Limits in standard typeface are for Tj= 25°C, and limits in boldface type apply over the full operating junction temperature
range. Unless otherwise specified, VIN = VO(NOM) + 1V(1), COUT = 1µF, IOUT = 1mA, CIN = 1µF, VSD1 = VSD2 = VIN.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Typ(2) Unit
Min Max
Vo(4) Output Voltage VOUT + 1V < VIN < 7.0V 0.0 −1 1 %VNOM
Tolerance -3 3
1mA < IL< 100mA 0.0 −1.5 1.5 %VNOM
-3.5 3.5
ΔVO/ΔVIN(4)(5) Output Voltage Line 0.1 mV/V
ΔVO/ΔIOUT Output Voltage Load 1mA < IL< 100mA(6) 0.1 mV/mA
ΔVO2/ΔIOUT1 Output Voltage Cross 1mA < IL1< 100mA(7) 0.0004 mV/mA
VIN -VOUT Dropout Voltage(8) IL= 1mA 0.9 2.0
IL= 100mA 90 130 mV
IL= 150mA 135 195
IGND(1,0)(9) Ground Pin Current IL= 1mA 300
(One LDO On) VSD2 ≤0.1V, VSD1= VIN µA
IL= 100mA 340
VSD2 ≤0.1V, VSD1= VIN
IGND(1,1) Ground Pin Current IL= 1mA 340 450
(Both LDOs On) 500 µA
IL= 100mA 420 540
IGND(0,0) Ground Pin Current in VSD1= VSD2 ≤0.1V 0.006 0.3 µA
Shutdown Mode 10
IO(PK) Peak Output Current See(10) 500 350 mA
VOUT≥VOUT(NOM)- 5% 150
Short Circuit Foldback Protection
IFB Short Circuit Foldback See(10)(11) 600 mA
(1) The condition VIN = VO(NOM) + 1V applies when Vout1 = Vout2. If Vout1 ≠Vout2, then this condition would apply to the output which is
greater in value. As an example, if Vout1 = 3.3V and Vout2 = 5V, then the condition VIN = VO(NOM)+ 1V would apply to Vout2 only.
(2) :Typical numbers are at 25°C and represent the most likely parametric norm.
(3) :Limits are 100% production tested at 25°C. Limits over the operating temperature range are ensured through correlation using
Statistical Quality Control (SQC) methods. The limits are used to calculate Averaging Outgoing Quality Level (AOQL).
(4) Output voltage tolerance specification also includes the line regulation and load regulation.
(5) Output voltage line regulation is defined as the change in output voltage from the nominal value due to change in input line voltage.
(6) Output voltage load regulation is defined as the change in output voltage from the nominal value when the load current changes from
1mA to 100mA.
(7) Output voltage cross regulation is defined as the percentage change in the output voltage from the nominal value at one output when
the load current changes from 1mA to full load in the other output. This is an important parameter in multiple output regulators. The
specification for ΔVO1/ΔIOUT2 is equal to the specification for ΔVO2/ΔIOUT1.
(8) Dropout voltage is defined as the input to output differential at which the output voltage drops 100mV below the nominal value. Drop-out
voltage specification applies only to output voltages greater than 2.7V. For output voltages below 2.7V, the drop-out voltage is nothing
but the input to output differential, since the minimum input voltage is 2.7V.
(9) The limits for the ground pin current specification, IGND(0,1) will be same as the limits for the specification, IGND(1,0).
(10) At elevated temperatures, devices must be derated based on package thermal resistance. The device in the surface-mount package
must be derated at θjA = 235°C/W, junction-to-ambient. Please refer to APPLICATIONS INFORMATION: Maximum Current Capability
for further information. The device has internal thermal protection.
(11) LP2966 has fold back current limited short circuit protection. The knee is the current at which the output voltage drops 10% below the
nominal value.
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