS data input pair for port 2, channel 0. AW29 AV29 D_IN2_01 D_IN2_01_N I LVDS Port 2 Input 1. LVDS data input pair for port 2, channel 1. AR27 AP27 D_IN2_02 D_IN2_02_N I LVDS Port 2 Input 2. LVDS data input pair for port 2, channel 2. AW28 AV28 D_IN2_03 D_IN2_03_N I LVDS Port 2 Input 3. LVDS data input pair for port 2, channel 3. AR26 AP26 D_IN2_04 D_IN2_04_N I LVDS Port 2 Input 4. LVDS data input pair for port 2, channel 4. AW27 AV27 D_IN2_05 D_IN2_05_N I LVDS Port 2 Input 5. LVDS data input pair for port 2, channel 5. AR25 AP25 D_IN2_06 D_IN2_06_N I LVDS Port 2 Input 6. LVDS data input pair for port 2, channel 6. AW26 AV26 D_IN2_07 D_IN2_07_N I LVDS Port 2 Input 7. LVDS data input pair for port 2, channel 7. AR24 AP24 D_IN2_08 D_IN2_08_N I LVDS Port 2 Input 8. LVDS data input pair for port 2, channel 8. AW25 AV25 D_IN2_09 D_IN2_09_N I LVDS Port 2 Input 9. LVDS data input pair for port 2, channel 9. AW24 AV24 D_IN2_10 D_IN2_10_N I LVDS Port 2 Input 10. LVDS data input pair for port 2, channel 10. AR23 AP23 D_IN2_11 D_IN2_11_N I LVDS Port 2 Input 11. LVDS data input pair for port 2, channel 11. AW23 AV23 D_IN2_12 D_IN2_12_N I LVDS Port 2 Input 12. LVDS data input pair for port 2, channel 12. AR22 AP22 D_IN2_13 D_IN2_13_N I LVDS Port 2 Input 13. LVDS data input pair for port 2, channel 13. AW22 AV22 D_IN2_14 D_IN2_14_N I LVDS Port 2 Input 14. LVDS data input pair for port 2, channel 14. AT21 AR21 D_IN2_15 D_IN2_15_N I LVDS Port 2 Input 15. LVDS data input pair for port 2, channel 15. AU22 AU24 AU26 AU28 CTAP2_3 CTAP2_2 CTAP2_1 CTAP2_0 -- Name/Description Center Taps for Port 2 Inputs. Provides center-tapped common-mode termination. These inputs should be terminated through individual external 0.01 F capacitors to ground. * I = input, LVDS = low-voltage differential signal. Agere Systems Inc. 21 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 4. Pin Descriptions--Transmit Interface Note: The speed for each channel below is 622.08 Mbits/s. Pin Symbol Type* A9 B9 D_OUT0_00 D_OUT0_00_N O LVDS Port 0 Output 0. LVDS output pair for port 0, channel 0. E11 F11 D_OUT0_01 D_OUT0_01_N O LVDS Port 0 Output 1. LVDS output pair for port 0, channel 1. A8 B8 D_OUT0_02 D_OUT0_02_N O LVDS Port 0 Output 2. LVDS output pair for port 0, channel 2. E10 F10 D_OUT0_03 D_OUT0_03_N O LVDS Port 0 Output 3. LVDS output pair for port 0, channel 3. A7 B7 D_OUT0_04 D_OUT0_04_N O LVDS Port 0 Output 4. LVDS output pair for port 0, channel 4. A6 B6 D_OUT0_05 D_OUT0_05_N O LVDS Port 0 Output 5. LVDS output pair for port 0, channel 5. E8 F8 D_OUT0_06 D_OUT0_06_N O LVDS Port 0 Output 6. LVDS output pair for port 0, channel 6. C6 D6 D_OUT0_07 D_OUT0_07_N O LVDS Port 0 Output 7. LVDS output pair for port 0, channel 7. A4 B4 D_OUT0_08 D_OUT0_08_N O LVDS Port 0 Output 8. LVDS output pair for port 0, channel 8. E7 F7 D_OUT0_09 D_OUT0_09_N O LVDS Port 0 Output 9. LVDS output pair for port 0, channel 9. C5 D5 D_OUT0_10 D_OUT0_10_N O LVDS Port 0 Output 10. LVDS output pair for port 0, channel 10. A3 B3 D_OUT0_11 D_OUT0_11_N O LVDS Port 0 Output 11. LVDS output pair for port 0, channel 11. C2 C1 D_OUT0_12 D_OUT0_12_N O LVDS Port 0 Output 12. LVDS output pair for port 0, channel 12. E4 E3 D_OUT0_13 D_OUT0_13_N O LVDS Port 0 Output 13. LVDS output pair for port 0, channel 13. G6 G5 D_OUT0_14 D_OUT0_14_N O LVDS Port 0 Output 14. LVDS output pair for port 0, channel 14. D2 D1 D_OUT0_15 D_OUT0_15_N O LVDS Port 0 Output 15. LVDS output pair for port 0, channel 15. Name/Description * O = output, LVDS = low-voltage differential signal. 22 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 4. Pin Descriptions--Transmit Interface (continued) Note: The speed for each channel below is 622.08 Mbits/s. Pin Symbol Type* A31 B31 D_OUT1_00 D_OUT1_00_N O LVDS Port 1 Output 0. LVDS output pair for port 1, channel 0. E29 F29 D_OUT1_01 D_OUT1_01_N O LVDS Port 1 Output 1. LVDS output pair for port 1, channel 1. A32 B32 D_OUT1_02 D_OUT1_02_N O LVDS Port 1 Output 2. LVDS output pair for port 1, channel 2. E30 F30 D_OUT1_03 D_OUT1_03_N O LVDS Port 1 Output 3. LVDS output pair for port 1, channel 3. A33 B33 D_OUT1_04 D_OUT1_04_N O LVDS Port 1 Output 4. LVDS output pair for port 1, channel 4. A34 B34 D_OUT1_05 D_OUT1_05_N O LVDS Port 1 Output 5. LVDS output pair for port 1, channel 5. E32 F32 D_OUT1_06 D_OUT1_06_N O LVDS Port 1 Output 6. LVDS output pair for port 1, channel 6. C34 D34 D_OUT1_07 D_OUT1_07_N O LVDS Port 1 Output 7. LVDS output pair for port 1, channel 7. A36 B36 D_OUT1_08 D_OUT1_08_N O LVDS Port 1 Output 8. LVDS output pair for port 1, channel 8. E33 F33 D_OUT1_09 D_OUT1_09_N O LVDS Port 1 Output 9. LVDS output pair for port 1, channel 9. C35 D35 D_OUT1_10 D_OUT1_10_N O LVDS Port 1 Output 10. LVDS output pair for port 1, channel 10. A37 B37 D_OUT1_11 D_OUT1_11_N O LVDS Port 1 Output 11. LVDS output pair for port 1, channel 11. C38 C39 D_OUT1_12 D_OUT1_12_N O LVDS Port 1 Output 12. LVDS output pair for port 1, channel 12. E36 E37 D_OUT1_13 D_OUT1_13_N O LVDS Port 1 Output 13. LVDS output pair for port 1, channel 13. G34 G35 D_OUT1_14 D_OUT1_14_N O LVDS Port 1 Output 14. LVDS output pair for port 1, channel 14. D38 D39 D_OUT1_15 D_OUT1_15_N O LVDS Port 1 Output 15. LVDS output pair for port 1, channel 15. Name/Description * O = output, LVDS = low-voltage differential signal. Agere Systems Inc. 23 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 4. Pin Descriptions--Transmit Interface (continued) Note: The speed for each channel below is 622.08 Mbits/s. Pin Symbol Type* Name/Description AW31 D_OUT2_00 AV31 D_OUT2_00_N O LVDS Port 2 Output 0. LVDS output pair for port 2, channel 0. AR29 AP29 D_OUT2_01 D_OUT2_01_N O LVDS Port 2 Output 1. LVDS output pair for port 2, channel 1. AW32 D_OUT2_02 AV32 D_OUT2_02_N O LVDS Port 2 Output 2. LVDS output pair for port 2, channel 2. AR30 AP30 D_OUT2_03 D_OUT2_03_N O LVDS Port 2 Output 3. LVDS output pair for port 2, channel 3. AW33 D_OUT2_04 AV33 D_OUT2_04_N O LVDS Port 2 Output 4. LVDS output pair for port 2, channel 4. AW34 D_OUT2_05 AV34 D_OUT2_05_N O LVDS Port 2 Output 5. LVDS output pair for port 2, channel 5. AR32 AP32 D_OUT2_06 D_OUT2_06_N O LVDS Port 2 Output 6. LVDS output pair for port 2, channel 6. AU34 AT34 D_OUT2_07 D_OUT2_07_N O LVDS Port 2 Output 7. LVDS output pair for port 2, channel 7. AW36 D_OUT2_08 AV36 D_OUT2_08_N O LVDS Port 2 Output 8. LVDS output pair for port 2, channel 8. AR33 AP33 D_OUT2_09 D_OUT2_09_N O LVDS Port 2 Output 9. LVDS output pair for port 2, channel 9. AU35 AT35 D_OUT2_10 D_OUT2_10_N O LVDS Port 2 Output 10. LVDS output pair for port 2, channel 10. AW37 D_OUT2_11 AV37 D_OUT2_11_N O LVDS Port 2 Output 11. LVDS output pair for port 2, channel 11. AU38 AU39 D_OUT2_12 D_OUT2_12_N O LVDS Port 2 Output 12. LVDS output pair for port 2, channel 12. AR36 AR37 D_OUT2_13 D_OUT2_13_N O LVDS Port 2 Output 13. LVDS output pair for port 2, channel 13. AN34 AN35 D_OUT2_14 D_OUT2_14_N O LVDS Port 2 Output 14. LVDS output pair for port 2, channel 14. AT38 AT39 D_OUT2_15 D_OUT2_15_N O LVDS Port 2 Output 15. LVDS output pair for port 2, channel 15. * O = output, LVDS = low-voltage differential signal. 24 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 5. Pin Descriptions--LVDS Reference Cell Pins Pin Symbol Type* B5 REF10_0 I 1.0 V Reference Voltage for Port 0. E31 REF10_1 I 1.0 V Reference Voltage for Port 1. AV35 REF10_2 I 1.0 V Reference Voltage for Port 2. AR9 REF10_3 I 1.0 V Reference Voltage for Port 3. A5 REF14_0 I 1.4 V Reference Voltage for Port 0. F31 REF14_1 I 1.4 V Reference Voltage for Port 1. AW35 REF14_2 I 1.4 V Reference Voltage for Port 2. AP9 REF14_3 I 1.4 V Reference Voltage for Port 3. F9 RESHI_0 -- E9 RESLO_0 -- A35 RESHI_1 -- B35 RESLO_1 -- AP31 RESHI_2 -- AR31 RESLO_2 -- AW5 RESHI_3 -- AV5 RESLO_3 -- Name/Description Connect a 100 1% resistor between these two pins. Connect a 100 1% resistor between these two pins. Connect a 100 1% resistor between these two pins. Connect a 100 1% resistor between these two pins. * I = input. 3.3 V 3.3 V 2.32 k 1% 1.91 k 1% 1 k 1% 1.43 k 1% LVDSREF10 LVDSREF14 10 nF 10 nF 0622(F) Figure 3. Suggested Schematic for 1.0 V and 1.4 V Reference Voltages Agere Systems Inc. 25 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 6. Pin Descriptions--Microprocessor Interface Pin Symbol Type* Name/Description V36 V37 MPMODE_1 MPMODE_0 I Microprocessor Mode. These pins must be driven to select a microprocessor mode. 00 = Asynchronous mode--M360 (Motorola MC68360, for example). 01 = DSP synchronous mode (Motorola DSP56309, for example). 10 = Synchronous mode--M860 (Motorola MPC860, for example). 11 = Synchronous mode, no parity--M860 (MPC860, for example). W39 PCLK I Microprocessor Clock. Must be provided in order to read and write to any register. Rising edge. V38 CS_N I Chip Select (Active-Low). This signal must be low during register access. Requires an external pull-up resistor of 10 k. V39 TS_N I Transfer Start or Address Strobe (Active-Low). Transfer start when MPMODE = 01, 10, or 11 (synchronous). Address strobe when MPMODE = 00 (asynchronous). Requires an external pull-up resistor of 10 k. W35 DS_N I Data Strobe (Active-Low). This signal, when used in the asynchronous mode (MPMODE = 00), indicates that the data is valid for MPU writes. Requires an external pull-up resistor of 10 k for M860 and DSP modes. W36 RW_N I Read/Write. This signal is low to indicate a write operation and is high to indicate a read operation. AF39 TA_N O Data Transfer Acknowledge (Active-Low). This signal acknowledges the data transfer cycle. Requires an external pull-up resistor of 10 k. AF38 TEA_N O Transfer Error Acknowledge (Active-Low). This signal goes low to indicate an internal error related to the data transfer cycle. Requires an external pull-up resistor of 10 k. AA36 INT_N O Interrupt (Active-Low). This signal goes low when the device generates an unmasked interrupt. Requires an external pull-up resistor of 10 k. It is an open-drain output. T35 ADDRESS_12 I R38 ADDRESS_11 I Address Bus [12:0]. This bus is used to address registers for the microprocessor. R39 ADDRESS_10 I T36 ADDRESS_9 I T37 ADDRESS_8 I T38 ADDRESS_7 I T39 ADDRESS_6 I U34 ADDRESS_5 I U35 ADDRESS_4 I U38 ADDRESS_3 I U39 ADDRESS_2 I V34 ADDRESS_1 I V35 ADDRESS_0 I * I = input, Iu = input with internal pull-up resistor, Ou = output with internal pull-up resistor. Non-LVDS inputs and outputs are 3.3 V CMOS, 5 V compatible, and TTL-compatible. Motorola is a registered trademark of Motorola, Inc. 26 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 6. Pin Descriptions--Microprocessor Interface (continued) Pin Symbol Type* AE38 AE39 AD36 AD37 AD38 AD39 AC34 AC35 AC38 AC39 AB34 AB35 AB36 AB37 AB38 AB39 AD34 AD35 DATA_15 DATA_14 DATA_13 DATA_12 DATA_11 DATA_10 DATA_9 DATA_8 DATA_7 DATA_6 DATA_5 DATA_4 DATA_3 DATA_2 DATA_1 DATA_0 PARITY_1 PARITY_0 I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O Name/Description Data Bus [15:0]. This bus is a bidirectional data bus for writing and reading software registers. Data Bus Parity--Upper Byte. Odd parity for upper byte [15:8]. Data Bus Parity--Lower Byte. Odd parity for lower byte [7:0]. * I/Ou = bidirectional pin with internal pull-up resistor. Non-LVDS inputs, outputs, and bidirects are 3.3 V CMOS, 5 V compatible, and TTLcompatible. Table 7. Pin Descriptions--System Control Pin Symbol Type* Name/Description AE6 AE5 AF2 AF1 SYS_CLK SYS_CLK_N SYS_FP SYS_FP_N I LVDS I LVDS AD6 CTAP_CLK_FP -- AA35 SYNC_N I/O AA5 RST_N I AB1 HIZ_N Iu P34 P35 DXP DXN -- -- System Clock. Must be provided in order to read and write to any register. LVDS input pair for the 155.52 MHz system reference clock. System Frame Pulse. LVDS input pair for the 8 kHz system frame pulse. The frame is defined as beginning on the rising edge of the system frame pulse. The frame pulse is synchronous to SYS_CLK. Center Tap for Clock and Frame Pulse. Center tap for SYS_CLK and SYS_FP input buffers. This input should be terminated through an external 0.01 F capacitor to ground. Switch Synchronization (Active-Low). Requires an external pull-up resistor of 10 k. It is an open-drain output. Asynchronous Chip Reset (Active-Low). This input incorporates hysteresis. Setting this input to 0 causes an asynchronous reset of the device. To ensure proper reset, this input should be held low for a minimum of 26 ns (at least two 77.76 MHz clock cycles). Requires an external pull-up resistor of 10 k. Global Pin 3-State Control (Active-Low). This input incorporates hysteresis. Setting this input to 0 causes all TDCS4810G outputs to assume a highimpedance state except for the JTAG test data output (TDO) pin. Temperature Sensing Diode Anode. Temperature Sensing Diode Cathode. * I = input, Iu/O = bidirectional pin with internal pull-up resistor. Non-LVDS inputs, outputs, and bidirects are 3.3 V CMOS, 5 V compatible, and TTL-compatible. Agere Systems Inc. 27 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 8. Pin Descriptions--PLL References Pin Symbol Type Name/Description D12 REXT0 -- External PLL Bypass Resistor--Port 0. Should be externally connected through a 10 k 1% resistor to PLL analog ground (VSSA). D28 REXT1 -- External PLL Bypass Resistor--Port 1. Should be externally connected through a 10 k 1% resistor to PLL analog ground (VSSA). AT28 REXT2 -- External PLL Bypass Resistor--Port 2. Should be externally connected through a 10 k 1% resistor to PLL analog ground (VSSA). Table 9. Pin Descriptions--JTAG Interface Pin Symbol Type* Test Clock. This signal provides timing for test operations. Name/Description W1 TCK Iu W5 TMS Iu Test Mode Select. Controls test operations. TMS is sampled on the rising edge of TCK. W4 TDI Iu Test Data In. TDI is sampled on the rising edge of TCK. V2 TDO O Test Data Out. This output is updated on the falling edge of TCK. The TDO output is 3-stated except when scanning out test data. V1 TRST_N Iu Test Reset (Active-Low). This signal provides an asynchronous reset for the TAP. Note: This input should be tied low (to VSS) for normal device operation. If TRST_N is high, a TCK must be present to ensure that the correct test mode is clocked in on the TMS input. V3 V4 TSTMD_N Iu SCANEN_N u I Scan Test Mode (Active-Low). Scan Mode Enable (Active-Low). * O = output, Iu = input with internal pull-up resistor. Non-LVDS inputs and outputs are 3.3 V CMOS, 5 V compatible, and TTL-compatible. 28 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 10. Pin Descriptions--Power and Ground Pin Symbol Type* D9, D13, D17, D23, D27, D31, E5, E6, E20, E34, E35, F5, F6, F19, F20, F21, F34, F35, J4, J36, N4, N36, U4, U36, W6, W34, Y5, Y6, Y34, Y35, AA6, AA34, AC4, AC36, AG4, AG36, AL4, AL36, AP5, AP6, AP19, AP20, AP21, AP34, AP35, AR5, AR6, AR20, AR34, AR35, AT9, AT13, AT17, AT23, AT27, AT31 VDD2 I 1.5 V Internal Supply Voltage 5%. Provides 1.5 V internal to the device. A1, A2, A20, A38, A39, B1, B2, B19, B20, B21, B38, B39, C7, C11, C15, C25, C29, C33, G3, G37, L3, L37, R3, R37, W2, W38, Y1, Y2, Y38, Y39, AA2, AA38, AE3, AE37, AJ3, AJ37, AN3, AN37, AU7, AU11, AU15, AU25, AU29, AU33, AV1, AV2, AV19, AV20, AV21, AV38, AV39, AW1, AW2, AW20, AW38, AW39 VDD I 3.3 V I/O Supply Voltage 5%. Provides 3.3 V to the I/O pins. Name/Description * I = input. Agere Systems Inc. 29 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 10. Pin Descriptions--Power and Ground (continued) Pin Symbol Type* C3, C4, C9, C13, C17, C19, C20, C21, C23, C27, C31, C36, C37, D3, D4, D7, D11, D15, D20, D25, D29, D33, D36, D37, G4, G36, J3, J37, L4, L36, N3, N37, R4, R36, U3, U37, W3, W37, Y3, Y4, Y36, Y37, AA3, AA37, AC3, AC37, AE4, AE36, AG3, AG37, AJ4, AJ36, AL3, AL37, AN4, AN36, AT3, AT4, AT7, AT11, AT15, AT20, AT25, AT29, AT33, AT36, AT37, AU3, AU4, AU9, AU13, AU17, AU19, AU20, AU21, AU23, AU27, AU31, AU36, AU37 VSS I Digital Ground. E12 E28 AR12 AR28 VDDA I 1.5 V Analog Positive Supply Voltage for PLL Circuits 5%. Power dissipation is 0.28 W (See Absolute Maximum Ratings on page 72). F12 F28 AP12 AP28 VSSA I Analog Ground for PLL Circuits. Name/Description * I = input. 30 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 11. Pin Descriptions--No Connect Pin Symbol Type* Name/Description E1, E2, E38, E39, F1, F2, F3, F4, F36, F37, F38, F39, G1, G2, G38, G39, H3, H4, H5, H6, H34, H35, H36, H37, H38, H39, J1, J2, J5, J6, J34, J35, J38, J39, K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K34, K35, K36, K37, K38, K39, L1, L2, L5, L6, L34, L35, L38, L39, M3, M4, M5, M6, M34, M35, M36, M37, N39, P1, P3, P36, P37, P38, P39, R1, R2, R5, R6, R35, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, U1, U2, U5, U6, V5, V6, AB2, AB3, AB4, AB5, AB6, AC1, AC2, AC5, AC6, AD4, AE1, AE2, AF3, AF5, AF6, AG5, AG6, AH1, AH2, AH3, AH4, AH5, AH6, AH34, AH35, AH36, AH37, AJ1, AJ2, AJ5, AJ6, AJ34, AJ35, AJ38, AJ39, AK1, AK2, AK3, AK4, AK5, AK6, AK34, AK35, AK36, AK37, AK38, AK39, AL1, AL2, AL5, AL6, AL34, AL35, AL38, AL39, AM1, AM2, AM3, AM4, AM5, AM6 NC -- No Connect. Do not connect these pins. Includes internal manufacturing test pins. * Non-LVDS inputs and outputs are 3.3 V CMOS, 5 V compatible, and TTL-compatible. Agere Systems Inc. 31 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 11. Pin Descriptions--No Connect (continued) Pin Symbol Type* Name/Description AM34, AM35, AM36, AM37, AN1, AN2, AN38, AN39, AP1, AP2, AP3, AP4, AP7, AP8, AP9, AP10, AP11, AP13, AP14, AP15, AP16, AP17, AP18, AP36, AP37, AP38, AP39, AR1, AR2, AR3, AR4, AR7, AR8, AR9, AR10, AR11, AR13, AR14, AR15, AR16, AR17, AR18, AR19, AR38, AR39, AT1, AT2, AT5, AT6, AT12, AT19, AU1, AU2, AU3, AU6, AU12, AU14, AU16, AU18, AV4, AV5, AV6, AV7, AV8, AV9, AV10, AV11, AV12, AV13, AV14, AV15, AV16, AV17, AV18, AW3, AW4, AW5, AW6, AW7, AW8, AW9, AW10, AW11, AW12, AW13, AW14, AW15, AW16, AW17, AW18 NC -- No Connect. Do not connect these pins. Includes internal manufacturing test pins. * Non-LVDS inputs and outputs are 3.3 V CMOS, 5 V compatible, and TTL-compatible. 32 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 12. Pin Descriptions--Unused Pins Pin Symbol Type* A19, A21, C8, C10, C30, C32, D8, D10, D14, D16, D18, D22, D24, D26, D30, D32, H1, H2, M1, M2, M38, M39, N1, N2, N5, N6, N34, N35, N38, P2, P4, P5, P6, R34, T34, AA1, AA4, AA39, AD1, AD2, AD3, AD5, AE34, AE35, AF4, AF34, AF35, AF36, AF37, AG1, AG2, AG34, AG35, AG38, AG39, AH38, AH39, AM38, AM39, AT8, AT10, AT14, AT16, AT18, AT22, AT24, AT26, AT30, AT32, AU8, AU10, AU30, AU32, AW19, AW21 UNUSED -- Name/Description Unused Pins. These pins are unused, and there is no connection between the pin and the die. * Non-LVDS inputs and outputs are 3.3 V CMOS, 5 V compatible, and TTL-compatible. Agere Systems Inc. 33 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Pin Information (continued) Table 13. Pin Summary Pin Type Pin Direction Count LVDS Input 100 Output 96 Reference Cell Pins 12 Input 28 Output 4 Bidirectional 19 CMOS 34 NC 238 UNUSED 75 Other (Center taps, external resistors, diodes) 23 Power 116 Ground 84 Total 792 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Overview Byte Ordering Each channel carries an STS-12 worth of data. The ordering of bytes within the STS-12 is shown in Table 14. In the case of an STS-192, each of the STS-12 channels comprising the STS-192 carries an STS-12 extracted from the STS-192. The byte ordering in this case is shown in Table 15. STS-48 ordering follows the same format, with each constituent STS-12 of the STS-48 entering the chip on separate channels. Table 14. STS-12 Byte Ordering Timeslot 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Byte 1 4 7 10 2 5 8 11 3 6 9 12 Table 15. STS-192 Byte Ordering Time (Left to Right for each STS-12 Channel) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 STS-12 Number 1 4 7 10 2 5 8 11 3 6 9 12 0 13 16 19 22 14 17 20 23 15 18 21 24 1 25 28 31 34 26 29 32 35 27 30 33 36 2 37 40 43 46 38 41 44 47 39 42 45 48 3 49 52 55 58 50 53 56 59 51 54 57 60 4 61 64 67 70 62 65 68 71 63 66 69 72 5 73 76 79 82 74 77 80 83 75 78 81 84 6 85 88 91 94 86 89 92 95 87 90 93 96 7 97 100 103 106 98 101 104 107 99 102 105 108 8 109 112 115 118 110 113 116 119 111 114 117 120 9 121 124 127 130 122 125 128 131 123 126 129 132 10 133 136 139 142 134 137 140 143 135 138 141 144 11 145 148 151 154 146 149 152 155 147 150 153 156 12 157 160 163 166 158 161 164 167 159 162 165 168 13 169 172 175 178 170 173 176 179 171 174 177 180 14 181 184 187 190 182 185 188 191 183 186 189 192 15 Receive Interface Receiver Operations The receiver is composed of 48 STS-12 channels that are either treated as independent channels, treated as three groups of 16 channels each, forming three STS-192 streams, or treated as 16 groups of three channels each, forming 12 STS-48 streams. Incoming data for each channel is received through an LVDS serial port operating at 622 Mbits/s. The incoming serial stream frequency must be the same as the outgoing LVDS serial stream of the transmitter. Each STS-192 interface (16 channels) uses the system clock (SYS_CLK) as a reference clock. The receiver is able to handle STS-12 streams having combined static and dynamic frame offsets of up to 64 bytes without creating any traffic disruption. Agere Systems Inc. 35 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Overview (continued) Receive Interface (continued) The receiver consists of the following major blocks: the clock and data recovery (CDR), the framer, and the FIFO aligner. The CDR is responsible for recovering clock and data. It interfaces directly with the framer by providing an 8-bit parallel data output and the recovered 77.76 MHz clock. Note that parallel data is not byte-aligned at this point. The framer is responsible for locking onto the STS-12 frame. It does so by first finding the byte boundary within the received 8-bit data bus and then identifying A1/A2 transitions. Receiver behavior during an LOF condition is under software control. It is possible to select either insert AIS or pass-through when an LOF condition occurs (perchannel control). It is also possible to force AIS on a per-channel basis. Note: AIS forces all bytes to ones. Moreover, occurrence of LOF on a specific channel does not have any impact on all other in-frame channels. The FIFO aligner is responsible for aligning the 48 STS-12 frames to the system frame pulse for proper cross connect operation. The FIFO aligner is 64-bytes deep and thus provides room for aligning channels having frame offsets of up to 64 bytes. The 64-byte window is determined by the system frame pulse and a software-programmable offset register. The FIFO is designed so that some streams can be taken from the outputs of another cross connect without the need to realign the frame position (due to delay through the first cross connect). Thus, the offset register should be programmed so that the FIFO causes as little delay as possible through the cross connect. Since the FIFO aligner for each channel is independent, the state of any FIFO will not affect any other FIFO. (See FIFO Aligner section for more details, page 44.) Cross Connect Cross Connect Operations The cross connect has 48 input channels and 48 output channels. Each channel operates at 77.76 MHz and thus carries an STS-12 worth of bandwidth. The channels can also be thought of as three bidirectional STS-192 data streams. 36 Advance Data Sheet May 2001 The cross connect is fully programmable and nonblocking. Each STS-1 of each output channel is independently programmed to connect to any STS-1 from any input channel. The basic architecture of the cross connect consists of a time-slot interchange (TSI) macro, a connection memory, E1/F1/E2 extraction, APS byte handling, and AIS/UNEQ insertion. Time-Slot Interchanger (TSI) A TSI is used to reorder the STS-1 data. Incoming data is written into one of two buffers in a regular order, while output data is read from another buffer in an order dependent on the address provided to the TSI for each channel. When one buffer has been completely written to, the read and write buffers switch. This is controlled by a synchronization input. Connection Memory The connection memory is used to configure the TSI to switch the incoming STS-1s to the desired output STS-1s. There is a working memory to configure the working connections for each STS-1, and there is a protected memory to configure the protection connection for each STS-1. Each of the working and protected memories are duplicated (A and B) to allow for easy software configuration. The four memories are working A, working B, protected A, and protected B. The memory that is used for switching is selectable by software. Configuration A or configuration B memory is selected per-STS-12 (channel). This can be used for line switching or for software preconfiguration. For example, if a new configuration is required, and a particular STS-12 is using configuration A memory (working or protected), the new configuration is programmed into configuration B memory (working and protected), and then the STS-12 is switched to use configuration B. Working or protected memory is selected per STS-1 or per channel. This is configurable for each channel. Switching on an STS-1 basis can be used for path switching applications while switching on a per-channel basis can be used for line switching applications. For example, if a particular STS-1 is using the working A memory, it can be switched to the configuration in protected A memory without affecting any other STS-1s. Synchronization Any software-programmed switch from one connection memory to another will take effect on an A1/A2 boundary. Triggers are ignored and the switch is made at the Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Overview (continued) E1/F1/E2 Extraction Cross Connect (continued) The E1 and F1 bytes of each STS-1 carry information indicating the path status of that STS-1. Both bytes contain the same information. This information can be used by software to initiate a switch from working to protected configurations. The E1 and F1 bytes are extracted from STS-1s at the output of the TSI and stored. next A1/A2 boundary; the switch is made during the S1 byte time. The trigger for a switch is configurable on a per-channel basis. The possible triggers are the following: The SYNC_N pin. A chip-level control bit. The S1 byte received in the channel has changed to or from the value 0xF0. The S1 byte received in a particular channel (selected at the top level) has changed to or from the value 0xF0. APS Byte Handling The K1 and K2 bytes of the STS-1 of each channel are monitored for a change. If a change is detected, a latched alarm is raised. The received value is stored and is available in a status register. The LTE is responsible for validating the K bytes and ensuring only the validated value is sent on the STS-1 of the channel. Agere LTE chips support this function. The APS bytes (K1, K2) along with the data communication bytes (D1--D12) and the line status (E2) can optionally be switched separately, regardless of the content of the connection memory. Each output channel can source these bytes (for all STS-1s in the channel) from any input channel, bypassing the maps programmed into the connection memories. This allows these bytes to take a different path through a system than the data, easing APS operations in a system with multiple cross connects. The bytes are monitored for a change and, if a change is detected, latched alarms (E1F1ALM, E2ALM) are set (see Register Descriptions, page 66 and page 62 respectively). The received values can be read through the microprocessor interface. A single read will return both the E1 and F1 value for a particular STS-1. The E2 byte of the STS-1 of each STS-12 (channel) carries information indicating the line status of that STS-12. This information can be used by software to initiate a switch from working to protected configurations. AIS/UNEQ Insertion Path AIS and UNEQ indications can be inserted on any STS-1 under software control. This ensures that downstream path processors will detect a normal pointer and will thus be able to extract the path overhead in order to detect an UNEQ defect. AIS/UNEQ insertion does not affect E1/F1 or E2 values (or any of the TOH). AIS insertion takes precedence over UNEQ insertion. Changes to the AIS/UNEQ microprocessor registers will not take effect until the next frame boundary. Note: When changing the source of these bytes via a register write, the change occurs immediately and is not synchronized to the frame boundary. The K1 and K2 bytes of the outgoing channels can be overridden with a software-programmable value (programmed on a per-channel basis). The software-programmed values are inserted in the second time slot (STS-1 #4) of the output channel, allowing the validated bytes to pass through from the input to make them available to subsequent equipment. To use the inserted values for APS, the LTE must be able to insert the K1 and K2 from the second time slot into the correct APS byte positions on the output line. Agere LTE chips support this function. Agere Systems Inc. 37 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Overview (continued) Transmit Interface The transmitter is composed of 48 STS-12 channels that are always treated as independent channels. Each of the outgoing LVDS serial streams of the transmitter transmits at a rate of 622 Mbits/s, and the data is synchronized to the system clock (SYS_CLK). SPE and TOH data received through the cross connect is transferred, unaltered, to the serial LVDS output. However, the B1 byte of STS-1 #1 is always replaced with a new calculated value (the 11 bytes following B1 are replaced with all zeros). Also, A1 and A2 bytes of all STS-1s are always regenerated. TOH bytes on LVDS outputs are as shown in Figure 4. A1 B1 0 0 0 0 0 A2 0 0 0 0 0 0 REGENERATED BYTES: A1, A2, B1 TRANSPARENT BYTES FROM INPUTS 5-9872r.3(F) Figure 4. Transmitter TOH on LVDS Output Frame Pulse The input frame pulse should be synchronous to the input 155.52 MHz clock. It is then internally synchronized to the 77.76 MHz clock that is generated from the 155.52 MHz system clock. The frame pulse, in combination with the frame pulse offset register, determines the alignment of the frame internal to the device. If the frame pulse occurs, it must occur for at least eight frames (1 ms) since the previous frame pulse, and must occur in multiples of 125 s (one frame). The minimum time that must elapse after the rising edge of the frame pulse before the SYS_CLK can correctly sample the frame pulse is 2 ns. See Figure 5 below. ts th SYS_CLK SYS_FP pw 1399(F) Notes: ts = minimum 2 ns. th = minimum 1 ns. pw = minimum 6.43 ns FP_MODE = 1. pw = minimum 51.44 ns FP_MODE = 0 (default). pw can be longer than the minimum, and the hold time for the falling edge of the pulse is not critical as long as the minimum width has been exceeded. Figure 5. SYS_FP Timing Requirements 38 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Overview (continued) Frame Pulse (continued) If SYS_CLK rises in under 2 ns after the rising edge of the frame pulse, the SYS_CLK will not sample the frame pulse until its next rising edge. The frame pulse detection is configured by a devicelevel control bit (FP_MODE). The frame pulse can be a one (or more) clock wide pulse or it can be an eight (or more) clock wide pulse (in reference to the 155.52 MHz system clock). For normal operation, the device can be set to one or more clocks. If the frame pulse comes from a source that encodes the S1 byte onto the frame pulse signal with manchester encoding, then the frame pulse detection must be set to four or more clocks. This ensures that the manchester-encoded S1 does not interfere with framing. Microprocessor Interface Architecture The TDCS4810G microprocessor interface architecture is configured for glueless interface to two specific microprocessors, the Motorola MPC860 and the MC68360, and to the Motorola DSP56309 digital signal processor; however, other processors may also be used, as long as the bus cycles comply with those of the MPC860, DSP56309, or the MC68360. Bus transfers using the MC68360 are asynchronous, while the MPC860 and DSP56309 transfers are synchronous to the processor clock. When the MPC860 is used, parity is generated and checked on the data bus. The microprocessor interface operates at the frequency of the microprocessor clock (PCLK) input. The state of the MPMODE input signal determines whether bus transfers are synchronous or asynchronous with respect to PCLK. The TDCS4810G has a separate 13-bit wide address bus and a 16-bit wide data bus. The microprocessor interface generates an external processor bus error (from pin TEA_N) if an internal data acknowledgment is not received in a predetermined period of time or on parity errors. Transfer Error Acknowledge (Pin TEA_N) The TDCS4810G contains a bus time-out counter. When this counter saturates, a bus error is generated to the external processor through the transfer error acknowledge signal pin TEA_N. This feature must be considered with respect to the external processor's Agere Systems Inc. ability to generate its own internal bus time-out. Transfer error acknowledge will be asserted if an internal data acknowledgment is not received within 32 PCLK periods of the start of the access. This interval is used since all valid internal accesses to the device will be completed in significantly less than 32 PCLK periods. (See Table 6, page 26.) Transfer error acknowledge is also asserted if the calculated parity value does not match the parity generated by the external microprocessor on a data transfer. The generation of transfer error acknowledge on parity errors can be disabled by setting the MPMODE bits to 11. Interrupt Structure The interrupt structure of the TDCS4810G is designed to minimize the effort for software/firmware to isolate the interrupt source. The interrupt structure is comprised of different registers depending on the consolidation level. At the lowest level (source level), there are two registers. The first is an alarm register (AR). An alarm register is typically of the write 1 clear (W1C) type. The second is an interrupt mask (IM) register of the read/write (RW) type. An alarm register latches a raw status alarm. This latched alarm may contribute to an interrupt if its corresponding interrupt mask bit is disabled. Individual latched alarms are consolidated into an interrupt status register (ISR). If any of the latched alarms that are consolidated into a bit of an ISR are set and unmasked, the ISR bit is set. The ISR bit may contribute to an interrupt if its corresponding interrupt mask bit is disabled. ISRs may be consolidated into higher-level ISR in a similar fashion until all alarms are consolidated into the chip-level ISR. The alarm register that causes an interrupt can be determined by traversing the tree of ISRs, starting at the chip-level ISR, until the source alarm is found. Note: Interrupts are masked when the corresponding bit in the mask register is 1. If the mask register bit is 0, then the interrupt is enabled. Powerdown Mode In powerdown mode, clocks are stopped from toggling whenever clock gating is possible. When clock gating is not possible, logic is inhibited from toggling by either using clock enable signals on flip-flops, or by forcing data paths to all ones. The CDR block should also be powered down. 39 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Overview (continued) user-programmable threshold values (minimum and maximum threshold values), a latched alarm bit will be set. Threshold values are defined per port (16 channels); alarms are defined per channel. Powerdown Mode (continued) Channels can be independently enabled or disabled under software control using powerdown mode. The default setting after powerup or a device reset is with all 48 channels in powerdown mode (disabled). The desired channels must be enabled via the microprocessor interface before normal operations can commence. Supervisory Features Supervisory features built into the TDCS4810G provide diagnostic capabilities and fault coverage. Frame Pulse Integrity: The input frame pulse is monitored to ensure that it does not move and that it repeats at least once every 1 ms (8 frames). If the frame pulse moves or does not repeat for more than 1 ms, latched alarm FPERR is raised (see Register Descriptions, page 59). LVDS Link Integrity: There is B1 parity generation on each of the 48 LVDS output channels. Performance monitoring on each of the 48 LVDS input channels is implemented as B1 parity error checking. Upon detection of an error, a counter is incremented (one count per errored bit) and a latched alarm is raised. The counter is 8 bits wide and does not roll over after the maximum value is reached. This feature is provisionable on a per-channel basis. Framer Monitoring: There is framer performance monitoring in the receive section of the 48 channels. Framer status (LOF) and A1/A2 frame error count are reported. These features are provisionable on a per-channel basis: -- Framer status is implemented as a simple LOF latched alarm. While the framer state machine is in the LOF state, this bit is forced active. It is meant to report any LOF occurrence as well as to report the actual state machine status (if the flag is cleared while the state machine is in LOF, the bit will not be cleared). -- A1/A2 frame error counter is incremented (one count per errored STS-12 frame) upon detection of a frame error on any of the used A1/A2 bytes (only consider the last A1 byte and the first A2 byte). The counter is 8 bits wide and does not roll over after the maximum value is reached. FIFO Aligner Monitoring: There is monitoring of the FIFO aligner operating point. Upon deviating from the nominal operating point of the FIFO by more than 40 Frame Offset Monitoring: There is monitoring of the frame offset between all enabled channels; disabled channels are excluded from the monitoring. Monitoring is performed continuously. Upon exceeding the maximum allowed frame offset between all enabled channels, a latched alarm bit will be set. Microprocessor Interface Monitoring: There is monitoring of potential write cycles that may occur when operating in write protect mode. Upon detecting a write access to the TDCS4810G when the device is in write protect mode, latched alarm WLOCKALM will be set (see Register Descriptions, page 59). The B1 error counter and A1/A2 frame error counter are latched into a read-only register and cleared when the CNTFRZ bit is set (see Register Descriptions, page 61). The B1 error, LOF error, FIFO operating point, and frame offset alarms are latched internally. The latched values are transferred to a freeze register and then cleared when the ALMFRZ bit is set (see Register Descriptions, page 61). Test Features Test features built into the TDCS4810G are a key element in providing testing and debugging capabilities for the many aspects of chip-level, board-level, and system-level functionality. A1/A2 Error Insert: A frame error inject feature is provided in the transmitter section, allowing the user to replace framing bytes A1/A2 (only the last A1 byte and first A2 byte) with a selectable A1/A2 byte value for a selectable number of consecutive frames. The number of consecutive frames to alter is specified by a 4-bit field, while the A1/A2 value is specified by a 16-bit field. The error insert feature is on a per-channel basis; A1/A2 values and 4-bit frame count value are on a per-device basis. B1 Error Insert: A B1 error insert feature is provided in the transmitter section, allowing the user to insert errors on user-selectable bits in the B1 byte. Errors are created by simply inverting bit values. This feature is on a per-bit basis and can insert a single error per bit. Bits to invert are specified through an 8-bit register, where each bit is associated with one of the 8 B1 bits. This feature is provisionable on a perchannel basis. Agere Systems Inc. Advance Data Sheet May 2001 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Overview (continued) Test Features (continued) Scrambler/Descrambler Disable: A scrambler/descrambler disable feature is provided, allowing the user to disable the scrambler of the transmitter and the descrambler of the receiver. Note that B1 should then be calculated (in the transmitter and the receiver) on the nonscrambled data stream. This feature is provisionable for the entire device. Software Reset An asynchronous software reset is provided. The software reset is self-clearing, and it resets the whole device. Interrupts There is a common interrupt output for the microprocessor interface. Interrupt sources are maskable and are caused by the following (if not masked): Write to Locked Registers: An interrupt when the WLOCKALM flag is set (per device). See Register Descriptions, page 59. Frame Pulse Error: An interrupt when the input frame pulse moves or is not asserted for more than 1 ms (per device). B1 Parity Error: An interrupt when the B1 parity error flag is set (per STS-12). LOF: An interrupt when the LOF flag is set (per STS-12). FIFO Threshold Error: An interrupt when the FIFO aligner threshold error flag is set (per STS-12). Frame Offset Error: An interrupt when the frame offset error flag is set (per STS-12). E1/F1 Change: An interrupt when extracted bytes from the current frame differ from those in the previous frame (per STS-1). E2 Change: An interrupt when the extracted byte from the current frame differs from that in the previous frame (per STS-12). Agere Systems Inc. 41 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Functional Description Receiver Block The receiver block converts the incoming LVDS serial stream into an 8-bit parallel bus. The output bus is synchronized to the system clock and the frame is synchronized to the system frame signal. The system frame signal is high to indicate when data on the bus corresponds to the A1 byte of STS-1 #1. SPE bytes are transferred, unaltered, from LVDS input to parallel output. Figure 6 shows a block diagram of the receiver section. DESCRAMBLER DISABLE (SOFT CTL.) FORCE AIS (SOFT CTL.) AIS ON LOF (SOFT CTL.) FIFO THRESHOLD ALARM FLAG (SOFT REG.) FRAME OFFSET VALUE (SOFT REG.) FIFO MIN/MAX THRESHOLDS (SOFT REG.) FIFO READ/WRITE CONTROL LVDS INPUT SERIAL TO PARALLEL (PART OF CDR) SONET FRAME RECOVERY FP SONET DESCRAMBLER WRITE FP AIS INSERT FRAME OFFSET ALARM FLAG (SOFT REG.) FRAME PULSE SYSTEM CLOCK (155.52 MHz) READ FIFO ALIGNER DATA OUT TO CROSS CONNECT LOF B1 PARITY ERROR COUNT 16 CLOCKS AT 622 MHz (FROM PLL) B1 LOF FLAG, B1 PARITY ERROR LOF COUNT, COUNT, B1 A1/A2 ERROR COUNT PARITY ERROR FLAG (SOFT REG.) (SOFT REG.) 5-9874r.2(F) Figure 6. Receiver Block Diagram 42 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Functional Description (continued) state when LVDS input is back (assuming good data). No reset is needed. Receiver Block (continued) SONET Frame Recovery LVDS Serial-to-Parallel Converter Each CDR incorporates a PLL, which is locked onto the system clock. The PLL multiplies the 77.76 MHz system clock to a 622 MHz clock, which is used to provide LVDS clock recovery modules with 16 phase-shifted clocks (100 ps resolution). Each channel is able to recover the 622 MHz clock associated with its LVDS input and captures the incoming STS-12 data stream. If an LVDS input is unconnected (floating), the LVDS clock recovery continues to provide a valid clock for downstream logic: internal logic timing is not violated and logic does not lock up. In such a case, loss of framing occurs. The framer also goes back to the in-frame The SONET framer detects the position of the SONET frame and generates a frame pulse (FP) signal to mark the position of byte A1 in STS-1 #1. The framer is not a fully SONET-compliant framer. Instead, it is a simple four-state machine: two consecutive errored frames bring the state machine from inframe state to LOF (loss of framing) state, while two consecutive frames with aligned A1/A2 transitions bring the state machine from LOF to in-frame state. Figure 7 shows the framer state machine. The framer is completely autonomous. PATTERN A1/A2 CONFIRMED IN FRAME PATTERN A1/A2 CONFIRMED TWO CONSECUTIVE PATTERNS A1/A2 NOT CONFIRMED FRAME CONFIRM PATTERN A1/A2 NOT CONFIRMED PATTERN A1/A2 CONFIRMED LOF RESET 5-9876r.1(F) Notes: Row, column, and STS counters are only set/reset by state transition from LOF to frame confirm. The confirmed A1/A2 pattern means that row/col/STS counter values indicate time for the last (12th) A1 byte. Figure 7. Framer State Machine Agere Systems Inc. 43 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Functional Description (continued) FIFO Aligner Receiver Block (continued) The FIFO aligner is responsible for aligning each of the 48 STS-12 frames to the system frame pulse for proper cross connect operations. The FIFO aligner is 64-bytes deep and the nominal operating point is determined by the position of the input system frame pulse and the value in a frame offset register. Thus, it provides room for aligning channels having frame offsets of up to 64 bytes (see Figure 8). The FIFO of each channel is filled with the incoming STS-12 stream, using the recovered clock. On the other side, the FIFO is read with the system clock. This block also incorporates a few monitors: LOF flag, LOF count, and A1/A2 error count. These are cleared by a specific freeze command from the CPU interface. The LOF flag is simply a latched alarm bit which indicates that the framer state machine went through LOF state or is in LOF state (the alarm is forced active while in LOF state even if there is a clear command from the CPU interface). The LOF counter is incremented each time the framer state machine goes into the LOF state. The A1/A2 error counter is incremented (one count per errored STS12 frame) upon detection of an error on either A1 byte of STS-1#12 or A2 byte of STS-1#1. The framer propagates an LOF signal to the AIS-L insert block. This is needed in order to support AIS insertion on occurrence of LOF (under software control). Occurrence of LOF on a specific channel does not have any impact on all other in-frame channels. SONET Descrambler This block does a framed synchronized descrambling of the framed data using a parallel equivalent of the SONET polynomial of (1 + x6 + x7). Note that the framing bytes A1, A2 and the section trace J0/Z0 are not modified by this module. Furthermore, a debug feature allows disabling the descrambler. Control is common to the scrambler (in transmitter) and descrambler (in receiver) of all 48 channels. B1 Parity Check This block calculates parity on the incoming data. The calculated parity is even and calculated for all the bytes in the frame before descrambling. It is compared for errors with the parity byte B1 embedded in the frame after the descrambler block. The B1 byte is defined in the STS-1#1 of the frame. Upon detection of an error, a counter is incremented (one count per errored bit, for a possibility of eight errors per frame) and a latched alarm is raised. The counter is 8 bits wide and does not roll over after the maximum value is reached. Note that when the scrambler and descrambler are disabled, B1 will be calculated on a nonscrambled data stream. 44 The FIFO read/write control block is responsible for managing the FIFO. It handles read and write pointers, and monitors FIFO operating point against softwareprogrammable threshold values. Upon deviating from the nominal operating point of the FIFO by more than the programmed minimum and maximum threshold values, a latched alarm is raised. An active channel going into LOF does not impact FIFO aligner operations on any of the other channels. A channel being enabled or an active channel coming back from LOF is handled automatically by the FIFO aligner and becomes frame aligned (provided its frame is within the 64-byte window) without causing hits on other active channels. The FIFO also monitors the frame offset with respect to the 64-byte window. If the frame alignment of the incoming frame is outside the 64-byte window, a latched alarm is raised. The end of the input window, as shown in Figure 8, is delayed from the incoming SYS_FP by the value of the FRMOFFS register +4. The FRMOFFS register goes from 0 to 9719(dec) (9720 is the number of clock/bytes in an STS-12 frame) (9 rows x 90 columns x 12 time slots). For example, if the user wanted the end of the input window to occur simultaneously with the rising edge of SYS_FP, then the user would need to delay the window by either 0 or 9720 (which is exactly the same thing). So to work out the value to be written into the FRMOFFS register (0X00B), use the following formula: FRMOFFS = Total_delay - 4 Once the system in which the TDCS4810G is being used is characterized, the frame offset register should be programmed to position the 64-byte window so that the delay through the chip is minimized (i.e., the FIFO is as close to empty as the system will allow). This will minimize the delay through the cross connect, and thus, a downstream cross connect will be able to absorb the delay through the first cross connect. Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Functional Description (continued) Receiver Block (continued) TIME INPUT WINDOW 63 CLOCKS FIXED DELAY 30 CLOCKS 1 THE FIRST BIT OF THE FIRST A1 BYTE WILL LEAVE THE CHIP 30 CLOCKS AFTER THE END OF THE INPUT WINDOW. EXAMPLE: THREE NONALIGNED STREAMS. FIRST BIT OF FIRST A1 BYTE D_IN0_00 D_IN0_01 FIRST BIT OF FIRST A1 BYTE FIRST BIT OF FIRST A1 BYTE D_IN0_02 D_OUT0_00 FIRST BIT OF FIRST A1 BYTE D_OUT0_01 FIRST BIT OF FIRST A1 BYTE D_OUT0_02 FIRST BIT OF FIRST A1 BYTE 1273(F) Note: A clock is defined as 12.86 ns. Figure 8. TSHIM Timeline Agere Systems Inc. 45 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Functional Description (continued) Receiver Block (continued) AIS Insertion Receiver behavior under the LOF event is under software control; it is possible to select either insert AIS or passthrough when an LOF condition occurs (per-channel control). It is also possible to force AIS (per-channel control). Note that AIS will overwrite all bytes to ones. AIS insertion could be performed at different stages in the receiver. It was placed before the FIFO aligner since the output of the FIFO aligner will be all ones under any circumstances, since the CDR macro will always provide a clock when powered up. When the CDR channel is powered down, the output of the FIFO automatically forces all data to ones. Cross Connect Block TSI Memory Organization The memory is logically organized into two banks. Writes occur to successive locations, rotating through all locations in one bank (having written 12 bytes from each of the 48 write data inputs) before starting on the other bank. Reads from each of the 48 read ports are random access and are always performed on the bank that is not being written to. Since there are 576 STS-1 inputs, each bank contains 576 bytes. The banks are switched at the rate of 6.48 MHz. Connection Memory The connection memory is logically organized into four memories: configuration A map C (AC), configuration A map D (AD), configuration B map C (BC), and configuration B map D (BD). Each memory has one entry for each STS-1 output. Functionally, the memory is divided into many small memories. Each STS-12 channel uses two separate memories containing entries for all STS-1s in the channel. One of the memories contains configuration A (both map C and map D), and the other contains configuration B (both map C and map D). Thus, each memory holds 24 entries (12 for map C, 12 for map D). This organization is shown in Figure 9 10 bits 10 bits 0x00 SELECTED PER STS-1 OR PER CHANNEL (STS-12) CONFIGURATION A MAP C CONFIGURATION B MAP C 24 bytes 0x0B CONFIGURATION A MAP D CONFIGURATION B MAP D 0x17 SELECTED PER CHANNEL (STS-12) CONNECTION MEMORY FOR ONE STS-12 CHANNEL 5-9877r.1(F) Figure 9. Connection Memory Physical Organization 46 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Functional Description (continued) Cross Connect Block (continued) Since only one of the two memories is in use for switching at any time, read operations can be carried out on the other memory. Thus, the preferred method of setting up a configuration is to program the configuration that is not in use, confirm the programming by reading it back, and then switch to that configuration. The configuration that is in use cannot be written to, but a read will return 0x03FF. Each entry in the connection memory is a 10-bit number that can be broken down into two or three fields, depending on how the channels are interpreted as 48 individual STS-12 channels or as three STS-192 streams. Note that the differences are only in interpretation. There is no actual implementation difference between the two interpretations. The breakdown of the connection memory entry is shown in Figure 10. STS-48 interpretation is similar to the STS-192 interpretation, except there are 4 bits for STS-48 number and 2 bits for STS-12 number. 48-CHANNEL INTERPRETATION 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TIME-SLOT NUMBER (0--11) CHANNEL NUMBER (0--47) THREE STS-192 INTERPRETATION 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TIME-SLOT NUMBER (0--11) STS-192 NUMBER (0--2) STS-12 NUMBER (0--15) 5-9878.a(F) Note: Time slot and STS-12 number to STS-1 number conversion is shown in Table 14 and Table 15. Figure 10. Connection Memory Entry The write address and data to the connection memory are taken from the CPU interface that controls the connection memory. When the memory is being used for switching, the read address is derived from the time-slot count and the working/protect status for each time slot (STS-1). The read data is used to create the address for the TSI macro read port when the memory is being used for switching. Otherwise, the read data is used for microprocessor reads. Synchronization Synchronization is divided into two functions: control of the SYNC_N pin and per-channel control of connection memory synchronization. The connection memories will switch to the preprogrammed software configuration during A1A2 when the corresponding SYNC_CM signal is asserted. (The associated register of SYNC_CM is ALM_SW (address 0000, bit 14)). At that point, a latched alarm is raised and the S1 is toggled (to or from 0xF0 and 0x00). This feature can be enabled on a per-channel basis. The SYNC_N pin can be configured as an open-drain output (master) or input (slave). When configured as an input, individual channels may be programmed to synchronize to the pin. When configured as an output, several options exist to control it: A chip-level control bit (the same bit that each channel can synchronize to directly). The S1 byte received in a particular channel (the same S1 byte that each channel can synchronize to directly). The current state of the output S1 (either 0xF0 or 0x00) for each channel is available in a status register. A control register can be used to force a toggle of the S1 byte (regardless of synchronization state) if a particular output state is required. Agere Systems Inc. 47 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Functional Description (continued) Cross Connect Block (continued) APS Byte Handling As described in the general description section, incoming K1 and K2 are stored and monitored for a change and the outgoing K1 and K2 can be inserted from a software register with separate control for K1 and K2. These features are per channel. The K1 and K2 bytes, along with D1 through D12 and E2, can also be switched from any input channel to any output channel separately from the cross connect configuration programmed into the connection memories. There is a single control per output channel to select the input channel to source these bytes from. This feature can be disabled through a software control bit. Below is a diagram indicating the bytes that can be separately switched and which K bytes are monitored/inserted. K BYTES MONITORED FOR CHANGE K1 INSERTION K2 INSERTION D1 D2 D3 D4 D7 D10 K1 D5 D8 D11 K2 D6 D9 D12 E2 BYTES THAT ARE SWITCHED WITH A CONTROL (PER-CHANNEL CONTROL) SEPARATE FROM CONNECTION MEMORY. 5-9879r.3(F) Figure 11. APS Byte Handling The following diagram illustrates an example of the K-byte switching feature. DATA ENGINE DATA RING Kbytes RING OC-192 LTE OC-192 LTE TDCS4810G 0796.a(F) Figure 12. APS Byte Switching Example 48 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Functional Description (continued) Cross Connect Block (continued) E1/F1/E2 Extraction The E1, F1, and E2 bytes carry information that can be used to initiate a switch. The E1 and F1 bytes contain path status information, and the E2 byte contains line status. The E1 and F1 bytes contain identical information. The E1/ F1 codes are shown in Table 16. The E2 codes are shown in Table 17. Note that these codes are presented for information purposes only. The circuit will respond to any change in E1 and/or F1, regardless of code. Table 16. Path Alarm (E1/F1) Information Encoding E1/F1 Value Definition 00111111 Loss of Pointer or Path AIS 01111111 Concatenation Mismatch or Software AIS Insertion 00111110 Unequipped Signal Label TBD Path Trace Identifier Mismatch 00111101 Signal Fail (SF) 00111100 to 00100001 PDI Code 28 to PDI Code 1 00011111 Signal Degrade (SD) 00011110 Payload Label Mismatch 00000000 No Alarms Table 17. Line Alarm (E2) Information Encoding E2 Value Definition 00000111 Loss of Signal 00000110 Loss of Frame 00000101 Line AIS TBD Section Trace Identifier Mismatch 00000100 Signal Fail (SF) 00000011 Signal Degrade (SD) 00000000 No Alarms Agere Systems Inc. 49 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Functional Description (continued) Cross Connect Block (continued) The E1/F1 bytes for each STS-1 are used, but the E2 byte of only the STS-1 #1 of each channel (STS-12) is used. The E2 byte for each channel is extracted (EXTRE2) from the input data and is compared to the received value each frame. If a change is detected, a latched alarm is raised (E2ALM). (See Register Descriptions, page 69 and page 62.) The E1 and F1 bytes are extracted from the output data and stored in memories. The device can be configured under software control so that E1 byte is always taken from working memory and the F1 byte is always taken from protected memory. This is ensured in the connection memory address generator circuit. The E1 and F1 bytes are compared to the previously stored values and if a change is detected, a latched alarm is raised. If this feature is disabled, the E1 and F1 bytes pass through the cross connect normally. The E1 and F1 bytes are stored in separate memories. The bytes for four channels are stored together in one memory for both E1 and F1. A shadow memory for each channel is used to allow reading of the extracted values. The shadow memory must be set to accumulate data or to read the accumulated data. This is done through a read enable bit in a control register. If a read is made when the memory is accumulating data, the read will return a zero value. AIS/UNEQ Insertion Path AIS and UNEQ indications can be inserted on any STS-1 under software control in order to squelch individual STS-1s during and after network topology reconfigurations. Path AIS consists of all ones being inserted into H1, H2, H3, and the entire SPE. UNEQ consists of all zeros in H3 and the entire SPE, with H1/H2 = 0x6000, indicating a normal NDF with an offset of zero. This ensures that downstream path processors will detect a normal pointer and will thus be able to extract the path overhead in order to detect an UNEQ defect. AIS/UNEQ insertion does not affect E1/F1 or E2 values (or any of the TOH). AIS insertion takes precedence over UNEQ insertion. Changes to the AIS/UNEQ microprocessor registers will not take effect until the next frame boundary. The registers are arranged such that the AIS controls for an entire channel (12 bits) are in one register and the UNEQ controls (12 bits) are in another register. 50 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Functional Description (continued) Transmitter Block The transmitter is composed of 48 STS-12 channels that are treated as independent channels. B1 ERROR MASK (SOFTWARE REGISTER) B1 ERROR INSERT COMMAND (SOFTWARE REGISTER) PARITY GENERATOR DATA FROM CROSS CONNECT A1/A2 B1 MUX SONET SCRAMBLER MUX PARALLEL TO SERIAL (PART OF CDR) LVDS OUT A1/A2 MUX CONTROL A1/A2 ERROR INSERT VALUE (SOFTWARE REGISTER) A1/A2 ERROR INSERT COUNT (SOFTWARE REGISTER) A1/A2 ERROR SCRAMBLER INSERT COMMAND DISABLE FROM (SOFTWARE (SOFTWARE REGISTER) REGISTER) LVDS LOOPBACK (TO RX) 5-9880r.1(F) Figure 13. Transmitter Block Diagram Agere Systems Inc. 51 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Functional Description (continued) Transmitter Block (continued) STS-12 Input Format Each of the 48 parallel input buses from the cross connect is synchronized to the system clock. The data stream format is a standard SONET STS-12 frame. Framing bytes (A1/A2) of all STS-1s are regenerated. The last A1 and the first A2 can optionally be corrupted via software registers. The B1 parity is always regenerated and the 11 bytes following the B1 are forced to zero. SYSTEM FRAME PULSE IS HIGH DURING STS-1 #1 A1 TIME SLOT SPE (87*12 BYTES) (3*12 BYTES) A1 B1 D1 H1 B2 D4 D7 D10 S1 A2 E1 D2 H2 K1 D5 D8 D11 M0 J0 F1 D3 H3 K2 D6 D9 D12 E2 5-9882r.1(F) Figure 14. STS-12 Frame Structure A1/A2 MUX Control With this block, the A1/A2 bytes are regenerated for all transmitted STS-1s. A1/A2 errors can be inserted in the frame by the register 000C. A1 of STS-1 #12 and A2 byte of STS-1 #1 are replaced with user-specified byte values (values are shared by the 48 channels) for a user-specified number of consecutive frames (value is shared by the 48 channels). SONET Scrambler The SONET scrambler does a framed synchronized scrambling of the input using the SONET polynomial of (1 + x6 + x7). Note that the framing bytes A1, A2 and the section trace J0/Z0 are not scrambled. Furthermore, a debug feature allows disabling the scrambler. Control is common to the scrambler (in transmitter) and descrambler (in receiver) of all 48 channels. B1 Byte Parity Generator The B1 byte parity generator generates B1 parity as defined in Bellcore* GR-253 for an OC-12 signal. Parity is even and is calculated over the entire payload after 52 the scrambler. The resulting B1 is inserted in the next frame prior the scrambler block. The B1 error insert feature allows the user to insert errors on user-selectable bits in the B1 byte. Errors are created by simply inverting bit values. This feature is provisionable on a per-bit basis and will insert a single error (any mix of bits can be inverted). Bits to be inverted are specified through an 8-bit register per channel (each bit is associated with one of the 8 B1 bits). Error insertion is enabled through a single control bit per channel. When the scrambler is disabled, B1 is calculated on the nonscrambled data stream. CPU Interface Block The microprocessor interface is designed to accommodate connection to the Motorola MC68360 and MPC860 microprocessors and DSP56309 digital signal processor. Bus transfers using the MC68360 are asynchronous to microprocessor clock, while the MPC860 and DSP56309 transfers are synchronous to the processor clock. The TDCS4810G has a 13-bit wide address and a 16-bit wide data bus. * Bellcore is now Telcordia Technologies. Telcordia Technologies is a trademark of Telcordia Technologies, Inc. Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Functional Description (continued) Back-to-Back Cross Connect When data is fed into the TDCS4810G, it must not loop back into the TDCS4810G through another TDCS4810G without another device, with pointer mover or pointer processor capability, between them to align the frames. Data streaming out of the TDCS4810G into a series of back-to-back TDCS4810Gs must flow in a straight line. As an illustration of what not to do, see Figure 15. TDCS4810G1 For an alternate way to look at this, see Figure 16. TDCS4810G T6 T1 OUT IN IN OUT TDCS4810G T5 T2 OUT IN C B D T4 IN T3 OUT 1250.a(F) TDCS4810G2 A Figure 16. Alternate Illegal Back-to-Back Cross Connect Illustration 1251.a(F) Figure 15. Illegal Back-to-Back Cross Connect Illustration In Figure 15, there are two data streams, one flowing from A to C, and the other flowing from D to B. Assume that the first bit of the first A1 arrives at C at clock period 0. Because of the nature of the TDCS4810G, the outgoing first bit of the first A1 from D cannot be launched before clock period 0. The reason for this is that the outgoing streams can be made up from any of the incoming streams (i.e., the TSI function), so theoretically, the data on the link from D to B could be the same as on the link from A to C (if TDCS4810G is configured to do that). The consequence is that the first bit of the first A1 leaving on D cannot be launched until after the first bit of the first A1 arrives at C, because they could be the same bit (i.e., all the data from C could be looped back to D inside the TSI). Therefore, the first bit of the first A1 must leave D after the clock period 0. We assume a really low latency through the chip so that the first bit of the first A1 can leave D on clock period 1 (one clock later than it arrived at C). The problem is that the earliest possible time that the first bit of the first A1 from D can arrive at B is clock 1 (assuming zero travel time). So for the same reason that the first bit of the first A1 must leave TDCS4810G on D after it arrives via C, we have the constraint that the first bit of the first A1 must arrive at B before the first bit of the first A1 leaves at A. As in the previous case, this is because the data coming in on B must be Agere Systems Inc. able to be sent out on A (if the TSI is so configured). So now the first bit of the first A1 arrives at B at least one clock period before it leaves at A, but it leaves A at clock period 0, so the first bit of the first A1 must arrive at B at clock period -1. From the above figure, the following must be true: T1 < T2 < T3 & T4 < T5 < T6. Because all data leave a single TDCS4810G at the same time (no delay between them): T3 = T5 & T2 = T6. Which substituted into the above relationship produces: T1 < T2 < T5 & T4 < T5 < T2. Note that this equations now state that: T2 < T5 & T5 < T2. This is mathematically impossible. This is a result of the T5 from Figure 16. Removing T5 would make the entire setup functional. Without the loopback in place, it is possible to have back-to-back TDCS4810G configurations. 53 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Register Descriptions The address shown for each register is the address of the first occurrence of the register. The number following the T character is the offset to the register for the next time slot in the same channel. The number following the C character is the offset to the first register for the next channel in the port. The number following the P character is the offset to the first register for the next port. All unused bits read zero and should be written zero with the exception of unused mask bits, which should be written with one to disable (mask out) an alarm. A summary of the memory map is shown in Table 18, showing the major functional blocks and their associated address range. Areas marked Unused will return a transfer error acknowledge (TEA_N) when accessed. Areas marked Reserved will read 0, and writes will have no effect. Table 18. Memory Map Summary Address Detail 0x0000 0x000D Device-wide alarms, masks, provisioning, and configuration. 0x000E 0x000F RESERVED. 0x0010 Write lock register. 0x0011 RESERVED. 0x0012 0x01FF UNUSED. 0x0200 Port 0. 0x0200 0x0209 Port-wide alarms and masks. 0x020A 0x0229 Channel alarms and masks: channels 0--15. 0x022A 0x0249 Path status alarms and masks: channels 0--15. 0x024A 0x027F RESERVED. 0x0280 0x0287 Port configuration. FIFOs, AB select, CD selects, etc. 0x0288 0x02FF RESERVED. 0x0300 0x030C Provisioning and configuration: channel 0. 0x030D 0x030F RESERVED. 0x0310-- 0x03FF Provisioning and configuration: channels 1--15 (as for channel 0). 54 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Register Descriptions (continued) Table 18. Memory Map Summary (continued) Address Detail 0x0400-- 0x05FF Port 1: See per-port structure above. 0x0600-- 0x07FF Port 2: See per-port structure above. 0x0800-- 0x09FF RESERVED. 0x0A00-- 0x0AFF RESERVED. 0x0B00 0x0B17 Audit memory port 0. 0x0B18 0x0B1F RESERVED. 0x0B20 0x0B37 Audit memory port 1. 0x0B38 0x0B3F RESERVED. 0x0B40 0x0B57 Audit memory port 2. 0x0B58 0x0B5F RESERVED. 0x0B60 0x0B77 RESERVED. 0x0B78 0x0BFF RESERVED. Agere Systems Inc. 55 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Register Descriptions (continued) Table 18. Memory Map Summary (continued) Address Detail 0x0C00 Extracted path status (E1/F1): channel 0. 0x0C00 0x0C0B Path status for all paths within channel 0 (12 paths in total). 0x0C0C 0x0C0F RESERVED. 0x0C10-- Extracted path status (E1/F1): channels 1 to 47 0x0EFF (See extracted path status for channel 0 above.). 0x0F00 0x0FFF RESERVED. 0x1000 Connection memory: channel 0. 0x1000 0x100B AC connection memory (channel 0). 0x100C 0x1017 AD connection memory (channel 0). 0x1018 0x101F RESERVED. 0x1020 0x102B BC connection memory (channel 0). 0x102C 0x1037 BD connection memory (channel 0). 0x1038 0x103F RESERVED. 0x1040-- 0xBFFF Connection memories: channels 1 to 47 (See connection memory for channel 0 above.). A Note on Alarm Register Reset Defaults Although all alarms will be cleared on reset, some alarms may be asserted shortly after reset. For example, the LOF alarm is cleared on reset and then immediately asserted by the framer (which resets to the LOF state). Other alarms are also affected, but exactly which alarms are asserted after reset depends on the application. 56 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Register Descriptions (continued) Device-Level Registers These registers appear only once in the device. Table 19. Device Interrupt Status Register (RO) Address (Hex) Bit Name Description Reset 0000 14 ALM_SW Connection memory switch synchronization alarm. 0 13 ALM_CH Channel-level alarm. 0 12 ALM_DEV Device-level alarm. 0 11 -- RESERVED. x 10 -- RESERVED. x 9 -- RESERVED. x 8 ALM_LS2 Line status alarm, port 2. 0 7 ALM_PS2 Path status alarm, port 2. 0 6 ALM_APS2 APS bytes alarm, port 2. 0 5 ALM_LS1 Line status alarm, port 1. 0 4 ALM_PS1 Path status alarm, port 1. 0 3 ALM_APS1 APS bytes alarm, port 1. 0 2 ALM_LS0 Line status alarm, port 0. 0 1 ALM_PS0 Path status alarm, port 0. 0 0 ALM_APS0 APS bytes alarm, port 0. 0 Agere Systems Inc. 57 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Register Descriptions (continued) Device-Level Registers (continued) Table 20. Device Interrupt Status Mask Register (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit Name Description Reset 0001 14 ALM_SW_MSK Connection memory switch synchronization alarm mask. 1 13 ALM_CH_MSK Channel-level alarm mask. 1 12 ALM_DEV_MSK Device-level alarm mask. 1 11 -- RESERVED. x 10 -- RESERVED. x -- 9 RESERVED. x 8 ALM_LS2_MSK Line status alarm mask, port 2. 1 7 ALM_PS2_MSK Path status alarm mask, port 2. 1 6 ALM_APS2_MSK APS bytes alarm mask, port 2. 1 5 ALM_LS1_MSK Line status alarm mask, port 1. 1 4 ALM_PS1_MSK Path status alarm mask, port 1. 1 3 ALM_APS1_MSK APS bytes alarm mask, port 1. 1 2 ALM_LS0_MSK Line status alarm mask, port 0. 1 1 ALM_PS0_MSK Path status alarm mask, port 0. 1 0 ALM_APS0_MSK APS bytes alarm mask, port 0. 1 Table 21. Channel Alarm Interrupt Status Register (RO) Address (Hex) Bit 0002 6 ALM_CH2 Channel-level alarm, port 2. 0 5 ALM_CH1 Channel-level alarm, port 1. 0 4 ALM_CH0 Channel-level alarm, port 0. 0 RESERVED. x 3 58 Name -- Description Reset 2 ALM_SW2 Connection memory sync, port 2. 0 1 ALM_SW1 Connection memory sync, port 1. 0 0 ALM_SW0 Connection memory sync, port 0. 0 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Register Descriptions (continued) Device-Level Registers (continued) Table 22. Channel Alarm Interrupt Status Mask Register (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit Name 0003 6 ALM_CH2_MSK Channel-level alarm mask, port 2. 1 5 ALM_CH1_MSK Channel-level alarm, mask port 1. 1 4 ALM_CH0_MSK Channel-level alarm mask, port 0. 1 RESERVED. x 3 -- Description Reset 2 ALM_SW2_MSK Connection memory sync mask, port 2. 1 1 ALM_SW1_MSK Connection memory sync mask, port 1. 1 0 ALM_SW0_MSK Connection memory sync mask, port 0. 1 Table 23. Device-Level Alarm Register (W1C) Address (Hex) Bit Name Description Reset 0004 1 WLOCKALM Write occurred when registers are locked. 0 0 FPERR Frame pulse error (lost or moved). 0 Table 24. Device-Level Alarm Mask Register (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit Name Description Reset 0005 1 WLOCKALM_MSK WLOCKALM mask. 1 0 FPERR_MSK Frame pulse error mask. 1 Table 25. Device ID Register (RO) Address (Hex) Bit 0006 15--0 Agere Systems Inc. Name CHIP_ID Description Chip identification. Reset 0x6440 59 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Register Descriptions (continued) Device-Level Registers (continued) Table 26. Device Vintage Register (RO) Address (Hex) Bit 0007 15--0 Name Description CHIP_VINTAGE Reset Chip vintage. 0x0001 Table 27. Scratch Pad Register (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit 0008 15--0 Name Description SCRATCH_PAD Reset Scratchpad register. (Does not affect chip operation.) 0x0000 Table 28. Device Provisioning Register (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit 0009 12--7 S1SEL 6 5 SYNCEN SW_HW_SYNC 4 FP_MODE 3 2--1 0 60 Name SCRDIS -- SWRST Description Reset Selects which channel to monitor S1 for chip synchronization. Enables control of SYNC_N pin (master mode). Controls SYNC_N pin from: 0 = SW_SYNC bit. 1 = S1 byte from channel selected by S1SEL bits. Frame pulse detect mode: 0 = pulse 4 clocks. 1 = pulse 1 clock. Scrambler/descrambler disable. RESERVED. Software reset. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Register Descriptions (continued) Device-Level Registers (continued) Table 29. Device Control Register (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit 000A 6 SW_SYNC 5 4 3--0 Name Description Reset Software control of chip synchronization. 0 ALMFRZ Freeze alarm states. 0 CNTFRZ Freeze performance counters. 0 A1A2INSCNT A1A2 framing error insert count. 0 Table 30. Frame Offset Register (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit 000B 13--0 Name FRMOFFS Description Frame offset control. Reset 0 Table 31. Framing Error A1A2 Corrupt Value (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit Name Description Reset 000C 15--8 A1CRPT A1 corrupt value. 0 7--0 A2CRPT A2 corrupt value. 0 Table 32. Number of Columns (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit Name Description 000D 15--7 NUMCOL_LCK Change value to 9'b1010_0000_1 to change to NUM_COL columns. 6--0 NUM_COL Number of columns. Reset 0 0x5A Table 33. Write Lock Register (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit 0010 15--0 Agere Systems Inc. Name LOCKVAL Description Reset Lock value. Write 0xA001 to this register to unlock all other registers. Any other value will prevent writes to all other registers and cause an alarm if any register (including this one) is written to. 0 61 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Register Descriptions (continued) Port (STS-192) Level Registers These registers appear once for each group of 16 channels. Thus, they are replicated three times in the device. Table 34. Channel Alarm Interrupt Status (Consolidation) Register Address (Hex) Bit 0200 P+200 15--0 Name CH_ALM[15--0] Description Reset Unmasked channel-level alarm present in channel [15--0]. 0 Table 35. Channel Alarm Interrupt Status Mask Register Address (Hex) Bit 0201 P+200 15--0 Name Description Reset CH_ALM_MSK[15--0] Channel alarm consolidation mask. 0xFFFF Table 36. Path Status Alarm Interrupt Status (Consolidation) Register Address (Hex) Bit 0202 P+200 15--0 Name PS_ALM[15--0] Description Reset Unmasked path status alarm present in channel [15--0]. 0 Table 37. Path Status Alarm Interrupt Status Mask Register Address (Hex) Bit 0203 P+200 15--0 Name Description PS_ALM_MSK[15--0] Path status alarm consolidation mask. Reset 0xFFFF Table 38. Line Status (E2) Change Alarm (W1C) Address (Hex) Bit 0204 P+200 15--0 62 Name E2ALM Description E2 change alarm for channel [15--0]. Reset 0 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Register Descriptions (continued) Port (STS-192) Level Registers (continued) Table 39. Line Status (E2) Change Mask (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit 0205 P+200 15--0 Name E2ALM_MSK Description E2 change alarm mask for channel [15--0]. Reset 0xFFFF Table 40. APS (K1K2) Change Alarm (W1C) Address (Hex) Bit 0206 P+200 15--0 Name K1K2ALM Description APS (K1K2) change alarm for channel [15--0]. Reset 0 Table 41. APS (K1K2) Change Alarm Mask (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit 0207 P+200 15--0 Name K1K2ALM_MSK Description APS (K1K2) change alarm for channel [15--0] mask. Reset 0xFFFF Table 42. Connection Memory Switch Alarm (W1C) Address (Hex) Bit 0208 P+200 15--0 Name SW_ALM Description Connection memory switch indication for channel [15--0]. Reset 0 Table 43. Connection Memory Switch Alarm Mask (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit 0209 P+200 15--0 Agere Systems Inc. Name SW_ALM_MSK Description Connection memory switch indication mask for channel [15--0]. Reset 0xFFFF 63 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Register Descriptions (continued) Port (STS-192) Level Registers (continued) Table 44. FIFO Thresholds (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit Name Description Reset 0280 P+200 11--6 FIFOMAX FIFO maximum depth threshold. 0x003F 5--0 FIFOMIN FIFO minimum depth threshold. 0 Note: Thresholds are compared to (N - 1) where N is the number of bytes stored in the FIFO. Table 45. Configuration A/B Select (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit 0281 P+200 15--0 Name ABSEL[15--0] Description Reset Preselect configuration A or B for channel [15--0]: 0 = A. 1 = B. 0 Table 46. Configuration A/B Readback (RO) Address (Hex) Bit 0282 P+200 15--0 Name ABRDBK[15--0] Description Reset Read back active configuration for channel [15--0]: 0 = A. 1 = B. 0 Table 47. Configuration C/D Line or Path Switching Mode (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit 0283 P+200 15--0 Name PATHLINE[15--0] Description Reset Select path switching (using channel path switch control registers, page 69) or line switching (using configuration C/D select register, Table 48) for channel [15--0]: 0 = path. 1 = line. 0 Description Reset Table 48. Configuration C/D Select (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit 0284 P+200 15--0 Name CDSEL[15--0] Select configuration C or D for channel [15--0]: 0 = C. 1 = D. 0 Table 49. Configuration C/D Readback (RO) Address (Hex) Bit 0285 P+200 15--0 64 Name CDRDBK[15--0] Description Reset Read back active configuration for channel [15--0]: 0 = C. 1 = D. 0 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Register Descriptions (continued) Port (STS-192) Level Registers (continued) Table 50. Audit Memory Control (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit 0286 P+200 4 3--0 Name Description Reset AUDSTART* Audit control*. 0 AUDCH Channel [15--0] to audit. 0 * When this bit changes from 0 to 1, the active configuration of the channel requested by AUDCH is copied into the audit memory during the next A1/A2 bytes. Table 51. Audit Memory Status (RO) Address (Hex) Bit 0287 P+200 0 Name AUDDONE Description Audit memory has been filled (cleared when AUDSTART bit is written 0). Reset 0 Table 52. Audit Memory [23:0] (RO) Address (Hex) Bit Name Description Reset 0B00 P+20 T+1 9--6 SRCTS Source time slot [11:0]. x 5--0 SRCCH Source channel [47:0]. x Note: The audit memory stores the full C and D maps (24 entries) of the active configuration (A or B as determined by the appropriate ABSEL bit) of the channel determined by the AUDCH bits. Table 53. S1 Generation Status (RO) Address (Hex) Bit 0288 P+200 15--0 Name S1STAT Description Reset Current state of S1 generation for channel [15--0]: 0 = 0x00. 1 = 0xF0. 0 Description Reset Force toggle of current state of S1 generation (change will be reflected in S1STAT bit) for channel [15--0]. 0 Table 54. S1 Generation Force Toggle (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit 0289 P+200 15--0 Name S1FORCE* * The bit must be changed from a 0 to a 1 to force the change. Agere Systems Inc. 65 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Register Descriptions (continued) Channel-Level Registers These registers appear once for each channel. Thus, they are replicated 48 times in the device. Table 55. Channel Alarm Register (W1C) Address (Hex) Bit Name Description Reset 020A P+200 C+2 3 FIFOERR FIFO threshold error. 0 2 B1ERR B1 BIP error. 0 1 LOF Loss of frame. 0 0 FRMOFFS Frame offset error (frame out of range of FIFO). 0 Table 56. Channel Alarm Mask Register (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit Name Description Reset 020B P+200 C+2 3 FIFOERR_MSK FIFO threshold error mask. 1 2 B1ERR_MSK B1 BIP error mask. 1 1 LOF_MSK Loss of frame mask. 1 0 FRMOFFS_MSK Frame offset error mask. 1 Table 57. Path Status (E1/F1) Change Alarm (W1C) Address (Hex) Bit 022A P+200 C+2 11--0 Name E1F1ALM Description Reset Path status (E1, or E1 and F1*) change alarm on time slot [11:0]. 0 * Reports both E1 and F1 changes when the E1F1EN bit is set and only E1 changes otherwise. 66 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Register Descriptions (continued) Channel-Level Registers (continued) Table 58. Path Status (E1/F1) Change Alarm Mask (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit 022B P+200 C+2 11--0 Name E1F1ALM_MSK Description Path status alarm mask. Reset 0x0FFF Table 59. Channel Provisioning Register (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit Name Description Reset 0300 P+200 C+10 9--8 SYNC_SRC Synchronization source: 00 = sync to local S1 01 = sync to S1 selected by S1SEL bits 10 = sync to SW_SYNC bit 11 = sync to SYNC_N pin 0 7 SYNC_CTL Enable synchronization of connection memory switching. 0 6 INS_S1 Use toggle between 0xF0 and 0x00 on output S1 to indicate when channel is switching. 0 5 USEKBYTES APS bytes (K1/K2), D1--D12, and E2 are switched separately using KCH bits. 0 4 -- RESERVED. x 3 -- RESERVED. x 2 E1F1EN Enable monitoring of path status (E1 from working/C and F1 from protect/D). 1 1 AISONLOF Insert AIS on LOF condition. 1 0 PWRDN Channel powerdown. 1 Agere Systems Inc. 67 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Register Descriptions (continued) Channel-Level Registers (continued) Table 60. Channel Control Register (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit Name 0301 P+200 C+10 12 READE1F1 Enables reading of received E1/F1 values. 0 11 FAISL Force AIS-L on input channel. 0 RESERVED. x 10 -- Description Reset 9 FRMERRINS Insert framing (A1A2) error (based on A1CRPT, A2CRPT, and A1A2INSCNT). 0 8 B1COREN Enable corruption of B1 with B1CRTP bits. This is a one shot function--the bit must be reset to 0 and set to 1 again to repeat the B1 error. 0 B1CRPT B1 corrupt value. 0 7--0 Table 61. APS Control Register (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit 0302 P+200 C+10 7 INSK1 6 5--0 Name Description Reset Insert K1 value from register*. 0 INSK2 Insert K2 value from register*. 0 KCH Switch all K1, K2, D1--D12, and E2 bytes from this channel [0:47] instead of passing through TSI (when enabled with USEKBYTES bit in the channel provisioning register). 0 * Values are inserted in the raw K-byte location. This is in the second time slot of the channel (STS-1 #4). Table 62. APS Status Register (RO) Address (Hex) Bit Name Description Reset 0303 P+200 C+10 15--8 RCDK1 Received K1 value*. 0 7--0 RCDK2 Received K2 value*. 0 * Values are those received in the validated K-byte location. This is in the first time slot of the channel (STS-1 #1). Table 63. APS Insert Value Register (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit Name Description Reset 0304 P+200 C+10 15--8 K1INSVAL Value to insert in K1*. 0 7--0 K2INSVAL Value to insert in K2*. 0 * Values are inserted in the raw K-byte location. This is in the second time slot of the channel (STS-1 #4). 68 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Register Descriptions (continued) Channel-Level Registers (continued) Table 64. Channel Path Switch Control (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit 0307 P+200 C+10 11--0 Name WP[11:0] Description Preselect time slot [11:0] to protect configuration: 0 = working/C. 1 = protect/D. Reset 0 Table 65. Channel Path Switch Readback (RO) Address (Hex) Bit 0308 P+200 C+10 11--0 Name WPRDBK[15:0] Description Reset Read back active configuration for time slot [11:0]: 0 = working/C. 1 = protect/D. 0 Description Reset Table 66. Channel AIS-P Insert (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit 0309 P+200 C+10 11--0 Name AISINS[11:0] Insert AIS-P in time slot [11:0]. 0 Table 67. Channel UNEQ-P Insert (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit 030A P+200 C+10 11--0 Name UNEQINS[11:0] Description Insert UNEQ-P in time slot [11:0]. Reset 0 Table 68. Extracted Line Status (E2) (RO) Address (Hex) Bit 030B P+200 C+10 7--0 Name EXTRE2 Description Extracted E2 byte. Reset 0 Table 69. Line Error Counts (RO) Address (Hex) Bit Name Description Reset 030C P+200 C+10 15--8 FRMERRCNT Framing (A1/A2) error count. 0 7--0 B1ERRCNT B1 BIP error count. 0 Note:Note that the counts are latched by changing the CNTFRZ bit from 0 to 1. This is like a PM register, but instead of a PM_CLK, the ALMFRZ bit is used. Agere Systems Inc. 69 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Register Descriptions (continued) Channel-Level Registers (continued) Table 70. Channel Alarm Freeze Register (RO) Address (Hex) Bit Name 030D P+200 C+10 4 -- Description Reset RESERVED. x 3 FIFOERR_FZ FIFO threshold error frozen status. 0 2 B1ERR_FZ B1 BIP error frozen status. 0 1 LOF_FZ Loss of frame frozen status. 0 0 FRMOFFS_FZ Frame offset error (frame out of range of FIFO) frozen status. 0 Note:The errors that occur between occurrences of a 0 to 1 change to the ALMFRZ bit are latched when there is a 0 to 1 change to the ALMFRZ bit. This is like a PM register, but instead of a PM_CLK, the ALMFRZ bit is used. STS-1 Level Registers These registers appear once for each time slot in each channel. Thus, they are replicated 576 times in the device. Note that connection memory registers are implemented with internal RAM and the contents are not guaranteed on powerup. Also, the active configuration (A or B) will return 0x3FF if read directly. In order to read the active configuration, the audit memory must be used. The connection memories are divided into 24 entry blocks. Each channel has two 24 entry blocks of connection memory, named A and B. Each block describes two connection maps for the channel, named C and D (12 entries per map). Thus, there are four maps for each channel, with each map describing the connections for 12 time slots. The four maps are named AC, AD, BC, and BD. The active configuration is determined by the ABSEL bit for the channel. This selects one of the two blocks (A or B) for the channel. The map that is used within the A or B configuration is determined by either the CDSEL bit for the channel (in which case all 12 time slots use the C or D map) or by the WP bits (in which case each time slot uses the map determined by its corresponding WP bit). The PATHLINE bit for the channel determines whether the CDSEL bit or the WP bits control the map selection for the channel. When PATHLINE is 0, the WP bits select map C or D on a per-time-slot basis. This can be used for path switching. In this case, map C is referred to as working and map D as protect. Table 71. Connection Memory AC (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit 1000 C+40 T+1 9--6 SRCTS Source time slot [11:0]. x 5--0 SRCCH Source channel [47:0]. x 70 Name Description Reset Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Register Descriptions (continued) STS-1 Level Registers (continued) Table 72. Connection Memory AD (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit Name Description Reset 100C C+40 T+1 9--6 SRCTS Source time slot [11:0]. x 5--0 SRCCH Source channel [47:0]. x Table 73. Connection Memory BC (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit Name Description Reset 1020 C+40 T+1 9--6 SRCTS Source time slot [11:0]. x 5--0 SRCCH Source channel [47:0]. x Table 74. Connection Memory BD (R/W) Address (Hex) Bit Name Description Reset 102C C+40 T+1 9--6 SRCTS Source time slot [11:0]. x 5--0 SRCCH Source channel [47:0]. x Table 75. Extracted Path Status (RO) Address (Hex) Bit Name Description Reset 0C00 C+10 T+1 15--8 EXTRE1 Extracted E1 byte. x 7--0 EXTRF1 Extracted F1 byte. x Note: For all the STS-1 level registers above, the hex address is for the output and the value to be programmed is for the input. Agere Systems Inc. 71 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. These are absolute stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device is not implied at these or any other conditions in excess of those given in the operational sections of the data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods can adversely affect device reliability. Table 76. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit VDD VDD2 VDDA -- -- -- 4.2 2.0 2.0 V V V Storage Temperature Tstg -65 125 C Power Consumption 3.3 V dc Supply 1.5 V dc Supply 1.5 V Analog Supply PD PD2 PDA -- -- -- 5.0 3.22 0.28 W W W Power Supply Voltage: 3.3 V dc Supply 1.5 V dc Supply 1.5 V Analog Supply Handling Precautions Although protection circuitry has been designed into this device, proper precautions should be taken to avoid exposure to electrostatic discharge (ESD) during handling and mounting. Agere employs a human-body model (HBM) and a charged-device model (CDM) for ESD-susceptibility testing and protection design evaluation. ESD voltage thresholds are dependent on the circuit parameters used in the defined model. No industrywide standard has been adopted for the CDM. However, a standard HBM (resistance = 1500 , capacitance = 100 pF) is widely used and, therefore, can be used for comparison purposes. Table 77. ESD Threshold Voltage Device TDCS4810G Model Voltage HBM TBD CDM (corner pins) TBD CDM (noncorner pins) TBD Operating Conditions Table 78. Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Power Supply Voltage: 3.3 V dc Supply 1.5 V dc Supply 1.5 V Analog Supply VDDI/O VDDI VDDA 3.135 1.425 1.425 3.3 1.5 1.5 3.465 1.575 1.575 V V V Junction Temperature TJ -40 -- 125 C Ambient Temperature TA -40 -- 85 C 72 Agere Systems Inc. Advance Data Sheet May 2001 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Electrical Characteristics Power Sequencing The device power may be applied concurrently to both voltage level inputs. If power sequencing is used for other devices on a board or in a system, it is a preferred that the highest voltage be applied first and removed last. Low Voltage Differential Signal (LVDS) Buffers The LVDS buffers are compliant with the EIA-644 standard. The only exception to compliance with this standard is associated with the input leakage current. The LVDS input buffers have an input leakage current of 300 A maximum. The LVDS buffers are also compliant to the IEEE* 1596.3 standard. The only exception to compliance with this standard is the input termination resistance. The LVDS input buffers have an input termination resistance of 100 20%. The LVDS outputs are hot-swap compatible, and can be connected to other vendor's LVDS I/O buffers. The maximum input current for the Agere LVDS input buffers is 9 mA. Prolonged exposure to higher current levels will have an impact on long term reliability. CML or open collector transmitters cannot be directly connected to the TDCS4810G LVDS inputs. This is not possible, since up to four LVDS inputs share one center tap line with one center tap pin. The 10 m center tap line is relatively long in the TDCS4810G, therefore resistances and capacitances cannot be ignored. Unused LVDS inputs may be left unconnected. There are internal pull-up resistors (nominal 14 k) which pull open inputs to greater than 2.75 Vdc (the common mode range is 0 Vdc to 2.4 Vdc). A sense circuit becomes active for input voltages above 2.75 Vdc and clamps the buffer output to a defined state. Open inputs will not oscillate for this reason. For board layout, LVDS traces should be run on controlled impedance layers, and should be specified as 50 line-to-ground. The LVDS buffers support point-to-point connections. They are not intended for bussed implementations. * IEEE is a registered trademark of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Agere Systems Inc. 73 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Electrical Characteristics (continued) LVDS DRIVER LVDS RECEIVER 100 50 CENTER TAP 50 EXTERNAL DEVICE PINS 5-8703(F) Figure 17. LVDS Driver and Receiver and Associated Internal Components DRIVER INTERCONNECT RECEIVER VOA A AA VIA VOB B BB VIB VGPD 5-8704(F) Figure 18. LVDS Driver and Receiver CA VOA A RLOAD VOB B V VOD = (VOA - VOB) CB 5-8705(F) Figure 19. LVDS Driver 74 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Electrical Characteristics (continued) LVDS Receiver Buffer Capabilities A disabled or unpowered LVDS receiver can withstand a driving LVDS transmitter over the full range of driver operating range, for an unlimited period of time, without being damaged. Table 79 illustrates LVDS driver dc data, Table 80 the ac data, and Table 82, "LVDS Receiver Data," on page 76 the LVDS receiver data. Note: VDD = 3.1 V--3.5 V, 0 C--125 C, slow-fast process. Table 79. LVDS Driver dc Data Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit * Driver Output Voltage High, VOA or VOB VOH RLOAD = 100 1%. -- -- 1.475 V Driver Output Voltage Low, VOA or VOB VOL RLOAD = 100 1%. 0.9251 -- -- V VOD RLOAD = 100 1%. 0.25 -- 0.451 V -- 1.2751 V 50 60 Driver Output Differential Voltage VOD = (VOA - VOB) (with external reference resistor) RLOAD = 100 1%, 1.1251 refer to Figure 19. on page 74. Driver Output Offset Voltage VOS = (VOA + VOB)/2 VOS Output Impedance, SingleEnded RO VCM = 1.0 V and 1.4 V. RO Mismatch Between A & B RO VCM = 1.0 V and 1.4 V. -- -- 10 % Change in VODBetween 0 and 1 VOD RLOAD = 100 1%. -- -- 25 mV Change in VOSBetween 0 and 1 VOS RLOAD = 100 1%. -- -- 25 mV Output Current ISA, ISB Driver shorted to ground. -- -- 24 mA ISAB Driver shorted together. -- -- 12 mA IXA, IXB VDD = 0 V VPAD, VPADN = 0 V--3 V. -- -- 30 A Output Current Power-Off Output Leakage 40 * External reference, REF10 = 1.0 V 3%, REF14 = 1.4 V 3%. Table 80. LVDS Driver ac Data Symbol Conditions Min Max Unit VOD Fall Time, 80% to 20% tFALL ZLOAD = 100 1% CPAD = 3.0 pF, CPADN = 3.0 pF. 100 200 ps VOD Rise Time, 20% to 80% tRISE ZLOAD = 100 1% CPAD = 3.0 pF, CPADN = 3.0 pF. 100 200 ps tSKEW1 Any differential pair on package at 50% point of the transition. -- 50 ps Parameter Differential Skew tpHLA - tpLHB ortpHLB - tpLHA Agere Systems Inc. 75 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Electrical Characteristics (continued) Table 81. LVDS Driver Reference Data Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit REF10E, REF10L Voltage Range -- 0.95 1.0 1.05 V REF14E, REF14L Voltage Range -- 1.35 1.4 1.45 V Nominal Input Current--REF10 and REF14 Reference Inputs -- -- 10 -- A Table 82. LVDS Receiver Data Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Receiver input Voltage Range, VIA or VIB (Common Mode Voltage) VI VGPD< 925 mV dc--1MHz. 0 1.2 2.4 V Receiver Input Differential Threshold (Differential Mode Voltage) VIDTH VGPD< 925 mV 400 MHz. -100 -- 100 mV Receiver Input Differential Hysteresis VHYST VIDTHH - VIDTHL. -- -- --* mV Receiver Differential Input Impedance RIN With built-in termination, center tapped. 80 100 120 * Buffer will not produce transition when input is open-circuited. Table 83. LVTTL 3.3 V Logic Interface Characteristics Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Input Leakage IL -- -- -- 1.0 A Input Voltage: Low High VILLVTTL VIHLVTTL -- -- GND VDD - 1.0 -- -- 1.0 VDD V V Output Voltage: Low High VOLLVTTL VOHLVTTL -5.0 mA 5.0 mA GND VDD - 1.0 -- -- 0.5 VDD V V Input Capacitance CI -- -- 2.2 3.0 pF Load Capacitance CL -- -- 0.4 -- pF Parameter 76 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Timing Characteristics Microprocessor Interface Timing The I/O timing specifications for the microprocessor interface are given in Table 84. The read and write timing diagrams for all three microprocessor interface modes are shown in Figures 20--24. Table 84. Microprocessor Interface Timing Symbol Mode tc_M860 Synch tcycle_M860 M860 t1 t2 t3 (Write) t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 (Read) t9 tc_M360 Asynch M360 t10 t11 t12 t13 (Write) t14 t15 t16 t17 t18 t19 t20 (Read) t21 tc_DSP DSP tcycle_DSP Synch t22 t23 t24 (Write) t25 t26 t27 t28 t29 t30 t31 Parameter PCLK Period Bus Transfer Cycle Time CS_N, TS_N, RW_N Valid to PCLK ADDRESS, DATA Valid to PCLK CS_N, TS_N, RW_N, ADDRESS, DATA Hold PCLK to TA_N/TEA_N 3-State to High PCLK to TA_N/TEA_N High to Low PCLK to TA_N/TEA_N Low to High PCLK to TA_N/TEA_N 3-State DATA Valid to PCLK with TA_N Low PCLK to DATA 3-State PCLK Period ADDRESS Valid to CS_N, DS_N, TS_N Fall TA_N Fall to CS_N, DS_N, TS_N Rise TA_N Fall to DATA, ADDRESS Invalid RW_N Fall to CS_N, DS_N, TS_N Fall DS_N Rise to RW_N Rise DATA Valid to DS_N Fall CS_N, DS_N, TS_N Fall to TA_N/TEA_N High CS_N, DS_N, TS_N Fall to TA_N/TEA_N Fall CS_N, DS_N, TS_N Rise to TA_N/TEA_N Rise CS_N, DS_N, TS_N Rise to TA_N/TEA_N 3State TA_N/TEA_N Valid to DATA Valid CS_N,TS_N, DS_N Rise to DATA 3-State PCLK Period Bus Transfer Cycle Time CS_N, ADDRESS Valid to PCLK (Setup) TS_N, RW_N Valid to PCLK (Setup) CS_N to TA_N Active/High Impedance PCLK to TA_N (Clock to Out) PCLK to CS_N, ADDRESS Invalid (Hold) PCLK to TS_N, RW_N Invalid (Hold) PCLK to DATA Input Invalid (Hold) DATA Input Valid to PCLK (Setup) PCLK to DATA Output Active/High Impedance PCLK to DATA Output Valid Min Max Unit 15 -- 8 (tc_M860) 12 (tc_M860) 4 -- 18 -- 0 -- -- 4 -- 5 2 -- -- 4 2 (tc_M860) 3 (tc_M860) 2 -- 12.76 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 4 (tc_M360) -- 5 (tc_M360) 35 (tc_M360)* 2 (tc_M360) 3 (tc_M360) 4 (tc_M360) 5 (tc_M360) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns tc_M360 2 (tc_M360) 10 5 (tc_DSP) 3.5 3.0 -- -- 0 0 0 20.0 -- -- ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 2 (tc_M360) 4 (tc_M360) -- -- -- -- 9.5 6.0 -- -- -- -- 14.0 26.0 * This value represents the timing for a transfer error (TA_N = 1, TEA_N = 0). The typical value during normal access would be 9(tc_M360) ns. Agere Systems Inc. 77 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Timing Characteristics (continued) Microprocessor Interface Timing (continued) Synchronous Mode--M860 The synchronous microprocessor interface (like Motorola MPC860) mode is selected when MPMODE = 10 or 11. Parity is selected when MPMODE = 10; no parity is selected when MPMODE = 11. Interface timing for the synchronous mode write cycle is given in Figure 20 and for the read cycle in Figure 21. In synchronous mode, a transfer error (TA_N = 1, TEA_N = 0) will occur if the internal cycle is not terminated in 32 PCLK cycles from the first rising edge of PCLK where CS_N = 0 and TS_N = 0. tc_M860 tcycle_M860 INSERTED WAIT-STATES PCLK CS_N t1 TS_N RW_N t2 ADDRESS_[12:0] t3 DATA_[15:0]/ PARITY_[1:0] (INPUT) TA_N/TEA_N t5 t4 HIGH Z t7 t6 HIGH Z 0583r.2(F) Figure 20. M860 Synchronous Write Cycle (MPMODE = 10 or 11) Table 85. TA_N/TEA_N Cycle Termination for Synchronous Write Cycle 78 TA_N TEA_N Encoding Description 0 0 Write data parity error. 0 1 Normal cycle termination. 1 0 Access to undefined address region--transfer error. 1 1 No cycle termination--processor-generated time out. Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Timing Characteristics (continued) Microprocessor Interface Timing (continued) tcycle_M860 INSERTED WAIT-STATES PCLK CS_N t1 TS_N t3 RW_N t2 ADDRESS_[12:0] t8 DATA_[15:0]/ PARITY_[1:0] (OUTPUT) TA_N/TEA_N HIGH Z t4 t9 t5 t7 t6 HIGH Z 0584r.3(F) Figure 21. M860 Synchronous Read Cycle (MPMODE = 10 or 11) Table 86. TA_N/TEA_N Cycle Termination for Synchronous Read Cycle TA_N TEA_N 0 0 Not possible during read cycle. 0 1 Normal cycle termination. 1 0 Access to undefined address region--transfer error. 1 1 No cycle termination--processor-generated time out. Agere Systems Inc. Encoding Description 79 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Timing Characteristics (continued) Microprocessor Interface Timing (continued) Asynchronous Mode--M360 The asynchronous microprocessor interface (like Motorola MC68360) mode is selected when MPMODE = 00. Interface timing for the asynchronous mode write cycle is given in Figure 22 and for the read cycle in Figure 23. In asynchronous mode, the PCLK can be connected to a 77.76 MHz clock. This can be divided down from the SYS_CLK at 155.52 MHz. The microprocessor should run at no more than half the frequency of PCLK in asynchronous mode. The timing numbers shown assume a PCLK frequency of 77.76 MHz. ADDRESS_[12:0] t12 t10 t11 CS_N t10 t11 TS_N t10 t11 DS_N t13 t14 RW_N t12 t15 DATA_[15:0] (INPUT) t19 t16 TA_N/TEA_N t17 HIGH Z t18 HIGH Z 0581r.2(F) Figure 22. M360 Asynchronous Write Cycle (MPMODE = 00) Table 87. TA_N/TEA_N Cycle Termination for Asynchronous Write Cycle 80 TA_N TEA_N Encoding Description 0 0 Not possible during asynchronous write cycle. 0 1 Normal cycle termination. 1 0 Access to undefined address region--transfer error. 1 1 No cycle termination--processor-generated time out. Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Timing Characteristics (continued) Microprocessor Interface Timing (continued) ADDRESS_[12:0] t10 CS_N t10 TS_N t10 DS_N RW_N t16 t19 t17 t18 HIGH Z HIGH Z TA_N/TEA_N DATA_[15:0] t20 HIGH Z t21 HIGH Z 0582r.2(F) Figure 23. M360 Asynchronous Read Cycle (MPMODE = 00) Table 88. TA_N/TEA_N Cycle Termination for Asynchronous Read Cycle TA_N TEA_N 0 0 Not possible during read cycle. 0 1 Normal cycle termination. 1 0 Access to undefined address region--transfer error. 1 1 No cycle termination--processor-generated time out. Agere Systems Inc. Encoding Description 81 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Timing Characteristics (continued) Microprocessor Interface Timing (continued) DSP Synchronous Mode The synchronous digital signal processor interface (like Motorola DSP56309) mode is selected when MPMODE = 01. The DSP mode allows for five-cycle read/write only when accessing the connection memory and E1/F1 memory. All other addressing will have a significant number of wait-states depending on what internal block is being accessed. Note: Although the Motorola DSP56309 must be in two or more wait-states mode, there will always be at least four wait-states (i.e., five clock cycles). WR and RD in Figure 24 refer to DSP56309 pins which are analogous to pins RW_N and TS_N, respectively, in the TDCS4810G device. INSERTED WAIT-STATES tcycle_DSP tc_DSP PCLK t22 t26 CS_N t24 ADDRESS[12:0] t24 TA_N t25 t25 HIGH Z HIGH Z t23 RW_N (WR) t27 t23 TS_N (RD) t29 DATA [15:0] (INPUT) DATA [15:0] (OUTPUT) t28 t31 t30 t30 HIGH Z X HIGH Z 0797r.4(F) Figure 24. DSP R/W Synchronous Write Cycle (MPMODE = 01)--Two or More Wait-States Mode 82 Agere Systems Inc. TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Outline Diagram 792-Pin LBGA Dimensions are in millimeters. . 40.00 0.10 40.00 23.1 A1 BALL CORNER 40.00 0.10 40.00 23.1 1.96/2.27 0.41/0.58 SEATING PLANE 0.20 1.33/1.60 SOLDER BALL 2.61 0.24 38 SPACES @ 1.00 = 38.00 A1 BALL CORNER 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 A C E 1.00 G J L N R U W AA AC AE AG AJ AL AN AR AU AW B D F H K M P T V 38 SPACES @ 1.00 = 38.00 Y AB AD AF AH AK AM AP AT AV 5-9800(F) Note: A dimension x/y refers to the minimum and maximum values for the given parameter. Agere Systems Inc. 83 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Advance Data Sheet May 2001 Outline Diagram (continued) 792-Pin LBGA (continued) Table 89. Basic 792-Pin LBGA Act. Balls Ball Pitch mm (mils) Width/Length mm (mils) Thickness mm (mils) (nom.) Max Height* mm (mils) PWR/GND 792 1.00 (39.4) 40.00 (1575) 2.11 (83) 2.85 (112) 192 * Maximum height from the board to the top surface of the package before solder ball collapse. Ordering Information 84 Device Code Package Temperature Comcode (Ordering Number) TDCS4810G 792-pin LBGA -40 C to +85 C 109057265 Agere Systems Inc. Advance Data Sheet May 2001 TDCS4810G SONET/SDH 10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI Revision History May 2001--Rev 2 Pin Information Page 25, Table 5, added second footnote () and reworked name/description for rows F9--AR31. Page 25, Figure 3, added to document. Register Descriptions Page 66, Table 55 and Table 56, removed row for bit 4. Absolute Maximum Ratings Page 72, Table 76, replaced TBD with corresponding values. Operating Conditions Page 72, Table 78, replaced TBD with corresponding values. Electrical Characteristics Page 73 to 76, added section to document. Outline Diagram Page 84, Table 89, removed the following colums: descriptor, layers, array-size, max signals, and number of pads. Agere Systems Inc. 85 For additional information, contact your Agere Systems Account Manager or the following: INTERNET: E-MAIL: N. AMERICA: Agere Systems Inc., 555 Union Boulevard, Room 30L-15P-BA, Allentown, PA 18109-3286 1-800-372-2447, FAX 610-712-4106 (In CANADA: 1-800-553-2448, FAX 610-712-4106) ASIA PACIFIC: Agere Systems Singapore Pte. Ltd., 77 Science Park Drive, #03-18 Cintech III, Singapore 118256 Tel. (65) 778 8833, FAX (65) 777 7495 CHINA: Agere Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., 33/F Jin Mao Tower, 88 Century Boulevard Pudong, Shanghai 200121 PRC Tel. (86) 21 50471212, FAX (86) 21 50472266 JAPAN: Agere Systems Japan Ltd., 7-18, Higashi-Gotanda 2-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141, Japan Tel. (81) 3 5421 1600, FAX (81) 3 5421 1700 EUROPE: Data Requests: DATALINE: Tel. (44) 7000 582 368, FAX (44) 1189 328 148 Technical Inquiries:GERMANY: (49) 89 95086 0 (Munich), UNITED KINGDOM: (44) 1344 865 900 (Ascot), FRANCE: (33) 1 40 83 68 00 (Paris), SWEDEN: (46) 8 594 607 00 (Stockholm), FINLAND: (358) 9 3507670 (Helsinki), ITALY: (39) 02 6608131 (Milan), SPAIN: (34) 1 807 1441 (Madrid) Agere Systems Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. No liability is assumed as a result of their use or application. Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. May 2001 DS01-150SONT