FEATURES Utilizing patented Flat Transformer Technology Industry standard pin-out configuration OVP, OCP, OTP protections Remote sense forthe output voltage On/Off control reference to input side HIN 200~480 Watt Full Brick DC to DC Converters SPECIFICATIONS o Input Voltage Range... See ModelList Model Lisit o Output Ree 150 m'yv'p- p Model# Input Wout lourt Voltage @ Load Regulation... ee #05 Soma x) Voltage gvoc) | (Amp) Accuracy o Output Temperature Drift... c.o2%ec PME seu-2435 18-24-36 33 40 3.23403 SEB . ; IMT 200-24-5 18-24-46 sa 30 4.95.14" o settling TUTTE. eee ccc ce eeeeee eeeeeee eens SUQuSec. Max fast sag o44qq 4824-35 40 on 4 eq 0 ay @ Trimming Range... ce ccecee eee cee $10% [nit eo0-24-12 18-24-36 12 17 41 Fhe 12 2a o Remote sense Compensation... O24f JIM) 200-45-3.5 36-45-72 3.3 a 3.2346 5.3654 o ON State Voltage........... (S.OVtYD ce. 3.5~7 Oy PMT 200-de-5 SB-48-72 40 oe5.1 IMT 200-468-101 36-45-72 10 20 9.61027 in CIF F state fo tage Be ee ene eee eee eens O~0.9'y' Ii7 200-486-132 36-46-72 12 17 11 hed2 2d High active Cor openjin On/Off control pin. Lowlogiclevel (O-0.9V) [MT 200-72-3.3 20-7 2-100 3.5 50 3.254~5 566 will disable the converter. IMT 200-72-5 50-72-100 5 40 4o-5.1 . IMT 200-72-10 50-72-1000 10 20 9.61027 o Isolation ee (Input to Qutputh.. 2 SUUYOC iT 07212 50-72-00 12 17 44 7ee12 24 @ Isolation... (Input to Ba seplate) been ences | SOO OC In? 200-150-453 | 100-4 50-200 43 so 4954-3 3664 @ Isolation............ (Cutput ta Baseplate).......... SUOVOC iM 200-150-5 | 100-150-200 5 40 4.9e5.1 o Isolation Capacitance.....{Inputtoa Qutput)...... 1300pF IMT 200-150-107 100-150-200 10 20 8.810 2 ; ; ImlT 200-150-172 7 100-150-200 12 17 11 Fhe 12 24 oe Insulation Resistance.....fInputta Qutputy....... SOMEE Poot sagasoas |aqonqsocoa) 475 40 da FH] 53 oe OVP Set-point... 0... 120%~ 150% of cutputvoltage [IMT 200-300-335 | 200-300-4007 3.3 50 3.234~3.366 o OCP Set-point.. cc. 105%~125% of FullLoad = f[ME 200-s00-S 200 S00-400) 8 au Age. 1 4 4 IkiT 200-300-10 | 200-300-400 10 20 9.8102 o OTP set-point ee ee eee 94 i~] O45 C Ih T 200-300-141 2 700-300-400 12 17 11 Th 12 2a Long-term Short-circuit Current... O54 [IMT 200-300-15 | 200-300-400 15 10 14.7-15.5 of Wo IMT 400-48-3.5 36-45-75 3.3 100 3234-5 566 o UVLOSStart up voltage... G3 Yo~Oo% of Np ut voltage iT 400.4 eda 75 30 dans 1 o UVLOSShut down voltage...06 o~ 95 Yo of Input voltage IntT 4000-49-12 46-46-75 42 40 11 7Red2 ay % Once the protection circuit performs, the converter will shutdown. IMT 400-46-15 36-43-75 15 30 14.71 5.5 ; IMT 400-465-244 40-46-75 Z4 20 23 5 24 dy One should remove the fault and repower again.(not auto -re co ver MT ado-s00.-22 | 200-300-400 43 fo0 3 33403 SEB o Thermal Resistance (w/o heat-sink).0000 2. SCA Poot aog-aooes | 200-300-400 5 a0 4951 o storage Temperature... -A0C ta 125C fIMT 400-300-12 | 200-300-400 12 40 1176-1224 Q Q IMT 400-300-715 | 200-300-400 15 30 14.fe1 5.3 o Operating Temperature bedeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee es 10 vie fU iit aog-20c.24 | 20o.300.400 4 - 34 Se 24 AY o storage Humidity Lee ene eee teen en eee ete n ees Oo ~O5 Yo IMT 400-375-355 | 325-375-425 3.3 400 3 ode 3 SBM Operating Humidity... ee O%o~95% PINT 400-SF5-5 0 | Seog 75-425 5 30 4 oe 5.1 _ IhlT $00-375-12 | 325-375-425 12 40 11 Fhe 12 24 Mechanical Drawing IMT 400-375-15 | 325-375-425] 15 30 14. 715.3 IhiT 400-375-224 | 325-375-425 24 20 25.5a~ 24.47 All Dimensions In Inches fmm) Pin Function PEGE) | | 1 -Vin | ! Le area 2 Me : 3 On2 tt [ 271061) _ | k | e] 24193) 4 ein - VOU _, ey amo} B -Sense bo, . oe co : Trim Ort| D4pG . +EENSE bo : . | TO"%11.13) q +fout zo" | 30% 62) ee Tc (SB padeneneneerenenrnrnnc nnn ene mennen Renner rennet nene none pone op 4 earn olerances | | 30% 62) ro (Bottorn dew) 1 +7 1041115) = Inches (Millimeters * O02 O5 ayusarer XX Oot] XxX 0.25 _! at k E- @ ea ain . a 0.004 0.1 CLICK CO GN ALC Geen sos ODe"(! 5) a p44 | Ea a, So & = oid ocx Gosand Gi aene ohn Faiwex Se Crag gesatedy med eee Oar , 2 ef SSS | ~ |