Pin Name Pin I/O, Type(1) Pin Description
AD0-AD3 10, 9, 2, 1 I, LVCMOS Float ENSMB Master or Slave mode
(4-Levels) SMBus Slave Address Inputs. In SMBus mode, these pins are the user set
SMBus slave address inputs. There are 16 addresses supported by these
Pins must be tied LOW or HIGH when used to define the device SMBus
Note: Setting VOD_SEL = High in SMBus Mode will force the Address =
READEN# 17 I, LVCMOS When using an External EEPROM, a transition from high to low starts the load
from the external EEPROM
DONE# 18 IO, LVCMOS, EEPROM Download Status
Float HIGH indicates Error / Still Loading
(4-Levels) LOW indicates download complete. No Error.
EQA0, EQA1 10, 9 I, LVCMOS, Float EQA/B ,0/1 control the level of equalization of each channel. The EQA/B pins
EQB0, EQB1 1, 2 (4-Levels) are active only when ENSMB is de-asserted (LOW).
When ENSMB goes high the SMBus registers provide independent control of
each lane, and the EQB0/B1 pins are converted to SMBUS AD2/AD3 inputs.
DEMA, DEMB 4, 5 IO, LVCMOS, DEMA/B controls the level of de-emphasis. The DEMA/B pins are only active
Float when ENSMB is de-asserted (LOW). Each of the 4 A/B channels have the
(4-Levels) same level unless controlled by the SMBus control registers. When ENSMB
goes high the SMBus registers provide independent control of each lane and
the DEM pins are converted to SMBUS SCL and SDA pins.
High = OUTA Enabled / OUTB Disabled
Low = OUTA/B Enabled
VOD_SEL 17 I, LVCMOS, Float EQ Mode and VOD select.
(4-Levels) High = (VOD = 1.1V/1.3V)
Float = (VOD = 1.0 V)
20K = (VOD = 1.2 V)
Low = (VOD = 700m V)
Note: DS64BR111 OUTA is limited to 700mV in pin mode, see Table 4 for
additional information.
Note: Setting VOD_SEL = High in SMBus Mode will force the SMBus
Address = B0'h
VDD_SEL 16 I, Internal Pull-up Enables the 3.3V to 2.5V internal regulator
Low = 3.3 V Operation
Float = 2.5 V Operation
MODE 18 I, LVCMOS Controls Device Mode of Operation
High = Continuous Talk
Float = Slow OOB
20KΩ= eSATA Mode, Fast OOB, Auto Low Power on 100 uS of inactivity. SD
stays active.
Low = SAS Mode, Fast OOB
Status Output
LOS 13 O, Open Drain Indicates Loss of Signal (Default is LOS on INA). Can be modified via SMBus
LOS Threshold Input
SD_TH 14 I, LVCMOS, Float The SD_TH pin controls LOS threshold setting;
(4-Levels) Assert (mV), Deassert (mV)
20K = 160 mV, 100 mV
Float = 180 mV, 110 mV (Default)
High = 190 mV, 130 mV
Low = 210 mV, 150 mV
Note: Using values less than the default level can extend the time
required to detect LOS and are not recommended.
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