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All Rights Reserved
March 2001
1738U-Type Small Form-Factor Preliminary Data Sheet
Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier with Uncooled Pump March 2001
Ordering Information
* For additional ordering information, please contact an Agere Systems account manager at OPTO West, 1-800-362-3891 (for sales staff,
please press option 2).
Coding Scheme
Example: 1738Uαβγ
α = Optical connector indicator:
β = Electrical connection:
A = Male 2 x 10 at 2 mm spacing
B = future use
γ = Future use
Table 3. Ordering Information*
Device Code Connector Electrical Connection Comcode
1738UAA SC/APC Male 2 x 10 at 2 mm spacing TBD
1738UBA LC/APC Male 2 x 10 at 2 mm spacing TBD
1738UBA FC/SPC Male 2 x 10 at 2 mm spacing TBD