XC18V00 Series of In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs
6www.xilinx.com DS026 (v3.0) November 12, 2001
1-800-255-7778 Product Specification
Instruction Register
The Instruction Register (IR) for the XC18V00 is eight bits
wide and is connected between TDI and TDO during an
instr ucti on s can s equenc e. In pre paration for an inst r uctio n
scan sequence, the instruction register is parallel loaded
with a fixed instruction capture pattern. This pattern is
shifted out onto TDO (LSB first), while an instruction is
shifted into the instruction register from TDI. The detailed
composition of the instruction capture pattern is illustrated
in Figure 3.
The ISP Status field, IR(4), contains logic “1” if the device is
currently in ISP mode ; otherwise, it contains logic “0”. The
Security field, IR(3), contains logic “1” if the device has been
programmed with the security option turned on; otherwise, it
contains logic “0”.
Boundary Scan Register
The bounda r y-scan regi ster is used to cont rol and obse r ve
the state of the device pins during the EXTEST, SAM-
PLE/PRELOAD, and CLAMP instructions. Each output pin
on the XC18V00 has two register stages that contribute to
the boundary-scan register, while each input pin only has
one register stage.
For each ou tput pin, the register sta ge nearest to TDI c on-
trols and obser ves the output state, and the second stage
closest to TDO controls and observes the High-Z enable
state of the pin.
F or each input pin, the register stage controls and observes
the input state of the pin.
Identification Registers
The IDCOD E is a fi xed, vendor-assigne d value that is use d
to electrically identify the manufacturer and type of the
device being addressed. The IDCODE register is 32 bits
wide. The IDCODE r egi ste r can be sh ifte d ou t for examina-
tion by using the IDCODE instruction. The IDCODE is a vail-
able to any other system component via JTAG.
The IDCODE register has the following binary format:
v = the die version number
f = the family code (50h for XC18V00 family)
a = the ISP PROM product ID (26h for the XC18V04)
c = the company code (49h for Xilinx)
Note: The LSB of the IDCODE register is always read as
logic “1” as defined by IEEE Std. 1149.1
Table 5 lists the IDCODE register values for the XC18V00
The USERCODE instruction gives access to a 32-bit user
programmable scratch pad typically used to supply informa-
tion about the device’s programmed conte nts. By using th e
USERCODE instruction, a user-programmable identifica-
tion code can be shifted out for examination. This code is
loaded into the USERCODE register during programming of
the XC18V00 device. If the device is blank or was not
loaded d ur ing programming, the USE RCODE registe r con-
tains FFFFFFFFh.
Table 4: Boundary Scan Instructions
Command Binary
Code [7:0] Description
Required Instructions
BYPASS 11111111 Enab l es BYPASS
PRELOAD 00000001 Enables boundary-scan
EXTEST 00000000 Enab l es bou nda ry-scan
EXTEST operation
Optional Instructions
CLAMP 11111010 Enables boundary-scan
CLAMP operation
HIGHZ 11111100 all outputs in high-impedance
state simultaneously
IDCOD E 111 11 110 Enables shifting out
32-bit IDCODE
USERCODE 11111101 Enables shifting out
XC18V00 Specific Instructions
CONFIG 11101110 Init iat es FPG A confi guration
by pulsing CF pin Low
IR[7:5] IR[4] IR[3] IR[2] IR[1:0]
TDI-> 0 0 0 ISP
Status Security 0 0 1 ->TD
1. IR(1:0) = 01 is specified by IEEE Std. 1149.1
Figu re 3: Instruction Register Values Loaded into IR as
Part of an Instruction Scan Sequence
Table 5: IDCODES Assigned to XC18V00 Devices
XC18V01 05024093h
XC18V02 05025093h
XC18V04 05026093h
XC18V256 05022093h
XC18V512 05023093h