Datasheet GPS-PS1 µ-blox AG, June 29, 1999 Page 5
3 Product Lineup
For the GPS-PS1 an integrated datalogger is available as an ordering option. This option enables the user to
take advantage of the on-board FLASH memory to store position data.
The standard GPS-PS1 is supplied in the following start-up configuration:
- SiRF binary protocol
- 19’200 Baud
- 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
A utility available at the µ-blox homepage enables you to download new firmware up-dates and start-up
configurations to your µ-blox GPS receiver.
Refer to Table 2 for ordering information. Options are available in higher quantities.
Option Features
None Standard version with M/A-Com SSMT/OSMT antenna connector
S SMB antenna connector instead of SSMT/OSMT
DL Adds datalogging capability
Table 2: Ordering Options
Ordering example: GPS-PS1-S-DL GPS-PS1 with datalogger and SMB connector.
4 Operating Modes
In the current version of the GPS-PS1 the TricklePower mode is not implemented. In Normal Mode, the
module is continuously running as long as the operating voltage Vcc is supplied. Position fixes are
generated at the maximum update rate. An external backup battery must be connected to enable the
module to keep the internal Real T ime Clock running and to hold the SRAM data (ephemeris and almanac
data) during power supply interruption. Use of an external backup battery is recommended to reduce the
system's startup time. However, under good visibility conditions cold- and warm start times do not differ
4.1 Customized Operation
The Hitachi SH-7020 RISC-CPU provides enough computational power to allow the implementation of
additional customer specific software into the module. The current datasheet only provides basic
information on the availability of I/O signals to the customer's appl ication. In order to implement software
on the on-board processor the Software Customization Kit (GPS-SCK) is required. The Software
Customization Kit includes a development platform (compiler) and a sub-license of the firmware on the
receiver. Contact µ-blox for a detailed discussion of the feasibility of implementing a particular application.
5 Technical Specifications
5.1 Electrical Specifications
5.1.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol Min Max Units
Power Supply Voltage Vcc -0.3 16 V
Input Pin Voltage Vin -0.3 6 V
Storage Temperature Tstg -55 125 °C
Table 3: Absolute Maximum Ratings