Virtex-6 FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics
DS152 (v3.4) January 12, 2012 www.xilinx.com
Product Specification 63
01/18/10 2.1 Changed absolute maximum ratings for both VIN and VTS in Ta bl e 1 . Added data to Ta bl e 3 . Added
data to Ta b l e 5 . Updated SSTL15 in Ta bl e 7 . Updated VOCM and VOD values in Ta b l e 8 . Added eFUSE
endurance Ta b l e 1 2 . Added values to VMGTREFCLK and VIN in Table 13, page 11. Added values and
updated tables in the GTX Transceiver Specifications and GTH Transceiver Specifications sections.
Added Ta b l e 2 7 and Figure 4. Revised parameters and values in Ta b le 3 9 . Updated Table 40, page 23.
Added data to Ta b l e 4 1. Updated speed specification to v1.04 with appropriate changes to Ta b l e 4 2
and Ta ble 4 3 including production release of the XC6VLX240T for -1 and -2 speed grades. Speed
specification changes and numerous updates also made to Ta b l e 4 4 , and Ta b l e 4 9 through Ta b l e 7 1 .
Added data to Ta b l e 7 3 and Tabl e 7 4.
02/09/10 2.2 Revised description of CIN in Ta b l e 3 . Clarified values in Ta bl e 5 . Fixed SDR LVDS unit error in
Ta b le 4 1 .
04/12/10 2.3 Added note 3 and update value of n in Ta b l e 3 . Clarified simultaneous power-down in Power-On Power
Supply Requirements. Updated external reference junction temperatures in Ta bl e 4 0, Analog-to-Digital
Specifications. Updated speed specification to v1.05 with appropriate changes to Ta b l e 4 2 and
Ta b le 4 3 including production release of the XC6VLX130T for -1 and -2 speed grades. Fixed note 4 in
Ta b le 4 8 . Increased the -2 specification for FIDELAYCTRL_REF and clarified units for TIDELAYPAT_JIT in
Ta b le 5 3 . Added note 1 to Ta bl e 6 2.
05/11/10 2.4 Updated FRXREC in Tab le 2 2 . Revised FIDELAYCTRL_REF in Ta bl e 5 3 . Removed TRCKO_PARITY_ECC:
Clock CLK to ECCPARITY in standard ECC mode row in Ta bl e 5 7. Added XC6VLX130T values to
Ta b le 7 2 .
05/26/10 2.5 Added XC6VLX195T data to Ta bl e 5. Updated values in Ta b l e 2 2 including adding note 2 and note 3.
Updated speed specification to v1.06 with appropriate changes to Ta b l e 4 2 and Ta b le 4 3 including
production release of the XC6VLX195T for -1 and -2 speed grades. Added XC6VLX195T values to
Ta b le 7 2 .
07/16/10 2.6 Changed Ta bl e 42 and Ta bl e 43 to production status on the -3 speed grade XC6VLX130T,
XC6VLX195T, and XC6VLX240T devices. Added XC6VHX250Tdata to Ta b l e 4 and Ta bl e 7 2 . Added
Note 6 to Tab le 6 4.
07/23/10 2.7 Changed Ta b l e 4 2 and Ta bl e 4 3 to production status on the XC6VLX75T, XC6VLX365T, XC6VLX550T,
XC6VLX760, XC6VSX315T, and XC6VSX475T devices using ISE 12.2 software with speed
specification v1.08. Updated VCMOUTDC equation to MGTAVTT – DVPPOUT/4 in Ta b l e 1 7 . Updated
some -3, -2, -1 specifications in Tabl e 65 through Ta b l e 7 2 . Added and updated -1L specifications to
Ta b le 4 1 and for most switching characteristics tables.
07/30/10 2.8 Changed Ta bl e 42 and Ta bl e 43 to production status on the -1L speed grade for the XC6VLX130T,
XC6VLX195T, XC6VLX240T, XC6VLX365T, and XC6VLX550T devices using ISE 12.2 software with
current speed specifications. Also updated the speed specifications for XC6VLX75T, XC6VLX550T,
and XC6VSX315T. Updated VCCINT specifications for -1L speed grade industrial temperature range
devices in Ta bl e 2 .
09/20/10 2.9 In Ta b l e 3 2 , changed FGPLLMAX specification in -3 column from 5.951 to 5.591. In Ta b l e 4 0 , changed
FMAX for the DCLK from 250 MHz to 80 MHz.
10/18/10 2.10 The specification change in version 2.9, Ta b l e 4 0 is described in XCN10032, Virtex-6 FPGA: GTX
Transceiver User Guide, Family Data Sheet (SYSMON DCLK), and JTAG ID Changes
In this version (2.10), -1L(I) data is added to Ta b l e 4 and clarified in Note 2. Changed Ta b l e 4 2 and
Ta b le 4 3 to production status on the -1L speed grade XC6VLX75T, XC6VLX760, XC6VSX315T, and
XC6VSX475T devices using ISE 12.3 software with current speed specifications. Revised the
XC6VLX760 -1L speed specification for TPHMMCMGC in Ta bl e 6 9 and TPHMMCMCC in Ta b le 7 0 .
01/17/11 2.11 Changed in Ta b l e 4 2 and Ta b l e 4 3 to production status on the XC6VHX250T devices using ISE 12.4
software with current speed specifications.
Added industrial temperature range (Tj) recommended specifications to Ta b l e 2 ; including specific
ranges for the -2I XC6VSX475T, XC6VLX550T, XC6VLX760, and XC6VHX565Tdevices. Added
note 3 to Ta bl e 3 6 and maximum total jitter values. Added note 4 to Ta b l e 3 7 and maximum sinusoidal
jitter values. Added note 2 to Ta b l e 4 3 . Revised FMAX descriptions in Ta bl e 5 7 and added note 12.
Added note 8 to FPFDMIN in Ta b l e 6 4 .
The following revisions are due to specification changes as described in XCN11009, Virtex-6 FPGA:
Data Sheet, User Guides, and JTAG ID Updates.
In Ta b l e 5 9 :Configuration Switching Characteristics, page 49, revised -1L specifications for TPOR,
MMCM Specification, added bandwidth settings to FPFDMIN and added note 1.
Date Version Description of Revisions