Rev 1
October 2005 1/3
TQFP32 (7x7) Connection Kit for ST7MDT20-DVP3
The TQFP32 (7x7) Connection Kit (ST7MDT20-
T32/DVP) provides the hardware you need to
connect your ST7MDT20-DVP3 emulator to your
application when debugging applications for ST7
microcontrollers in the TQFP32 (7x7) package.
Connection Kit Contents
■TQFP32 adapter (DB545) – Allows the
connection of your ST7MDT20-DVP3 emulator
to your application board in place of your ST7.
■TQFP32 (7x7) device adapter (DB522) –
Adapts the emulator connection to the package
of your ST7.
■Ironwood TQFP32 socket (SK-UGA06/32A-
01) – solders to your application board to allow
connection of the emulator.
Replacing the TQFP32 (7x7) device adapter with
your ST7 is possible using the Ironwood clam
shell socket (ref: CA-QFE32SA-L-Z-T-02-D1442).
The clam shell socket is not provided in the kit.
For more information...
■ST7-DVP3 User Manual – Information
common to all DVP3 series emulators
■ST7MDT20-DVP3 Probe User Guide –
Information specific to ST7MDT20-DVP3
Figure 1. TQFP32 adapter (DB545)
Figure 2. TQFP32 device adapter (DB522)
Figure 3. Connection to application board
1. Solder socket to application board.
4. Align pin 1 indicators, then
insert the socket’s pins into the
connector on the device adapter.
2. Plug device adapter into the
corresponding connector on the
Pin 1
3. Plug the adapter’s connectors into
the J1 and J2 connectors on the target
emulation board.