Product Folder Links: LM2587
Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2000–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
(1) Coilcraft Inc.,: Phone: (800) 322-26451102 Silver Lake Road, Cary, IL 60013: Fax: (708) 639-1469
(2) Pulse Engineering Inc.,: Phone: (619) 674-810012220 World Trade Drive, San Diego, CA 92128: Fax: (619) 674-8262
(3) Renco Electronics Inc.,: Phone: (800) 645-582860 Jeffryn Blvd. East, Deer Park, NY 11729: Fax: (516) 586-5562
(4) Schott Corp.,: Phone: (612) 475-11731000 Parkers Lane Road, Wayzata, MN 55391: Fax: (612) 475-1786
8.2.3 Design Requirements
Table 3 contains a table of standard inductors, by part number and corresponding manufacturer, for the fixed
output regulator of Figure 18.
Table 3. Inductor Selection Table
Coilcraft (1) Pulse (2) Renco(3) Schott(4)
R4793-A PE-53900 RL-5472-5 67146520
8.2.4 Detailed Design Procedure Custom Design With Webench® Tools
Click here to create a custom design using the LM2587 device with the WEBENCH® Power Designer.
1. Start by entering the input voltage (VIN), output voltage (VOUT), and output current (IOUT) requirements.
2. Optimize the design for key parameters such as efficiency, footprint, and cost using the optimizer dial.
3. Compare the generated design with other possible solutions from Texas Instruments.
The WEBENCH Power Designer provides a customized schematic along with a list of materials with real-time
pricing and component availability.
In most cases, these actions are available:
• Run electrical simulations to see important waveforms and circuit performance
• Run thermal simulations to understand board thermal performance
• Export customized schematic and layout into popular CAD formats
• Print PDF reports for the design, and share the design with colleagues
Get more information about WEBENCH tools at www.ti.com/WEBENCH. Programming Output Voltage (Selecting R1And R2)
Referring to the adjustable regulator in Figure 17, the output voltage is programmed by the resistors R1and R2
by the following formula:
VOUT = VREF (1 + R1/R2) where VREF = 1.23V (1)
Resistors R1and R2divide the output voltage down so that it can be compared with the 1.23V internal reference.
With R2between 1k and 5k, R1is:
R1= R2(VOUT/VREF −1) where VREF = 1.23V (2)
For best temperature coefficient and stability with time, use 1% metal film resistors. Short Circuit Condition
Due to the inherent nature of boost regulators, when the output is shorted (see Figure 17), current flows directly
from the input, through the inductor and the diode, to the output, bypassing the switch. The current limit of the
switch does not limit the output current for the entire circuit. To protect the load and prevent damage to the
switch, the current must be externally limited, either by the input supply or at the output with an external current
limit circuit. The external limit should be set to the maximum switch current of the device, which is 5A.
In a flyback regulator application (Figure 59), using the standard transformers, the LM2587 will survive a short
circuit to the main output. When the output voltage drops to 80% of its nominal value, the frequency will drop to
25 kHz. With a lower frequency, off times are larger. With the longer off times, the transformer can release all of
its stored energy before the switch turns back on. Hence, the switch turns on initially with zero current at its
collector. In this condition, the switch current limit will limit the peak current, saving the device.