4040 Agere Systems Inc.
Advance Data Sheet
May 2001
10 Gbits/s APS Port and TSI
Overview (continued)
Powerdown Mode (continued)
Channels can be independently enabled or disabled
under software control using powerdown mode. The
default setting after powerup or a device reset is with
all 48 channels in powerdown mode (disabled). The
desired channels must be enabled via the micropro-
cessor interface before normal operations can com-
Supervisory Features
Supervisory features built into the TDCS4810G provide
diagnostic capabilities and fault coverage.
■Frame Pulse Integrity: The input frame pulse is mon-
itored to ensure that it does not move and that it
repeats at least once every 1 ms (8 frames). If the
frame pulse moves or does not repeat for more than
1 ms, latched alarm FPERR is raised (see Register
Descriptions, page 59).
■LVDS Link Integrity: There is B1 parity generation on
each of the 48 LVDS output channels. Performance
monitoring on each of the 48 LVDS input channels is
implemented as B1 parity error checking. Upon
detection of an error, a counter is incremented (one
count per errored bit) and a latched alarm is raised.
The counter is 8 bits wide and does not roll over after
the maximum value is reached. This feature is provi-
sionable on a per-channel basis.
■Framer Monitoring: There is framer performance
monitoring in the receive section of the 48 channels.
Framer status (LOF) and A1/A2 frame error count
are reported. These features are provisionable on a
per-channel basis:
— Framer status is implemented as a simple LOF
latched alarm. While the framer state machine is
in the LOF state, this bit is forced active. It is
meant to report any LOF occurrence as well as to
report the actual state machine status (if the flag is
cleared while the state machine is in LOF, the bit
will not be cleared).
— A1/A2 frame error counter is incremented (one
count per errored STS-12 frame) upon detection
of a frame error on any of the used A1/A2 bytes
(only consider the last A1 byte and the first A2
byte). The counter is 8 bits wide and does not roll
over after the maximum value is reached.
■FIFO Aligner Monitoring: There is monitoring of the
FIFO aligner operating point. Upon deviating from
the nominal operating point of the FIFO by more than
user-programmable threshold values (minimum and
maximum threshold values), a latched alarm bit will
be set. Threshold values are defined per port
(16 channels); alarms are defined per channel.
■Frame Offset Monitoring: There is monitoring of the
frame offset between all enabled channels; disabled
channels are excluded from the monitoring. Monitor-
ing is performed continuously. Upon exceeding the
maximum allowed frame offset between all enabled
channels, a latched alarm bit will be set.
■Microprocessor Interface Monitoring: There is moni-
toring of potential write cycles that may occur when
operating in write protect mode. Upon detecting a
write access to the TDCS4810G when the device is
in write protect mode, latched alarm WLOCKALM will
be set (see Register Descriptions, page 59).
The B1 error counter and A1/A2 frame error counter
are latched into a read-only register and cleared when
the CNTFRZ bit is set (see Register Descriptions,
page 61).
The B1 error, LOF error, FIFO operating point, and
frame offset alarms are latched internally. The latched
values are transferred to a freeze register and then
cleared when the ALMFRZ bit is set (see Register
Descriptions, page 61).
Test Features
Test features built into the TDCS4810G are a key ele-
ment in providing testing and debugging capabilities for
the many aspects of chip-level, board-level, and sys-
tem-level functionality.
■A1/A2 Error Insert: A frame error inject feature is pro-
vided in the transmitter section, allowing the user to
replace framing bytes A1/A2 (only the last A1 byte
and first A2 byte) with a selectable A1/A2 byte value
for a selectable number of consecutive frames. The
number of consecutive frames to alter is specified by
a 4-bit field, while the A1/A2 value is specified by a
16-bit field. The error insert feature is on a per-chan-
nel basis; A1/A2 values and 4-bit frame count value
are on a per-device basis.
■B1 Error Insert: A B1 error insert feature is provided
in the transmitter section, allowing the user to insert
errors on user-selectable bits in the B1 byte. Errors
are created by simply inverting bit values. This fea-
ture is on a per-bit basis and can insert a single error
per bit. Bits to invert are specified through an 8-bit
register, where each bit is associated with one of the
8 B1 bits. This feature is provisionable on a per-
channel basis.