Rev. G
WCDMA Powe r Am plif ier Mo dule 192 0–198 0 MHz ( Pr elimin ary )
Appl ic at io ns Information
Pr ecautions to Avoid Perman ent Device Damag e:
• Cleanliness: Observe proper handling procedures to ensure
clean devices and PCBs. Devices should remain in their
original packaging until component placement to ensure no
contamination or damage to RF, DC and ground contact
• Device Cleaning: Standa rd b oard cleaning techniq ues shou ld
not present device problems provided that the boards are
properly dried to remove solvents or water residues.
• Static Sensitivi ty: Fo llow ESD precautions to prot ect agains t
ESD dama ge:
– A pro per ly gr ound ed sta ti c-dis sipa ti ve su rfa ce on whi ch to
pl ac e de vi ce s.
– Static-dissipative floor or mat.
– A pro pe r ly grou nd ed cond uct i ve wr ist st rap f or ea ch pe rson
to w ear while handling devices.
• General Handling: Handle the package on the top with a
vacuum collet or along the edges with a sharp pair of bent
tweezers. Avoiding damaging the RF, DC, and ground
contacts on the package bottom. Do not apply excessive
pressure to the top of the lid.
• Device Storage: Devices are supplied in heat-sealed,
moisture-barrier ba gs. In this conditio n, d evices are protected
and require no special storage conditions. Once the sealed
bag has been opened, devices should be stored in a dry
nitrogen environment.
Device Usage :
Fairchild recommends the following procedures prior to
• Assemble the devices within 7 days of removal from the dry
• During the 7-day period, the devices must be stored in an
environment of less than 60% relative humidity and a
maximum temperature of 30°C
• If th e 7-da y pe rio d or the envi ron me nt al c ondi ti o ns have be en
ex ceeded, then the dry-b ake pr oced ure, at 12 5°C fo r 24 h ours
minimum, must be perfor med.
Solder Mate rials & Temper at ure Profile:
Reflow soldering is the preferred method of SMT attachment.
Hand soldering is not recommended.
Reflow Profile
• Ramp- up: During this stage the solvents are evaporated from
the solder paste. Care should be taken to prevent rapid
oxidation (or paste slump) and solder bursts caused by violent
solvent out-gassing. A maximum heating rate is 3°C/sec.
• Pre-heat/soak: The soak temperature stage serves two
purposes; the flux is activated and the board and devices
achieve a uniform temperature. The recommended soak
c ondition is: 60- 180 seconds at 150- 200°C.
• Refl ow Zo ne: If the tem pe rat ur e is too hi gh , the n de vic es may
be da mage d by mech ani cal str ess du e to the rmal mismat ch or
there may be problems due to excessive solder oxidation.
Excessive time at temperature can enhance the formation of
inter-metallic compounds at the lead/board interface and may
lead to early mechanical failure of the joint. Reflow must occur
prior to the flux being completely driven off. The duration of
peak reflow temperature should not exceed 20 seconds.
Soldering temperatures should be in the range 255–260°C,
with a maximum limit of 26 0°C.
• Cooling Zone: Steep thermal gradients may give rise to
exc es si ve ther m a l sh oc k . H owe v er, ra p id c oo l i ng prom ot e s a
finer grain structure and a more crack-resistant solder joint.
The illustration below indicates the recommended soldering
Solder Joint Characteristics:
Proper operation of this device depends on a reliable void-free
at ta c hm en t of the he at s in k to the P W B. Th e s ol der jo in t shou ld
be 95 % vo id - free and b e a co ns is te nt t hi ck n es s.
Rework Considerations:
Rework of a device attached to a board is limited to reflow of t he
solder with a heat gun. The device should be subjected to no
more than 15°C above the solder melting temperature for no
more than 5 seconds. No more than 2 rework operations should
be performed.
Recomm en ded So lder Reflow Profile
Ramp-Up Rate
3 °C/sec max
Temperature (°C)
Time 25 °C/sec to peak temp
6 minutes max
Ramp-Down Rate
6 °C/sec max
Preheat, 150 to 200 °C
60 - 180 sec
Time above
liquidus temp
60 - 150 sec
Peak temp
260 +0/-5 °C
10 - 20 sec
Time (Sec)
Ramp-Up Rate
3 °C/sec max