Heating elements for 12 V applications
PTC Thermistors
Type Tref Rmin Tsurf 1) RRVBD Curvature Ordering code Dimensional drawing
(typ.) (V = VR) (V = VR) (Vmeas ≤1.5 V)
°C V°C VV mm
Vmax = 30 V DC, VR= 12 V DC
A60 0 202) 40 ≥ 320 > 36 < 0.2 B59060A0000A010
A60 40 42) 70 9±30% > 36 < 0.2 B59060A0040A010
A60 60 5 80 9±30% > 36 < 0.2 B59060A0060A010
A60 80 4 95 9±30% > 36 < 0.2 B59060A0080A010
A60 120 4 130 9±30% > 36 < 0.2 B59060A0120A010
A60 160 3 165 9±30% > 36 < 0.2 B59060A0160A010
A60 180 3 185 9±30% > 36 < 0.2 B59060A0180A010
Vmax = 20 V DC, VR= 12 V DC
R41 80 1.00 110 3.2 ±50% > 40 < 0.05 B59041R0080A010
R41 120 1.00 145 3.2 ±50% > 40 < 0.05 B59041R0120A010
R41 160 0.75 180 3.2 ±50% > 40 < 0.05 B59041R0160A010
R41 180 0.75 200 3.2 ±50% > 40 < 0.05 B59041R0180A010
R41 220 1.00 230 6.4 ±50% > 40 < 0.05 B59041R0220A010
Application examples:
쐌A60: Automotive applications such as diesel fuel preheating, defrosting (e.g. spray nozzle heating)/ low-voltage home appliances
쐌R41: Automotive applications such as diesel fuel preheating, defrosting, additional cabin heating/ low-voltage home appliances
Data sheets are available at: www.epcos.com/ptc_heating
Important information: It is incumbent on the customer to check and decide whether a product is suitable for use in a particular application. Our products are described in detail in our data sheets.
Our Important notes and the product-specific Cautions and warnings must be observed. All relevant information is available through our sales offices.
© EPCOS AG · A Member of TDK-EPC Corporation
Edition 2012 · Ordering No. B59004Z0999A099 · Printed in Germany · SO 0312.3
1) Measured between points
2) T (RPTC = Rmin) < 25 °C
PTC_Musterset_12V_Automotive_120228 29.02.12 15:17 Seite 2