Enpirion® Power Evaluation Board User Guide
EP5358xUI PowerSoC
Enpirion EP5358xUI DC/D C Conver ter
Module Eval uati on Board
Thank you for c hoosing Altera E npirion power produc ts !
This application note describes how to test the EP5358xUI (EP5358LUI,
EP5358HUI) converters using Altera’s Enpirion 2.5mmx2.25mm Module EVAL
BOARD shown in Fig. 1. In addition to this document you will also need the
device datasheet for a thor ough evaluation of the power c onverter m odule.
The EP5358xUI converters are par t of a new c las s of D C/DC c onverter pr oduc ts,
a c om plete pow er s ys tem on c hip ( Pow erSoC ):
• These devices are complete modules including magnetics, and require
only c eram ic input and output c apac itors .
• The evaluation board is designed to offer a wide range of engineering
evaluation capabilities. This includes the base configuration of an 0603
input c apac itor and an 0805 output c apac itor .
• Pads are available to add up to one additional input capacitor and up to
one additional output capacitor for evaluation of performance over a wide
range of input/output capacitor combinations.
• Pads are available to populate an external resistor divider to enable output
voltage programming of values not available using the VID. The pads are
labeled R1 and R2. Pads are also available for placing an optional feed-
forward capacitor (labeled C9) across resistor R1. NOTE: The External
voltage divider option is available only with EP5358LUI.
• Jum pers are provided for eas y progr am m ing of the following s ignals :
o Enable
o VS0-VS2 output voltage selection pins
• Test points are provided as well as clip leads for input and output
• The board comes with input decoupling, and input reverse polarity
protection to safeguard the devic e from c om m on s etup m is haps .
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