I T T CORP/ I T T CMPNTS 3LE D MM 482684 0001308 1 Ml F193-09 General Purpose and Switching Diodes in DO-35 Package Type PeakInv. Max.Aver. Power Junction Forward Reverse Reverse Recovery Time . Voltage Rectified Dissipation Tempera- Voltage Current Ip -~ one wet -- PIV Currentlo at 25C ture T; Drop Ve - ~ ae _ at Ip atVa ~ Lm. se ct Volts mA max,.mW max.G max.Vo mA max.nA Volts tens Conditions oF 1N914 100 75 500 200 1.0 10 25 20 max.4.0 _Ip=t0mA, Va=6V,RL= 1009, tola=1mA 1N4148 100 150 500 200 1.0 10 26 20 max. 4.0 Ip= 10 mA, Va=6V, R= 1002, tola=1mA 1N4149 100 150 500 200 1.0 10 25 20 max.4.0 [p= 10mA,Va=6V,R.= 1009, tola=1mA 1N4150 50 ~. 200 500 200 1.0 200 100 50 max.4.0 _ tp=t,=10to200mA, to0.1 tr 1N4151 75 150 500 200 1.0 50. 50 50 max. 2.0 [p= 10 mA, Va=6V, RL= 1009, la=1mA 1N4152 40 150 400 176 0.55 0.10 50 30 max, 2.0 Ip= 10 MA, Va=6V,R_= 100, tola=tmA 1N4153 76 150 400 176 0.55 0.10 50 50 max. 2.0 te= 10 mA, Va=6V, RL =100Q, tola=1mA 1N4154 35 150 500 200 1.0 30 100 25 max. 2.0 Ip= 10 mA, Va=6V, RL = 100Q, tola=imA 1N4446 100 150 00 200 1.0 20 25 20 max. 4.0 fe= 10 MA, Va=6V, Ri = 1009, tola=imA 1N4447 100 150 500 200 1.0 20 25 20 max. 4.0 [p= 10 mA, Va=6V,RL= 1009, tolg=1mA 1N4448 100 150 500 200 1.0 100 25 20 max. 4.0 Ip= 10 MA, Va=6V, R, = 100, tolp=1mA 1N4449 100 150 500 200 1.0 100 25 20 max. 4.0 le= 10 mA, Va=6V, R= 100Q, tola=t mA 1N4450 40 150 400 175 0.64 0.50 50 30 max. 4.0 le=la=10mA, tola=1mA 1N4451 40 150 400 175 0.50 0.10 50 30 max. 10 tp=In=10mA, tola=1mA 1N4453 30 150 400 175 0.55 0.01 50 20 - = 1N4454 75 150 400 175 1.0 10 100 50 max. 4.0 lp=ln=10mA, tola=1mA General Purpose and Switching Diodes in MiniMELF Package Type Peakinv. Max.Aver. Power Junction Forward Raverse Reverse Recovery Time Voltage Rectified Dissipation Tempera- Voltage Current Iq PIV Currentle at25C ture Tj Drop V; _ at lr atV_ Volts mA max.mW max.C max.Vo mA max.nA Volts t,ns Conditions m LL4148 100 150 00 200 1.0 10 25 20 max. 4.0 te=10mA, Va=6V, Ri = 100 9, tola= 1 MA LL4149 100 150 500 200 1.0 10 25 20 max. 4.0 te=10MA, Va=6V, Ri #1009, tolg=1mA LL4150 50 200 00 200 1.0 200 100 50 max. 4.0 Ip=la= 10 to 200 mA, td 0.1 Ir LL4151 76 150 00 200 1.0 50 50 50 max, 2.0 p= 10 mA, Va=6V, RL =100Q, tola=tmA LL4152 40 150 400 175 0.55 0,10 50 30 max. 2.0 Ip=10 mA, Va=6V, RL = 1009, tolp=1mA LL4153 75 150 400 175 055 0,10 50 50 max.2.0 _ fp=10mA,Va=6V, R= 1009, tola=1mA LL4154 35 150 500 200 1.0 30 100 25 max. 2.0 Ip=10 mA, Va=6V, R_=100Q, tola=1mA LL4446 100 150 500 200 1.0 20 25 20 max. 4.0 le=10 MA, Va=6V, AL= 100 Q, tola=imA LL4447 100 150 00 200 1.0 20 25 20 max. 4.0 Ip= 10 mA, Va=6V, RL= 1002, tola=1mA LL4448 100 1650 500 200 1.0 100 25 20 max. 4.0 lp=10 mA, Va=6V, RL = 1002, tola=1mA. LL4449 100 150 500 200 1.0 100 26 20 max. 4.0 1p 10 MA, Va=6V, R= 1009, tola=tmA LL4450 40 150 400_ 175 0.54 0.50 50 30 max. 4.0 ip=!q= 10mA, tola=1mA LL4451 40 150 400 175 0,50 0.10 0 30 max. 10 lp=lp=10mA,tola=tmA LL4453 30 150 400 175 0.55 0.01 50 20 - = LL4454 75 150 400 175 1.0 10 100 0 max. 4.0 Ie=la=10mA, tola=1mA ITT Components