SCHOTTKY BARRIER DIODES TABLE 7 SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL SCHOTTKY BARRIER DIODES The construction of these epitaxial, planar, passivated dicdes utilises a Schottky barrier resulting in devices which have a high breakdown voltage and ultra fast switching capabilities. Applications under pulsed conditions include ultra high speed switching, clamping, sampling gates and pulse shaping. R.F. operation applications include {ow noise mixers, large and small signal detectors, limiters and discriminators. FEATURES NOT TO SCALE Available in three packages: Economical Plastic E-tine Microminiature SOT-23 @ Low Leakage Current @ Low Forward Voltage @ Ultra High Speed Switching E-LINE TO-92 SOT-23 NO SUFFIX SUFFIX E ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (SOT-23 and E-line). ZC2800, ZC2810 Parameter Symbol ZC2811, ZC5800 Unit Power Dissipation* Prot 250 mw Operating Temperature Tamb 65 to +200 C Storage Temperature Tstg ~65 to +200 C *Derate to zero at 200C and measured using an infinite heat sink. SOT-23 PACKAGE DEVICE MARKING: Type Code ZC2800E E6 ZC2810E E7 Z2C2811E E8 ZC5800E EQ N.B. HIGH FREQUENCY DIODES Because of the specialised nature of high frequency diodes, the Ferranti range of tuner and Schottky barrier diodes is covered more fully in the R.F.section. D10 SILICON ION IMPLANTED HYPERABRUPT TUNER DIODES Designed for use in VHF electronic tuning applications where large capacitance variations and high Q are required. RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICS at 25C ambient temperature. Reverse Breakdown Nominal Capacitance Capacitance Ratio Q Voltage at Vj =2V, f=1MHz f= 1MHz at VRp=3V Type VR Ctot C2/Ca9 f =50MHz Volts pF max. min. typ. max. min. max. min. ZC830A 25 9.0 10 11.0 4.5 6.0 300 ZC831A 25 13.5 15 16.5 45 6.0 300 ZC832A 25 19.8 22 24.2 5.0 6.5 200 ZC833A 25 29.7 33 36.3 5.0 6.5 200 ZC834A 25 42.3 47 51.7 5.0 6.5 200 ZC835A 25 61.2 68 74.8 5.0 6.5 100 ZC836A 25 90.0 100 110.0 5.0 6.5 100 N.B. Tighter tolerances on diode capacitance, tracking, capacitance ratio can be supplied on request in matched sets of any numbers or in matched groups. To order devices with nominal diode capacitance +5% add suffix B to the device type number. SCHOTTKY BARRIER DIODES Applications under pulsed conditions include ultra high speed switching damping sampling gates and pulse shaping. RF applications include low noise mixers, large and small signal detectors, limiters and discriminators. Cy at Vp =0V Type VeatlF=1mA Ver at Ip = 10pA IR Ip at Ve=1V f=1MHz max. (mV) min. (volts) max. nA at Vp (volts) min. (mA) max. (pF) ZC2800E 410 70 200 50 15 2.0 ZC2810E 410 20 100 15 35 1.2 ZC2811E 410 15 100 10 20 1.2 ZC5800E 410 50 200 35 15 2.0 STANDARD MATCHING SPECIFICATIONS ZC2800 ZC5800 ZC2810 ZC2811 Max. AV=20mV, ip =0.5 to 5.0mMA Max. AV=20mV, Ir =1 to 10mA Max. AC =0.2pF, Vj ==0V Max. AC=0.2pF, Vp =0V H11 SOT-23 TRANSISTORS & DIODES PRODUCT LIST AND DEVICE IDENTIFICATION DIODES DIODES Device Device Device Device Type marking Type marking BAV70 Aa BZX84-C43 x6 BAV74 JA BZX84-C47 x7 BAV99 A? FMMD109 4A BAW56 Al FMMD914 5D BZX84-C2V7 wW4 FMMD3102 4c BZX84-C3V0 W5 HD2A 5D BZX84-C3V3 W6 HD3A 4D BZX84-C3V6 w7 HD4A 7D BZX84-C3V9 we ZC830 Jd BZX84-C4V3 w9 ZC830A, - BZXx84-C4V7 21 ZC830B: _ BZX84-C5V1 Z2 ZC831 J3 BZX84-C5V6 23 ZCB831A - BZX84-C6V2 Z4 ZC831B _ BZX84-C6V8 25 20832 J4 BZX84-C7V5 26 ZC831A _ BZX84-C8V2 z7 ZC832B - BZX84-C9V1 Z8 ZC833 A2 BZX84-C10 zg ZC833A, J2 BZX84-C11 Yi 2C833B _ BZx84-C12 Y2 ZC834 J5 BZX84-C13 Y3 ZC834A, _ BZX84-C15 Y4 ZC834B - BZX84-C16 Y5 2C835 J6 BZX84-C18 Y6 ZC835A, - BZX84-C20 Y7 ZC835B - BZx84-C22 Y8 ZC836 J7 BZX84-C24 Y9 ZC836A - BZX84-C27 x1 ZC836B BZX84-C30 X2 Z2C2800E E6 BZX84-C33 x3 2C2810E E7 BZX84-C36 x4 ZC2811E E8 BZX84-C39 X5 ZC5800E E9 H4